How to Prepare Butterscotch Chips for Dipping

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Things You'll Need

  • Microwave safe bowl

  • Butterscotch chips

  • Evaporated milk

  • Vegetable shortening

  • Wooden spoon

  • Fondue pot (optional)

Cookies, apple slices and ice cream cones all taste better after they have been dipped in butterscotch. Butterscotch chips do not melt as easily as chocolate chips and tend to remain lumpy. One mistake is to heat the chips longer, which scorches the butterscotch. Create a smooth, creamy butterscotch dip with frequent stirring and adding shortening and evaporated milk. The shortening will help thin any lumps and, because it has a higher melting point, will help prevent burning. The evaporated milk gives the butterscotch dip a silky texture.


Step 1

Place the butterscotch chips in a microwave safe bowl. Add 1/3 cup of evaporated milk and 1 1/2 tbsp. of vegetable shortening per 10 to 12 oz. package of chips.

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Step 2

Cook the chips, milk and shortening in the microwave on medium-high heat for 1 minute. Remove the bowl and stir the mixture thoroughly.


Step 3

Return the bowl to the microwave and continue to cook the chips in 15-second intervals—stirring the mixture in between—until the chips are melted.

Step 4

Pour the butterscotch dip in a fondue pot if you want to keep the dip melted for a longer period of time.


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