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Windows 10 Automatic Updates Start Causing Problems

Updated Jul 30, 2015, 03:37pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

Last week Microsoft confirmed every Windows 10 update will mandatory and installed automatically. This was met with a hostile reception from Forbes readers with over 100 comments on my news article voicing their concern. And now some of those fears have been realised…

With just four days left before launch, Windows 10’s policy of automatic updates has run into its first major problem and it is causing many PCs to stop working correctly.

Dreadful Drivers

The flaw revolves around Nvidia graphics cards with users taking to Nvidia’s forums to report Windows Update is automatically installing new drivers which break multimonitor setups, SLI (dual card) configurations and can even stop PCs booting entirely which pushes Windows 10 into its emergency recovery mode.

“Please pull these off Windows update!!!” writes Nvidia forum poster slycoder. “It makes my second monitor not work and lots of flickering! Please. I roll back and Windows Update reinstalls them :/”

“I second this,” agrees ZabaZu. “For multi screen users, that driver is flat out broken and it is beyond annoying that windows auto updates to it.”

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Read more - Windows 10 Free Upgrades Explained

Interestingly the problem has also been experienced by Forbes contributor Paul Monckton who has done some digging and explained to me that the fault lies in a conflict between Windows Update and Nvidia’s own driver and software management tool the ‘Nvidia GeForce Experience’.

“It looks like driver version 353.54 [the latest at time of writing] is available only via Window Update,” Monckton told me. “The problem is the Nvidia GeForce Experience then tried to downgrade that to the previous version while claiming the previous version was actually newer.”

The problem is compounded by the fact that Windows Update doesn’t actually reveal driver version numbers prior to install or warn the user in advance so pinpointing something that has suddenly caused problems can be hard to identify.

In the case of an SLI configuration Windows Update on Windows 10 also currently believes it has to perform two device upgrades when a single driver update covers both, which forces the update to install on top of itself.

Update Clashes

And here lies the crux of the problem: many PC components and peripherals come with bundled software that automatically manages driver updates already. PC makers also often bolt on driver update management software onto their PCs ( Lenovo  is a notable example) which then has the potential to conflict with driver updates delivered by Windows Update.

Read more - Microsoft Confirms Windows 10 Updates Cannot Be Stopped

Consequently unless Windows Update and third party driver management software receive updates at exactly the same time an ongoing battle of upgrading and downgrading can ensue between them. Third party software can be told to stop, but if the driver problem lies with Windows Update (as it does in this case) there’s no way to stop Windows 10 reinstalling it once removed, which causes the problem to come back again and again.

Interestingly, in previous versions of Windows this wasn’t a problem as Windows Update classed driver updates as ‘Optional’ and prompted users when they were available.

So what is the solution? Right now a couple of workarounds spring to mind…

Short Term Fixes

Given Windows 10 updates cannot be stopped the most obvious solution is to uninstall third party driver management and hand it all over to Windows Update to avoid clashes. This potentially simplifies matters by providing an all-in-one update service, but it does mean taking away control from specialist companies over their own products.

A second approach is something many readers mentioned in comments on my previous post when Microsoft confirmed Windows 10 updates were unstoppable: hack it.

Initially this might work, but in April senior Microsoft product marketing manager Helen Harmetz said during a Windows 10 webinar that users who forcibly stopped any Windows 10 updates would eventually have their security updates cut off. Microsoft has yet to confirm this brutal enforcement policy in official documentation, but if this is the path it chooses that would ultimately make any form of update hack pointless.

Read more - Why Microsoft Announced Windows 10 Is 'The Last Version Of Windows'

The Long Term Solution

To answer the cries of many, an obvious long term solution would be for Microsoft to simply allow users to turn off automatic updates for non-essential categories like drivers - or at least prompt them before driver updates.

Barring a policy U-turn, however, that isn’t going to happen. Instead Microsoft will likely point to its Fast and Slow ‘Rings’ - where users concerned about receiving a buggy update can opt for the Slow Ring which means they get updates up to one month after they are sent to users who choose the Fast Ring.

This is fine as long as a) you’re happy now having all updates a month late, b) you trust Microsoft to have fixed any buggy updates with that extra time, and c) it doesn’t scare off enough Fast Ring users that there aren’t enough guinea pigs to test new updates with. After all, Windows 10 ships with users set to the Slow Ring by default.

Finding A Balance

And yet it is important to be clear here about the potential benefits of Microsoft’s decision to make Windows 10 updates unstoppable. While bugs like the Nvidia issue here are a potential side effect, it is far more common for PCs to be hit with problems because their software is not up to date than because it was updated too quickly.

Microsoft is therefore taking a greater good approach which will see millions of Windows 10 computers around the world be more reliable and more secure in general.

Read more - When 'Free' Windows 10 Becomes Expensive, You Must Know This

That said, in my opinion, Microsoft is also being overly dictatorial. By all means enable automatic updates by default, but give users the flexibility to change this for non-security related categories or offer the ability to outsource certain driver updates from Windows Update to third party software like the Nvidia GeForce Experience. These companies are specialists in their own products.

Ultimately it all comes down to balance: security Vs flexibility, control Vs choice. For my money, with just four days to launch, Windows 10 hasn’t found that.


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