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This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI the usual suggestion, simply use the actualgit is for up-to-the-minute official plan from git themselves:source control. "source" means small text files (ASCII files), being computer languages.

You don't use git, at all, for things like filmmaking, game production, in a music studio, the TV business, etc.

The game industry generally runs on subversion.

(Unity projects have four or five tiny "source" files, and then gigabytes of video, animation, textures, models etc. It's just totally unsuitable for git.)

  1. If for some reason you are trying to use git with a Unity project. FYI the usual suggestion,

#simply use the actual up-to-the-minute official plan FROM GIT THEMSELVES:


You often see long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy git git.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files).

Just to repeat, do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files). Unity projects have 1 or 2 kb ofa few hundred bytes computer code ASCII files, and very often 100s of gigabytes of music, video, texture, modelling etc assets. You're knocking yourself out using git for no reason.

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI the usual suggestion, simply use the actual up-to-the-minute official plan from git themselves:

You often see long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy git git.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files).

Unity projects have 1 or 2 kb of computer code files, and very often 100s of gigabytes of music, video, texture, modelling etc assets. You're knocking yourself out using git for no reason.

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. git is for source control. "source" means small text files (ASCII files), being computer languages.

You don't use git, at all, for things like filmmaking, game production, in a music studio, the TV business, etc.

The game industry generally runs on subversion.

(Unity projects have four or five tiny "source" files, and then gigabytes of video, animation, textures, models etc. It's just totally unsuitable for git.)

  1. If for some reason you are trying to use git with a Unity project. FYI the usual suggestion,

#simply use the actual up-to-the-minute official plan FROM GIT THEMSELVES:


You often see long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy git git.

Just to repeat, do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files). Unity projects have a few hundred bytes computer code ASCII files, and very often 100s of gigabytes of music, video, texture, modelling etc assets. You're knocking yourself out using git for no reason.

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This is a zillion-times duplicate questionzillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI this is the usual suggestion, simply use the actual up-to-the-minute official plan from git themselves:

You often see incredibly long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy the git preparing-to-go-public-any-day-nowgit PR krew.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files).



to useUnity projects have 1 or 2 kb of computer code files, and very often subversion (svn) with Unity projects100s of gigabytes, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos of music, imagesvideo, audiotexture, modelling etc. (Git is incredibly old technology assets. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point ofYou're knocking yourself out using git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - staggeringly irrelevant today. This is thefor no reason most of the games biz runs on svn.)

Don't forget with Unity...

The ONLY FILES you source control, or zip and send to people, are the Assets/ folder, and, the small ProjectSettings/ folder. THAT'S IT - NOTHING ELSE.

It's really that easy.

I can't find letters bigger than that to say it. you ONLY NEED THE TWO FOLDERS - THAT'S IT. (In svn you "click two folders". In git, hire a team to work out a policy, do custom gitcoding, create meetings, build training materials, etc.)

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI this is the usual suggestion, up-to-the-minute from git

You often see incredibly long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy the git preparing-to-go-public-any-day-now PR krew.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier



to use subversion (svn) with Unity projects, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos, images, audio, etc. (Git is incredibly old technology. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point of git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - staggeringly irrelevant today. This is the reason most of the games biz runs on svn.)

Don't forget with Unity...

The ONLY FILES you source control, or zip and send to people, are the Assets/ folder, and, the small ProjectSettings/ folder. THAT'S IT - NOTHING ELSE.

It's really that easy.

I can't find letters bigger than that to say it. you ONLY NEED THE TWO FOLDERS - THAT'S IT. (In svn you "click two folders". In git, hire a team to work out a policy, do custom gitcoding, create meetings, build training materials, etc.)

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI the usual suggestion, simply use the actual up-to-the-minute official plan from git themselves:

You often see long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy git git.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use svn with Unity. svn is made for media, film, game etc projects. Git is really for source (i.e. computer code files).

Unity projects have 1 or 2 kb of computer code files, and very often 100s of gigabytes of music, video, texture, modelling etc assets. You're knocking yourself out using git for no reason.

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This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI this is the usual suggestion, up-to-the-minute from git

  2. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use subversion (svn) with Unity projects, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos, images, audio, etc. (Git is incredibly old technology. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point of git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - totally irrelevant today.)

    FYI this is the usual suggestion, up-to-the-minute from git

You often see incredibly long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy the git preparing-to-go-public-any-day-now PR krew.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier



to use subversion (svn) with Unity projects, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos, images, audio, etc. (Git is incredibly old technology. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point of git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - staggeringly irrelevant today. This is the reason most of the games biz runs on svn.)

Don't forget with Unity...

The ONLY FILES you source control, or zip and send to people, are the Assets/ folder, and, the small ProjectSettings/ folder. THAT'S IT - NOTHING ELSE.

It's really that easy.

I can't find letters bigger than that to say it. you ONLY NEED THE TWO FOLDERS - THAT'S IT. (In svn you "click two folders". In git, hire a team to work out a policy, do custom gitcoding, create meetings, build training materials, etc.)

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI this is the usual suggestion, up-to-the-minute from git

  2. Do note that it is incredibly easier to use subversion (svn) with Unity projects, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos, images, audio, etc. (Git is incredibly old technology. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point of git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - totally irrelevant today.)

Don't forget with Unity...

The ONLY FILES you source control, or zip and send to people, are the Assets/ folder, and, the small ProjectSettings/ folder. THAT'S IT - NOTHING ELSE.

It's really that easy.

This is a zillion-times duplicate question but,

  1. FYI this is the usual suggestion, up-to-the-minute from git

You often see incredibly long-winded discussions about "how to use git with Unity", this is bizarre as (the best you can do with git) is right there, courtesy the git preparing-to-go-public-any-day-now PR krew.

  1. Do note that it is incredibly easier



to use subversion (svn) with Unity projects, or indeed any game project, or indeed anything that is videos, images, audio, etc. (Git is incredibly old technology. It is great for source control of text files, and the whole point of git is that it is built to work when bandwidth is unavailable - staggeringly irrelevant today. This is the reason most of the games biz runs on svn.)

Don't forget with Unity...

The ONLY FILES you source control, or zip and send to people, are the Assets/ folder, and, the small ProjectSettings/ folder. THAT'S IT - NOTHING ELSE.

It's really that easy.

I can't find letters bigger than that to say it. you ONLY NEED THE TWO FOLDERS - THAT'S IT. (In svn you "click two folders". In git, hire a team to work out a policy, do custom gitcoding, create meetings, build training materials, etc.)

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