How do I use my F1 - F12 keys without pressing FN in Windows 7 using bootcamp on a Macbook Pro?

4 Answers 4


Once you have installed the keyboard driver, run regedit using Start Menu >> Run and then navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KeyMagic

There will be a 'Binary' entry OSXFnBehavior with the value 01. Change this to 00.

Afterwards my function keys worked as function keys without having to press fn. You need to unplug and plug the keyboard or restart the computer to make this work after editing — the driver doesn't check this value continuously.

  • @Rustem please don't add your different solutions to others' posts, especially when they are incorrect.
    – kinokijuf
    Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 12:25
  • 3
    In recent version of Windows/Bootcamp/keyboards this solution does not work but inspire me to find the solution searching for other occurrence of "OSXFnBehavior" in antire registry. I Find it on HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc.\Apple Keyboard Support. Change or create a REG_DWORD named OSXFnBehavior with value 0. Unplug the keyboard and you get what you want. Commented Feb 28, 2017 at 16:39
  • This works perfectly with an Apple Aluminium USB Keyboard model A1242 on a Windows 10 PC after installing these drivers in order to get home, end, page up and page down working via fn + arrows keys. Thank you, I searched hours before finding this solution. Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 22:36

Assuming you have the full Boot Camp driver suite loaded (and assuming it's functioning properly under Windows 7), there should be a checkbox under Keyboard for "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys", same as there is for OS X.


You can install AutoHotkey in Windows 7 and remap them. I'm not sure what your laptop uses them as initially, but you can find their scan code with this script:

SetFormat, Integer, Hex
Gui +ToolWindow -SysMenu +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Font, s14 Bold, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, w100 h33 vSC 0x201 +Border, {SC000}
Gui, Show,, % "// ScanCode //////////"
Loop 9
  OnMessage( 255+A_Index, "ScanCode" ) ; 0x100 to 0x108

ScanCode( wParam, lParam ) {
 Clipboard := "SC" SubStr((((lParam>>16) & 0xFF)+0xF000),-2)
 GuiControl,, SC, %Clipboard%

then remap like so:


replace the first ## with the scancode of the key, and the second ## with the function key. For example, if F1 sent SC03B, you'd use SC03B::F1.

  1. In Windows on your Mac, click. in the right side of the taskbar, click the Boot Camp icon , then choose Boot Camp Control Panel.
  2. If a User Account Control dialog appears, click Yes.
  3. Click Keyboard.
  4. Select or deselect “Use all F1, F2 etc.

This works fine for windows 10 macbook pro

enter image description here

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