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  Welcome to ... we have 842 DSL ISPs, 2034 reviews, 237 region reports03/02 (site load: 20%)
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rycelover Acecape, Inc.
UncleDale Southwestern Bell
AndyHopper Internet Express
tpdorsey Acecape, Inc.
cbastian Acecape, Inc.
JMM bell atlantic
ron.muth Flashcom
mrmancss Pacific Bell
kam Phoenix Networks
bell atlantic
PacificNet by jjs142
Internet Express by vrapp
Tellurian Networks by CraigBrosius
bell atlantic by surlyboi
bell atlantic by labbie
GTE Internet by moo2
Internet Express by RustyEMT
BellSouth by drewc1
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posted 02-24 23:23
PPPoE is still causing problems for folks. We still think PPPoE is a nasty hack and a step in the wrong direction, and whomever gave it the marketing spin that it "preserves the dialup experience" needs their head examined... [read on for 5 PPPoE tips..]

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72 hours and 80% SLA
posted 02-23 14:29
This recent post to ne.internet is republished here with the consent of Hadley, the original author. It is an excellent description of why it can take several days to a week to get a simple problem with an ILEC (incumbant local exchange carrier) DSL line fixed, whereas many CO (central office) related faults with a CLEC (Covad, Rhythms, NorthPoint and the rest) DSL line will often be fixed more quickly.. Food for thought for a business considering what kind of DSL to get, and from whom, and for residential users with a home line failure, well .. now you know... [read on for his post..]

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Broadband Region Reports
*Cumberland PA by Brian
*Lexington Middlesex MA
*Killeen Bell TX by ssgclark
*Colorado Springs El Paso CO by elkay13
*District of Columbia DC by asaron
*Fort Wayne Allen IN by TVining
*Gloucester Essex MA by goobah
*Homestead Miami-Dade FL by banshe
*Tulsa Osage OK by baz
*Harrisburg Dauphin PA
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Researchers at The Unversity of Arizona are interested in your experiences with ADSL, CATV or modem Internet Access.
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Telco Reviews
Bell Canada (Sympatico)
Cincinnati Bell
GTE (Internet)
Pacific Bell
Southwestern Bell
Last three good= mixed= bad= user ratings, on each Bell ADSL service. Click the company name for full review ratings and text.

Read our verdict culled from user reviews, and check which ISPs have six green lights!
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Competitive bidding for a T3? is the market.

Dale Sorenson Mac DSL Provider Page
Tim Higgins
posted 02-19 22:26
Estimated distance, actual distance, ADSL, SDSL, RADSL, thickness of copper, obscure regulations, CLECs vs ILECs.. all this makes for a confusing mess for anyone contemplating DSL beyond the comfort zone of 1-12000 feet from their CO. What distance rules of thumb are in use for DSL order taking and line installs? use our handy distance charts. We need some help with this, use the feedback links on the page if you can add anything!
(Comments:  Read: 3 Add)

BA learning on the job?
posted 02-17 00:24
This thread on our BA forum, makes for interesting reading. It is a conversation between some technical BA users who have discovered a flashing BA modem data light may not always be good news.
One of the common marketing features of DSL is that it provides a secure and dedicated connection from you to the net. PPPoE, a protocol favored by large DSL networks (but not users), is also marketed as providing further protection. Neither of these features are working right now for Bell Atlantic ISP users, making the windows "network neighborhood" a lot more neighborly than anyone imagined.
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New PacBell price point
posted 02-15 10:15
Pacific Bell has reached a new price point, offering their basic residential DSL service via their ISP,, for $40 less a nickel all-in per month (on a 1 year contract), free install and free equipment, for orders taken from now to April 30th.
Pacbell DSL is quite unique among ADSL products offered around the US in that your speed is whatever your line can support.. from 384k up to 1500k .. all for the same price.. upload, however, remains at 128k.
If you are on the $49.95 package, call PacBell and see if you can move down to $39.95 by agreeing to a restart of your 12 month term, especially if you only just ordered it under the old price!
(Comments:  Read: 13 Add)

FreeDSL vs FreeXDSL
posted 02-13 17:10
Please check out our new FreeDSL comparison page. This page is now also (and always) available from the Get DSL! navigation box at the left..
Here we have compared the two "free DSL" company terms & conditions, so you can see what you are signing up for. There is also a message board at the end of the article where you may comment and update us on your experiences with free DSL.
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Mindspring now in NYC
posted 02-08 13:56
Mindspring/Earthlink stretches to NY now, See Mindspring Max. These huge national dialup ISPs are slowly expanding their coverage areas. Welcome to the big apple!
(Comments:  Read: 4 Add)

