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Scrolling in tmux over SSH (PuTTY) [duplicate]

I'm SSH'ing into my RaspPi (Raspbian) with PuTTY and I want to user tmux in order not to worry about a connection ending while I'm installing something. My Problem is, that when I call tmux from a ...
0x539's user avatar
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14 answers

Scroll shell output with mouse in tmux

Mouse scrolling doesn't work in tmux the way it works when I run shell without tmux (in Gnome Terminal). It seems tmux sends mouse scroll events as if I pressed Up/Down keys. But I want it to scroll ...
user31494's user avatar
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3 answers

Use terminal scrollbar with tmux

I know how to scroll in tmux using the keyboard, but I noticed that it looks like there's a way to use the terminal scrollbar with GNU Screen. Can this be done with tmux?
Jeff's user avatar
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tmux - scroll up/down with shift + page up/down into a pane

I would like to be able to scroll up/down into a given pane with the same keybinding that xterm does, i.e SHIFT + Page Up/Down. For example, if the tmux window is divided into 2 vertical panes, I ...
user1610662's user avatar
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Pass mouse events through tmux

I have noticed that scrolling in tmux is a hazzle and was wondering if it was possible to have tmux pass them along to the application or terminal. I may be understanding things wrong here but I have ...
Lasse Halberg Haarbye's user avatar
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Bind keys for scrolling pages in copy mode in tmux

I'd like to be able to map emacs keys (like C-v/M-v) for scrolling in tmux instead of default PgUp/PgDown, is that possible? Can't see that from the manual at the moment (apologies if its there, seems ...
Ev Dolzhenko's user avatar
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Enabling seamless mouse scrolling with tmux

Edit: this answer is written with respect to Windows Terminal, but I expect it's an issue for xterm more generally. By default, running tmux in Windows Terminal doesn't show the scroll bar, and doesn'...
1'''s user avatar
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Scroll in tmux but don't enter copy mode?

I'm using iTerm2 and tmux (from homebrew) on a Mac. I have set -g mode-mouse on in my tmux.conf. When I scroll up I am automatically put into copy mode but I am looking for a way to be able to scroll ...
roflwaffle's user avatar
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Scroll pages with "screen" in a putty window

I am connected with Windows putty to a Linux computer, and inside this SSH session, I use screen (similar tu tmux). I know that, in order to scroll with PG-UP / PG-DOWN, one has to do this before: ...
Basj's user avatar
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Powershell is cutting off long output when connected to a terminal via SSH

I'm connected to a Linux terminal using Powershell and ssh. When I run a command which has more than about 1 window worth of output, the output is cut off. Meaning I only see the last n lines. Is ...
Deffa's user avatar
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Can't scroll tmux context by more than one line at a time

On OS-X I can't scroll in T-mux by more than one line at a time. I have tried the following things: Ctrl+b then pg-up or pg-down. Ctrl+b then [ then pg-up or pg-down. Ctrl+b then shift+pg-up or ...
Matt's user avatar
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Bug with tmux status bar and terminal lines in zsh and MacOS

I have a bug in my tmux. The status bar randomly transform into two rows (see image below) or disappear completely. Also, some lines of the terminal command disappear. See image below where the last ...
ℂybernetician's user avatar
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tmux scroll without rebinding mouse click?

I used set -g mouse on bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'" ...
minseong's user avatar
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