
  • [GORA-60] - Create Gora Avro module website documentation


  • [GORA-371] - Exception setXIncludeAware UnsupportedOperationException
  • [GORA-372] - slf4j-api version conflict
  • [GORA-374] - Implement Rackspace Cloud Orchestration in GoraCI
  • [GORA-376] - Gora Cassandra doesn't accept user credentials for connection
  • [GORA-388] - MongoStore: Fix handling of Utf8 in filters
  • [GORA-389] - MongoStore: Document or List mapping change cause NPE in clearDirty()
  • [GORA-390] - Gora compiler generate wrong isDirtyXXXX method signature

New Feature

  • [GORA-381] - Fix Guava dependency mismatch post GoraCI


  • [GORA-38] - Complete Site Docs
  • [GORA-375] - Upgrade HBase to 0.98
  • [GORA-392] - Move PersistentSerialization to the top of serializations list
  • [GORA-406] - Upgrade Solr dependencies to 4.10.3
  • [GORA-407] - Upgrade restlet dependencies to 2.3.1 for gora-solr
  • [GORA-408] - Implement automatic branch creation for the Gora Git release process


  • [GORA-11] - Create new Gora-examples module for containing sample code or examples for Gora
  • [GORA-378] - Log error trace as well as error message in GoraRecordWriter

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