We've Moved To

Dear friends, we have some sad news to report. EISIL has been HACKED 🙁

Unfortunately, when you get on any page of our site from a mobile device, that is, through the cellular network of the operator, there is a redirect (redirection) to third-party resources. As a rule, in this case, web pages with all sorts of offers for paid subscriptions and medical products will open.

We consulted with Google representatives about this situation, and they recommended that we move to a new domain. We also tried to restore the site, but our users could not find us in search engines. For this reason, we are forced to move to EISIL.NET.

We appreciate your understanding and support on this matter.

This resource was developed by the American Society of International Law. It has a section on international environmental law which has extensive links to primary and secondary sources. Resource provides information about different types of international law.