
  • [GORA-228] - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when using MemStore for concurrent tests


  • [GORA-314] - Implement TestDriver for AccumuloStoreTest e.g. TODO in class
  • [GORA-415] - hadoop-client dependency should be optional in gora-core
  • [GORA-419] - AccumuloStore.put deletes entire row when updating map/array field
  • [GORA-422] - <releases> is not a valid DOAP class
  • [GORA-423] - BSONDecorator returns empty string for null field value
  • [GORA-424] - MongoDBResult issues count() request on progress
  • [GORA-426] - MongoDB cursor timeout on long running parse job
  • [GORA-428] - Null pointer exception caused by incorrect handling of gora.mongodb.login values that don't validate
  • [GORA-434] - Documents are Not Committed Into Solr Store

New Feature


  • [GORA-262] - Add support for HTTPClient authentication in gora-solr
  • [GORA-384] - Provide documentation on Gora Shims layer
  • [GORA-410] - Change logging behavior to pass exception object to LOG methods
  • [GORA-420] - AccumuloStore.createSchema fails when table already exists
  • [GORA-427] - Configure MongoDB ReadPreference and WriteConcern
  • [GORA-429] - Implement Maven forbidden-apis plugin in Gora
  • [GORA-432] - Simplify if Statements
  • [GORA-433] - Non-Final Public Static Fields Should Be Final
  • [GORA-435] - Clean Up Code and Fix Potential Bugs
  • [GORA-436] - Improve Source Code as Java 7 Compatible


  • [GORA-417] - Deploy Hadoop-1 compatible binaries for Apache Gora

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