Community Events

Throughout the academic year, the CFA Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion coordinates events that aim to bring together our CFA community, sparking conversation and broader ways of thinking.

Global Arts Ball

an evening of food, fashion and arts tradition from around the world

April 25, 2024

Global Arts Ball

6:30–8:30pm | Community Celebration
Simmons Auditorium, Tepper

The CFA Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is hosting the second annual Global Arts Ball!

This exciting celebration of identities and stories in our community will include:

  • An art sale of original work by CFA students and staff
  • Live music provided by student performers in CFA
  • Free food and baked goods catered by Aladdin's Eatery and Panadería Jazmin

Free to all students, staff and faculty.

Register in Advance