I have a spreadsheet with similar items in different rows. Each item has a unique value. For example:

enter image description here

I want to create a table that has one row for each of the similar rows (e.g., /ca/motion-type/abstract-4), and a sum of the values in the second column (e.g., 30).

Any idea how I can do this in Excel?

2 Answers 2


In D2, formula copied down :


In E2 formula copied down :


enter image description here


Here's one solution, based on a few assumptions:

  1. All pages start with /ca/motion-type/
  2. There's always at least one row containing the "base" url, e.g. ...abstract-4
  3. After removing /ca/motion-type/, any url not containing a ? or / character should be considered a base url

Leave me a comment if any of these assumptions aren't correct and you're unable to adapt the solution. In that case I can try to adapt the solution for you.



Formulas used:


Formulas for easy copy/pasting:

D2: =MID(A2;17;9999)


A14: =FILTER(A2:A9;E2:E9)

B14: =SUMIFS($B$2:$B$9;$A$2:$A$9;"="&A14&"*")

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