Linked Questions

5512 votes
46 answers

How do I squash my last N commits together?

How do I squash my last N commits together into one commit?
markdorison's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How should I properly squash previously pushed commits on master? [duplicate]

I'm on the master branch and in hindsight, I have pushed too many commit messages (or at least my teammates tell me so). Here's what the log looks like: % git log --oneline fc71bc8 (HEAD -> ...
Gaurav Bansal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to squash multiple past commits into one [duplicate]

I am very new to manipulating anything in git, but I have a bunch of commits that I want to combine into one commit (7 commits of me deleting one file at a time). I have made more commits since then ...
Bubinga's user avatar
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0 answers

How do I clear the commit history from a branch on github? [duplicate]

I made the mistake of making too many small commits after committing big changes and then realizing I missed something minor when comparing changes to master in a pull request. How could I go about ...
Kaisermania's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Git squash from 1 commit to another commit id [duplicate]

I would like to squash all commits between 2 commit id's. Commit id 08f68388387e81aaff8e8cdfa619b6c23adef39d is the first commit I made on the branch, and I would like to squash all commits till and ...
Peter Boomsma's user avatar
1893 votes
15 answers

How can I merge multiple commits onto another branch as a single squashed commit?

I have a remote Git server, here is the scenario which I want to perform: For each bug/feature I create a different Git branch I keep on committing my code in that Git branch with un-official Git ...
SunnyShah's user avatar
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1379 votes
15 answers

How can I merge two commits into one if I already started rebase?

I am trying to merge 2 commits into 1, so I followed “squashing commits with rebase” from git ready. I ran git rebase --interactive HEAD~2 In the resulting editor, I change pick to ...
michael's user avatar
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181 votes
7 answers

Combining Multiple Commits Into One Prior To Push

This question pertains not only to how to accomplish this task, but to whether doing so is good or bad practice with Git. Consider that locally I do most work on the main branch, but I have created a ...
Todd Hopkinson's user avatar
101 votes
4 answers

Squash all my commits into one for GitHub pull request [duplicate]

I made a pull request on GitHub. Now the owner of the repository is saying to squash all the commits into one. When I type git rebase -i Notepad opens with the following content: noop # Rebase ...
omerjerk's user avatar
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54 votes
1 answer

Git squash commits in the middle of a branch

I want to squash several commits together in the middle of a branch without modifying the commits before and after. I have : A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G | | master ...
deadbeef's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Combine or rebase an arbitrarily large number of commits

Let's say my local git log shows: 739b36d3a314483a2d4a14268612cd955c6af9fb a ... c42fff47a257b72ab3fabaa0bcc2be9cd50d5c89 x c4149ba120b30955a9285ed721b795cd2b82dd65 y ...
theanine's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

How can I squash commits without tracking a remote branch?

I have a brand new git repo. It has three commits. I'd like to squash them together so my project history looks clean, and others don't see my hacky commits. Obviously nobody else has seen the repo,...
mikemaccana's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

git subtree push --squash does not squash

I am using git subtree to organize my git repositories. Let's say I have a main repository called repo and a library called lib. I successfully "imported" the lib repository by squashing its history. ...
ibizaman's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Difference between `git rebase -i master` vs `git rebase -i origin/master`

Combining multiple commits before pushing in Git Based on my understanding, if I use git rebase -i master, then later I still need to git push origin master to upload the changes. Question> What is ...
q0987's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

git rebase: "Could not apply (hash)." I'm lost

I've been asked to "rebase and squash (my) commits into a single commit?" for a pull request It's the first time I'm doing this and I ...
Pierre's user avatar
  • 35k

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