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Private Lives illo 7 Sept 2020
Composite: Posed by models. Getty Images/Guardian Design Team
Composite: Posed by models. Getty Images/Guardian Design Team

My teenage son shows no interest in school

This article is more than 3 years old

I���ve tried being as encouraging as possible, but nothing seems to work. And now I’m worried his younger siblings will follow in his footsteps

My 15-year-old son is refusing to take responsibility for anything and, although he’s capable, he does not show any interest in his education. I am worried about him and his future.

Sometimes, I feel bad and tell him that he’s trying his best, but soon I start feeling concerned again. At other times, I feel angry with him for the way he is behaving.

I try to encourage him by amplifying every little good thing he does, particularly in school, and have tried speaking to him like an adult. I am also worried that his younger siblings, who are doing well, will follow in his footsteps. Do you have any tips on how I can inspire him to change?

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