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For questions on connecting devices together so that they can communicate with each other, as well as questions on networking equipment such as routers and switches.

2 votes

Computer Networking or Internet

Networks connecting to the Internet usually have a common gateway defined. This is to separate the local network from the Internet. This is usually a router or a firewall with routing capabilities. …
xstnc's user avatar
  • 789
5 votes

localhost vs vs computer name vs ip in url

Not quite sure if I get the question, but are you wondering what the diffrence between the 4 urls are? If that is the case: (loopback IP for the local machine) localhost (resolves to the …
xstnc's user avatar
  • 789
4 votes

Do identical IP addresses exist in the public Internet?

Well, it's not really possible using the same IP even if it's different subnets. You will experience quite a lot of funny things if you try (routing issues etc.). I see someone has posted a nice answ …
xstnc's user avatar
  • 789