Is there an keyboard shortcut to highlight a cell yellow (or maybe just the most recent color used)?

What I am not looking for (I want something that is preset in excel and more efficient):

  • Alt-H-H + using arrow keys to navigate to yellow in pallette
  • Adding color palette to Quick Access
  • Creating my own shortcut or macro (Ctrl+Shift+#some key#)
  • F4 to repeat last keystroke

2 Answers 2


No, but you could make one. You have the ability to assign VBA macros to any key you want.

First, open up your personal macro store in the VBE. Press ALT+F11

Then paste this macro in:

Sub HighlightYellow()
' HighlightYellow Macro
    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 65535
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
End Sub

Now save your personal macro workbook and close the VBE.

Press ALT+F8

Then assign a shortcut to your new macro.


Another much more flexible approach is using an AutoHotKey script:

SendMode Input

;  Ctrl: ^
; Shift: +
;   Alt: !

^+d::  ; Ctrl + Shift + d (change to your needs)
    Send, {Alt}
    Sleep, 10  ; wait 0.01 seconds
    Send, {h 2}{Down 6}{Right 3}{Enter}  ; Select yellow

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