Karthik Sridharan

Associate Professor

Cornell University

About Me:

I am currently an Associate Professor at the department of Computer Science at Cornell University. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Pennsylvania, jointly with Alexander Rakhlin and Michael Kearns. I obtained my PhD from Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago where my thesis advisor was Nathan Srebro. My primary area of research is theoretical machine learning.

Current Students:

  1. Ayush Sekhari, Co-advised with Prof. Robert D. Kleinberg, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University
  2. Wilson Yoo, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University

Past Students:

  1. Dylan Foster, senior researcher at Microsoft Research, New England.
  2. Chuan Guo, Co-advised with Prof. Kilian Weinberger, Currently a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research