

Was a very, very obscure photographer working in his garage shooting stuff with a pellet rifle and photographing the results with a home built flash.


Then in early 2009, someone linked one of my pictures to a social networking site. My boss came by one day and told me my site was getting a huge number of views. Emails from magazines, newspapers and even Good Morning America started clogging my FlickrMail box.


It was very stressful.


After the dust settled down I now have a very nice view rate in the thousand or so per day.


And now I'm a slightly less obscure photographer.


After all, two point four billion Chinese and Indian nationals have never heard of me. That is a lot of obscurity :-)


The present traffic is much more manageable. It's fun to read comments and answer questions about the pictures.


I hope you liked what you saw.


Here are two links to information that I used to build my high speed flash.


The article from Scientific American


Microflash Manual


If you do decide to try and build a flash from this information, please be careful. The main storage capacitor is pure death.


A link to detailed plans for building a microsecond flash :




If you can't build one from this information, then I'm sorry.


If you have any questions about my work my email is saileralan(at)gmail.com.



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  • JoinedJune 2007
  • OccupationEngineer
  • Current cityCamarillo
  • CountryUnited Straights of Ameriki
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Photos of Alan Sailer


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