Jelena Vuckovic

Jensen Huang Professor in Global Leadership, Professor of Electrical Engineering and by courtesy of Applied Physics, Stanford University

PI of the Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics (NQP) Labin the Ginzton Lab

PhD, Caltech, 2002



About me



CV (detailed)

Stanford profile




Research areas: photonics, quantum information science and engineering, quantum optics, photonics inverse design, nonlinear optics, cavity QED

Recent projects



Research group

I lead Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics (NQP) Lab

Current group members

Former group members

NQP group on twitter

NQP group on youtube




Google Scholar profile

(to download selected publications, follow the link on the left)




EE340 � Quantum photonics (Spring 2024)

Lecture videos on youtube for EE340




Ginzton Laboratory

Spilker Building for Engineering and Applied Sciences

Stanford University  

348 Via Pueblo Mall  

Stanford, CA 94305-4088
e-mail ( jela
phone: (650) 725-2288

Office: Spilker 209;  Labs: Spilker SB 15, 234

Administrative Associate: May Varlaro

Research Admin: Jennifer Wong