I used some software (I forgot name...) to make bootable USB flash drive. In the middle of process it showed error and from than I cant use USB flash drive on only on this computer. I hear sound but nothing else is visible.

I tried formating it from another PC but it didn't help. Anyone know what might be problem?

  • Is this on windows? Does it show under disk management after plugged in? It could be that it just isn't assigned a drive-letter on Windows.
    – xstnc
    Commented Nov 25, 2013 at 8:50
  • @xstnc Yes, I wasn't detail enought in question. It is on Windows 8.1. It is visible in Device Manager as USB Mass Storage Device and it say that it works but I can't see it in My Computer Commented Nov 25, 2013 at 9:25
  • Sounds like it's not assigned a drive-letter then. Check in "disk management" try - "diskmgmt.msc" from run or cmd :) You can also find it from the control-panel and administrative tools -> manage computer.
    – xstnc
    Commented Nov 25, 2013 at 10:39
  • @xstnc you were right, there was no label assigned. But even afer I assigned label and formated USB it is still no visible in My Computer. (and in disk manager status is healthy). Any idea why is it happening? Commented Nov 25, 2013 at 11:46
  • Ok! That's one part down atleast. Could you provide a screenshot of your disk manager with the USB highlighted? Just attach it to your original question :)
    – xstnc
    Commented Nov 25, 2013 at 11:54

1 Answer 1


When editing and formatting a USB drive a lot, make sure you have added a drive letter to it.

If the USB doesn't show up in Windows Explorer, this is usually the case.

I've attached a picture of one of my working USB drives. Notice the assigned drive letter (E:)!

USB in Disk Management

To assign and check what drives are taken, I prefer to use Disk Management. You find this tool under Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.

In the side menu, go all the way down to Disk Management.

Right click the disk you want to assign a letter to, and choose "Edit drive letter and paths". From this menu, you can select what letter it should use.


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