Key research areas

Infection and Immunity supports studies of the immune system in health and illness and the cause, spread, treatment and prevention of infectious disease. Three key areas that bring together the broad cross-section of disciplines involved in our research are: 

1. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). We are committed to fighting the global challenge posed by AMR; the University has received research funding in the region of £7.4m from the UKRI 'Tackling AMR - A Cross-Council Initiative' to find effective and sustainable solutions to this urgent problem. Read more on the Bristol AMR website.

2. Application of vaccines. Manipulation of the immune system for therapeutic benefit remains a crucial health challenge. Bristol Children’s Vaccine Centre co-ordinates a wide range of studies on the efficacy of vaccine interventions as do studies undertaken by the Bristol Veterinary School and the Bristol BioDesign Institute

3. Data Science Integration. The need for more effective integration of large data sets is the challenge for the Jean Golding Institute for data-intensive research.

Mouse strains

The Infection and Immunity Research Network collects information on mouse strains used locally for research agrrements (MTAs). If you wish to learn more about a particular strain, please email; we will pass your enquiry on to the investigator who owns the mice. While we will make efforts to keep this list up to date, availability may change without notice.

Genetically_modified_mouse_strains (Office document, 21kB)


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