I sometimes run into a problem when playing back Notepad++ macros in that it inserts extra characters between all the letters, e.g. ”. Anyone else seeing this?

  • 1
    Do you have an example of a macro that does this?
    – James P
    Commented May 11, 2011 at 13:23

2 Answers 2


This is a bug, that has been fixed, as you can see here "Keyboard Macro's inserting text in the wrong place"

A new release of notepad++ should incorporate this fix. Perhaps Notepad++ release 6.8.4


Yes, I do see this error, I have always used Textpad for macro just for this purpose.

I have list of numbers that I wanted to convert into a string array.





before you create a macro. Paste a list of numbers on an new file, click start recording put a " (quote), press end key and then put another quote followed by comma, down arrow and then ctrl-left arrow. stop the macro. now when you play it, it puts the following stuff "12345", actually the squared unknown char is DC2, I have no idea what it is.

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