I'm looking for a tool that will allow me to see all of the memory used by by Windows XP/2003 machine. I know that Process Explorer and others will show you what memory is being used by each process, but I need a full graphical view of all used and unused memory on my machine. I have seen an app that does this but cannot remember the name. Anyone know of a tool like this?


3 Answers 3


Task Manager displays this on the Performance tab. In Process Explorer you can view that when clicking on one of the graphs at the top of the window.

Then there is the Resource monitor (resmon):

Resource Monitor

as well as the Performance monitor (perfmon):

Performance Monitor

  • +1 Windows has a lot of useful built-in tools, especially when it comes to performance monitoring.
    – alex
    Commented Mar 26, 2010 at 20:24
  • 3
    That is one funky looking process list.
    – hyperslug
    Commented Mar 27, 2010 at 1:26
  • 1
    Home-made font, called “Don't expose what processes I'm running” ;-) Not everyone needs to know what I'm doing here and blurring is boring.
    – Joey
    Commented Mar 27, 2010 at 11:29

You can have a two in one package: Rizone Memory Booster

This shows the memory, and optimizes it too, and is portable [does not need to be installed.]


The best tool that I've seen is Process Explorer. You can configure it to display a wide range of memory info.

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