universaltim's avatar


The man, the myth, the legend
19 Watchers40 Deviations
  • Apr 8
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Well, after all this time I finally submitted some of my work on Deviant Art. More will be coming, as soon as I can chase away those damn rabid space monkeys. They keep drinking all of my whiskey.
I've spent most of my life drawing all sorts of things from robots and spaceships, to still life and animals. Even when I was in the military, I was drawing when I wasn't trying to disarm the occasional UXO, or keep from getting blown up by my fellow munitions troops. (God bless 'em anyway) And even though I am eyeing my Master's in Healthcare Administration while working full time in an office, I am also tossing my hat into the ring of comic strips.
I'm currently working on a comic that I hope to get up and running online by the end of this year. So far, I've got some of the artwork done, and about three months worth of stories scripted with another nine months of stories in the planning stages. I just want to make sure I do this right.

Current Residence: Arizona, east of Hell, north of nowhere
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Whatever fits
Print preference: Leopard...wait, what was the question?
Favourite genre of music: Anything (especially Jazz and Classic Rock)
Favourite photographer: Me...does that count?
Favourite style of art: Whatever works
Operating System: XP (I'm not too picky)
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: Conch (wait, that isn't what you meant?)
Skin of choice: I like mine, thank you very much. It suits me.
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Snoopy, Bugs Bunny (you know, the classics)
Personal Quote: "All I ask for: the heaven above And the road below me." -- Robert Louis Stevenson

Favourite Movies
Stalag 17, Kelly's Heroes, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Goonies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
BB King, Elvis, Wynton Marsalis
Favourite Writers
Too many to name here
Favourite Games
Space Quest series, Starflight, Escape Velocity series
Tools of the Trade
Hammer, assault rifle, C4, and a pencil
Other Interests
Stuff, and occasionally...things
Yeah, I know many years have passed. It's kind of hard to update when pursuing a career, getting married, having a child and raising her. On the up side, she's old enough now to appreciate some of my drawings, so it has me back to my beginnings. Draw...
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This weekend I'll finally be taking that big step in life, as I'll be getting married to the most wonderful girl in the world. Also, I just started back to school and will be finishing my degree hopefully by the end of the summer. Work has also changed, and starting when I get back from my honeymoon, I'll be on a new team. I now have a desk by a large window with a nice view and a team that loves to have potlucks as often as possible. So, in every sense of the term almost, I'm really starting a new life! Looking forward to this new chapter. So far it has been beyond anything I could imagine, and it keeps getting better.
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Ok, so I totally underestimated how busy I would be at work throughout 2009 and let time get away from me. And as for 2010, met a wonderful girl and and now I am getting married...so yep, no time for updates. Also, with three computers dying on me over the last year, I'm down to one laptop (I was able to salvage and reformat). As it stands now, I definitely won't have any updates for the next few months. Too much on my plate to even begin to think about this site. However, stuff will come in soon enough. Saving for Adobe CS5 (as well as a motorcycle) and will be planning some updates sometime next summer. I have some things I can upload, but
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Profile Comments 14

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Hey dude. I'm really cranking out the drawings now and I wanted to get a new more streamline handle so i went with this one. I'll be posting all my new art on this profile.

Just letting you know.
Look at you, all new and improved! Well...new anyway.
Just kidding.
Welcome back, and I look forward to seeing your new creations!
Hey dude, this Saturday I'm having a BBQ and you're totally invited. Give me a call. Later.
Apparently I need to check my messages more often.
Also, I know it's late and all but...I won't be able to make it to the 4th of July celebration.
Lastly, I think I am falling behind on my art submissions. I'm learning that as a lazy person, I find it hard to come home after 9 hours of work and sit down to draw my comic. Maybe I should hire some cheap overseas labor?
I know what you mean. I have time all day till 2pm and after work at 8pm to work on my stuff and I always end up dicking around with something else. I wanted to finish this project sooooo long ago. Oh well... I'll finish it...
So... I was walking down the street one day and I heard the sound of a trash can being knocked over. I turned around and there it was; eyes blood shot and crusted, foaming at the mouth. It's growl was deep as it snarled at me. It was wearing a space suite stained with dried blood. And all I could say before it attacked was, "RABID SPACE MONKEY!!!!"

Yeah those things suck.
Tell me about it. I once saw one chew a guys head off while beating him with a radioactive frozen banana. I would have laughed but at the time he was the driver of the taxi I was in and I was locked in the back seat with only a broken slinky as a weapon. Fortunately I know slinky-fu...