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Mapping MIT Room by Room

The Facility Information Systems (FIS) team, which is part of MIT�s Office of Campus Planning, provides space accounting, archiving, mapping, and signage support for the Institute. In addition to developing and disseminating MIT maps, floorplans, and space inventories, FIS provides data for MIT�s online maps and collaborates with departments across the campus on emergency planning and major event logistics. This team maintains and reproduces the geographic and building information presented in the MIT campus map and worked with the MIT Activities Committee to create an underground tour map and a seasonal garden tour map.

Facilities Archives is a repository of building drawings and plans dating from the original Cambridge campus buildings begun in 1913 to contemporary structures by renowned architects.

Building information provides inventories of the buildings and rooms that are used daily for academic, residential, or support activities. This information includes gross area breakdowns, room inventory definitions, how buildings are numbered, and more.

Floorplans are available to help departments, labs, and centers plan for change, pinpoint repair or installation points, or reallocate space. For security reasons floorplans are available only to on campus MIT community members.

CAD guidelines (PDF) are issued to promote the development of AutoCAD drawings suitable for use in the Department of Facilities CAD environment. CAD documentation submitted to MIT by Architects, Engineers, Contractors and other consultants must conform to these guidelines.

The MIT Design Standards describe MIT�s expectations for new construction and renovation projects and were developed for use by teams working on such projects, including architects, engineers, contractors, equipment vendors, and MIT construction project managers.

 Lobby 10 Ceiling
 Facilities BIM Execution Plan (PDF)
 Facilities CAD and BIM Guidelines (PDF)


Department Directory

Facility Information Systems

William Witts

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology