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Add v2.8.0 changes
Source Link
  • 4.4k
  • 2
  • 16
  • 35
  • 2022-05-18 - v2.8.0

    • Fix bugs in various features due to SE layout changes
    • Add feature to add answer count to question header
    • Behind-the-scenes performance improvements (e.g., reduce usage of jQuery for efficiency - thanks @double-beep!)
    • Deprecate "align badges by their class on user profile pages" feature (now natively implemented!)
    • Deprecate "differentiate spoilers from empty blockquotes" (now native!)
  • 2020-10-19 - v2.7.0

    • Fix bugs in various features (thanks @double-beep for many of these!)
    • Add feature to copy markdown for comments
    • Add feature to add scrolling to room list in usercards in chat
    • Only run SOX on HTTPS
    • Deprecate "add timeline button" feature (now natively implemented!
    • Deprecate "show question state in suggested edit review queue" (now native!)
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

    • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'
    • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.
    • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.
    • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions
    • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes
    • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site
    • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

    • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey
    • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog
    • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog
    • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)
    • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX
    • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon
    • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!
    • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)
    • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

    • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)
    • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up
    • works on FF again
    • deprecated a few features
    • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)
  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

    • various bug fixes
    • many new features added
    • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
    • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

    • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
    • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features
    • fixed enhancedEditor feature
    • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature
    • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
    • deprecated addEllipsis feature
    • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
    • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
    • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
    • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone
  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2020-10-19 - v2.7.0

    • Fix bugs in various features (thanks @double-beep for many of these!)
    • Add feature to copy markdown for comments
    • Add feature to add scrolling to room list in usercards in chat
    • Only run SOX on HTTPS
    • Deprecate "add timeline button" feature (now natively implemented!
    • Deprecate "show question state in suggested edit review queue" (now native!)
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

    • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'
    • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.
    • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.
    • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions
    • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes
    • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site
    • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

    • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey
    • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog
    • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog
    • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)
    • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX
    • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon
    • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!
    • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)
    • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

    • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)
    • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up
    • works on FF again
    • deprecated a few features
    • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)
  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

    • various bug fixes
    • many new features added
    • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
    • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

    • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
    • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features
    • fixed enhancedEditor feature
    • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature
    • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
    • deprecated addEllipsis feature
    • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
    • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
    • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
    • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone
  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2022-05-18 - v2.8.0

    • Fix bugs in various features due to SE layout changes
    • Add feature to add answer count to question header
    • Behind-the-scenes performance improvements (e.g., reduce usage of jQuery for efficiency - thanks @double-beep!)
    • Deprecate "align badges by their class on user profile pages" feature (now natively implemented!)
    • Deprecate "differentiate spoilers from empty blockquotes" (now native!)
  • 2020-10-19 - v2.7.0

    • Fix bugs in various features (thanks @double-beep for many of these!)
    • Add feature to copy markdown for comments
    • Add feature to add scrolling to room list in usercards in chat
    • Only run SOX on HTTPS
    • Deprecate "add timeline button" feature (now natively implemented!
    • Deprecate "show question state in suggested edit review queue" (now native!)
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

    • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'
    • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.
    • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.
    • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions
    • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes
    • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site
    • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

    • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey
    • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog
    • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog
    • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)
    • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX
    • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon
    • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!
    • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)
    • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

    • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)
    • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up
    • works on FF again
    • deprecated a few features
    • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)
  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

    • various bug fixes
    • many new features added
    • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
    • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

    • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
    • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features
    • fixed enhancedEditor feature
    • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature
    • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
    • deprecated addEllipsis feature
    • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
    • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
    • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
    • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone
  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

v2.7.0; improved formatting
Source Link
  • 4.4k
  • 2
  • 16
  • 35
  • 2020-10-19 - v2.7.0

    • Fix bugs in various features (thanks @double-beep for many of these!)
    • Add feature to copy markdown for comments
    • Add feature to add scrolling to room list in usercards in chat
    • Only run SOX on HTTPS
    • Deprecate "add timeline button" feature (now natively implemented!
    • Deprecate "show question state in suggested edit review queue" (now native!)
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

  • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'

  • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.

  • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.

  • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions

  • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes

  • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site

  • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments

  • Various bug fixes

    • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'
    • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.
    • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.
    • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions
    • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes
    • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site
    • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

  • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey

  • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog

  • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog

  • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)

  • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX

  • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon

  • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!

  • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)

  • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box

  • Various bug fixes

    • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey
    • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog
    • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog
    • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)
    • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX
    • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon
    • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!
    • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)
    • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

  • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)

  • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up

  • works on FF again

  • deprecated a few features

  • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)

    • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)
    • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up
    • works on FF again
    • deprecated a few features
    • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)
  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

  • various bug fixes

  • many new features added

  • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE

  • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style

    • various bug fixes
    • many new features added
    • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
    • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

  • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons

  • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features

  • fixed enhancedEditor feature

  • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature

  • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox

  • deprecated addEllipsis feature

  • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching

  • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier

  • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs

  • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

    • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
    • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features
    • fixed enhancedEditor feature
    • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature
    • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
    • deprecated addEllipsis feature
    • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
    • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
    • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
    • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone
  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

  • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'

  • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.

  • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.

  • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions

  • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes

  • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site

  • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

  • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey

  • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog

  • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog

  • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)

  • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX

  • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon

  • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!

  • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)

  • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

  • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)

  • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up

  • works on FF again

  • deprecated a few features

  • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)

  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

  • various bug fixes

  • many new features added

  • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE

  • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style

  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

  • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons

  • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features

  • fixed enhancedEditor feature

  • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature

  • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox

  • deprecated addEllipsis feature

  • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching

  • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier

  • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs

  • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2020-10-19 - v2.7.0

    • Fix bugs in various features (thanks @double-beep for many of these!)
    • Add feature to copy markdown for comments
    • Add feature to add scrolling to room list in usercards in chat
    • Only run SOX on HTTPS
    • Deprecate "add timeline button" feature (now natively implemented!
    • Deprecate "show question state in suggested edit review queue" (now native!)
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

    • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'
    • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.
    • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.
    • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions
    • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes
    • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site
    • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

    • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey
    • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog
    • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog
    • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)
    • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX
    • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon
    • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!
    • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)
    • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box
    • Various bug fixes
  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

    • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)
    • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up
    • works on FF again
    • deprecated a few features
    • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)
  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

    • various bug fixes
    • many new features added
    • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
    • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

    • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
    • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features
    • fixed enhancedEditor feature
    • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature
    • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
    • deprecated addEllipsis feature
    • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
    • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
    • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
    • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
    • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone
  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

Source Link
  • 4.4k
  • 2
  • 16
  • 35
  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

  • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'

  • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.

  • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.

  • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions

  • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes

  • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site

  • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

  • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey

  • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog

  • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog

  • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)

  • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX

  • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon

  • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!

  • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)

  • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

  • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)

  • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up

  • works on FF again

  • deprecated a few features

  • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)

  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

  • various bug fixes

  • many new features added

  • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE

  • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style

  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

  • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons

  • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features

  • fixed enhancedEditor feature

  • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature

  • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox

  • deprecated addEllipsis feature

  • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching

  • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier

  • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs

  • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

  • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'

  • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.

  • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.

  • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions

  • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes

  • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site

  • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

  • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey

  • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog

  • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog

  • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)

  • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX

  • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon

  • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!

  • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)

  • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

  • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)

  • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up

  • works on FF again

  • deprecated a few features

  • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)

  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

  • various bug fixes

  • many new features added

  • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE

  • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style

  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

  • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons

  • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features

  • fixed enhancedEditor feature

  • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature

  • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox

  • deprecated addEllipsis feature

  • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching

  • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier

  • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs

  • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

  • 2019-09-07 - v2.6.0

    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Add support for StylishThemes/StackOverflow-Dark theme
    • Remove dependency on Font Awesome for icons (use SVG sprites instead)
    • Update many features to work with recent SE HTML markup/CSS changes (thanks to @double-beep for many of these fixes!)
    • Add feature to open imgur image in a modal on click
  • 2019-06-04 - v2.5.0

    • Only inject into Github issues if you are on the SOX repo
    • Fix bugs in various features
    • Deprecate the 'hide HNQ' feauter (now implemented natively)
    • Improve SOX's performance with many behind-the-scenes changes:
      • Reduce jQuery usage
      • Reduce number of API requests by caching them for a short period
      • Improve SOX's use of MutationObservers by specifying specific targets to observe in all uses
    • Improve SOX's Github Community Profile
    • Remove EOL RawGit dependency
  • 2019-02-03 - v2.4.0:

  • Introduced 'feature packs' -- easily find and enable features that have been categorised into groups such as 'Major UI Tweaks' and 'Power User Features'

  • You no longer have to have an access token to use SOX; if you choose not to, then any features needing the API will simply be disabled. Thanks @Izzy for the suggestion.

  • Deprecated feature to paste images directly into the post editor (now native); feature to add notifications to your inbox when a post you downvoted was edited.

  • Added feature to hide the 'how to ask/format/tag' boxes that show when asking new questions

  • Added feature to add a link to the tag wiki page on the new tag popup boxes

  • Added feature to replace 'help' in the site-switcher to a link to the /on-topic page of the site

  • Added feature to add custom magic links to both posts and comments

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-09-02 - v2.3.0:

  • Greasemonkey is no longer supported. Please use Tampermonkey

  • You can now import and export your settings from the SOX dialog

  • Added feature to paste images directly into SE textareas without using the image dialog

  • The old topbar is no longer supported (affects Area 51 mainly)

  • The feature that lets you watch posts for edits will soon be available as a separate userscript, and has been removed from SOX

  • Behind the scenes refactoring by @GaurangTandon

  • The fixed topbar feature has been deprecated as it is natively supported now!

  • Added feature to only show comment flagging/upvote buttons on hover (like it used to be)

  • Added feature to add the tag wiki link on the new tag popup box

  • Various bug fixes

  • 2018-06-15 - v2.2.0:

  • lots of bug fixes (see milestone link above)

  • fixes major issue where SOX settings cog didn't show up

  • works on FF again

  • deprecated a few features

  • added a few features (disableVoteButtons, addTimelineAndRevisionLinks)

  • 2018-02-24 - v2.1.0:

  • various bug fixes

  • many new features added

  • updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE

  • versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style

  • 2016-12-21 - v2.0.2:

  • revamped dialog to include info hover buttons

  • added disableOwnPostVoteButtons, flagPercentageBar, replyToOwnChatMessages (thanks @IStoleThePies), hideCertainQuestions, inlineEditorEverywhere (thanks @nicael) features

  • fixed enhancedEditor feature

  • fixed downvotedPostsEditAlert feature

  • fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox

  • deprecated addEllipsis feature

  • reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching

  • added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier

  • features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs

  • completely rewritten fixedTopbar feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)

  • fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

  • 2016-10-01 - v2.0.1:

    • many more bug fixes
    • fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
    • fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
    • rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
    • known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
  • 2016-07-02 - v2.0.0:

    • Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
    • deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
    • removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
    • bug fixes
    • fixed timing issues
    • setting dialog UI updates
    • script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
    • added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
  • 2016-04-05 - v1.0.3:

    • SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    • new features
    • bug fixes
  • 2016-03-06 - v1.0.2:

    • rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    • bug fixes
    • added new feature (enhanced editor)
  • 2016-02-28 - v1.0.1:

    • lots of bug fixes
    • rewrote some helper functions
    • built in error handling
  • 2016-02-12 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

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  • 4.4k
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  • 35
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changed MM/DD/YY to YYYY-MM-DD throughout, with ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's permission
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added 252 characters in body
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removed SOOF change log, reordered to make most recent at top
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added 71 characters in body
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added 351 characters in body
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added 31 characters in body
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added 158 characters in body
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