Big brother is watching..
posted 02-07 09:18
Someone who wished to be anonymous, sent us the following message today:
" is not an adequate portrayal of dsl service. the site has become a collection of pissed off customers who don't understand dsl technology. it is the responsibility of to educate, not allow a destructive medium where irate customers can vent their frustrations. educate."
Well.. the messenger was not quite anonymous, they delivered the message from a Bell Atlantic corporate computer ..
what do you think? do Bell Atlantic DSL customers need educating?
(Comments:  Read: 42 Add)

AOL DSL reviews please
posted 02-06 18:42
AOL is offering DSL in some limited areas, we are surprised we have no reviews yet. Please send your AOL DSL experience, complete or not, to You can always come back to update your review as you get to switch-on date..
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GTE, ROs, COs? P.O'd!
posted 02-03 10:41
Don Spear has written about his frustration trying to get a connection to his home in Manassas, VA. The players in this broadband car crash are GTE, Comcast and Covad, with Bell Atlantic an off-stage shadow. Read Adventures in seeking Fast Internet Access.
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Older ..
02-24PPPoEPPPoE is still causing problems for folks. We still think PPPoE is a nasty hack .. ..
02-2372 hours and 80% SLAThis recent post to ne.internet is republished here with the consent of Hadley, .. ..
02-19DistancesEstimated distance, actual distance, ADSL, SDSL, RADSL, thickness of copper, obs.. ..
02-17BA learning on the job?This thread on our BA forum, makes for interesting reading. It is a conversation.. ..
02-15New PacBell price pointPacific Bell has reached a new price point, offering their basic residential DSL.. ..
02-13FreeDSL vs FreeXDSLPlease check out our new FreeDSL comparison page. This page is now also (and alw.. ..
02-08Mindspring now in NYCMindspring/Earthlink stretches to NY now, See Mindspring Max. These huge nationa.. ..
02-07Big brother is watching..Someone who wished to be anonymous, sent us the following message today: "dslrep.. ..
02-06AOL DSL reviews pleaseAOL is offering DSL in some limited areas, we are surprised we have no reviews y.. ..
02-03GTE, ROs, COs? P.O'd!Don Spear has written about his frustration trying to get a connection to his ho.. ..
01-23ISDN to DSLA reader from Emmitsburg MD, reports that Caslink, previously a business ISDN ac.. ..
01-21Court cases everywhereFast personal internet connectivity is being cited in several unusual court case.. ..
01-21To readers...I got my DSL back! Thanks to the efforts of Megapath and NorthPoint, my DSL line.. ..
01-21DSL installs that go wrong..For a sobering story on one persons struggle to get DSL despite eventually order.. ..
01-20Those Canadians!Telus (BC, Alberta) has rolled out some serious competition to Rogers @home, wit.. ..
01-20Ha Ha.Have a laugh at your telco's expense, while you are stuck waiting for DSL .. rea.. ..
01-19Aardman AnimationsGot some bandwidth to spare? over at Atom Films is a new spread featuring works .. ..
01-19Got news?We just added a facility for anyone to contribute information they think deserve.. ..
01-13DSL primeThe latest issue of DSLprime reports on the first USWest/Covad line share, (wher.. ..
01-06Predictions for is on holiday in Japan, and spent some time over sushi considerin.. ..
01-05Free DSL againAn article on free DSL in the San Jose Mercury makes interesting reading. Our ow.. .. busyDue to the extreme number of visitors this week, from the mention ..
12-27Why pay more?DSL prices vary widely. For nationally available Covad DSL, A speed of 384/128 c.. ..
12-24On DSL equipment passwordsIf your DSL modem is "intelligent", then it may offer login access for the purpo.. ..
12-15New Mexico gets DSL at last!New Mexico was, due to some quirk of state legislation, the only USWest state wh.. ..
12-11BA tries a quick moveTake a look at the press releases and news to the right! Bell Atlantic, in an ef.. ..
12-11Six-Green awards.It has taken over 1000 reviews to get here, but we are pleased to announce our f.. ..
12-10Napster gets suedNapster gets sued by the RIAA .. well it had to happen, the recording industry h.. ..
12-10Stealing America's Digital Future?An interesting petition was filed to the FCC by the New Networks Initiative, jus.. ..
12-08DSL vs CableRadio imitates usenet flame wars: A San Diego radio personality, Roger Hedgecock.. ..
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