Monday 1 July 2019

July Comic Conventions

I'm a guest at Hull Comiccon on Sunday July 21st 2019 hosted by District 14 events. This year it's at a larger venue, biggest one ever for this event - The Bonus Arena. District 14 always do a great job of putting on a family friendly show with a good diverse selection of guests and things to do. Well worth a visit if you live near sunny Hull.

I'm also a guest at the London Film and Comic Con on Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July. A massive convention, it always has an amazing selection of film and TV guests, but this year the Comic Zone is the biggest I've ever seen it, with quite a few comic guests I've never seen before at a UK con, including my pal Trevor Von Eeden, so looking forward to chatting to Trev. I'll be at LFCC promoting the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Centre, bringing a few Jack Kirby rarities for people to see, and a display of hi-res scans of Kirby original art blown up large so you can really appreciate the genius of the King's lines. If you're not already a member, check out the Jack Kirby museum online.

So that's me at...

Hull Comiccon - Sunday July 21st

London Film and Comic Con (LFCC) - Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July

See you there!

Monday 10 June 2019

Recent colouring jobs

The Facebook post below shows a recent colouring job I did, I'm not on Facebook so I generally miss things like this. Thanks to Chris for sending me this, feel free to send me links if you spot anymore! ......

(*Edit)...and someone did actually send me another!

Monday 29 April 2019

April in Paris

Keeping my promise to blog at least monthly, this is April. Just. I can already sense the fury of excitement rippling across the internet.

I'm still busy colouring a comic, while juggling a few other odd jobs. I finally got round to buying Tom King's Mr Miracle run, so looking forward to having a week off shortly and finding a comfy chair to read that in. I bought Leo Baxendale's "Willy the Kid Book 2" from eBay last week too, a book I absolutely loved as a kid, it was massively influential. Seeing it again after all these years made me realise how much so.

Aidan Lacy's "Infinite Timelines" Legion of Superheroes cover commissions series has reached it's 400th post this month. I've been doing the lettering, titles and other digital tinkering on it for the last few hundred covers. Number 400 was a homage to Avengers 84, this is the 400th in a planned run of 1000. Surely some sort of record for a privately commissioned series of covers? You can see the full run of 400+ here on the ComicArtFans site for free!

I spent a large portion of April complaining to Hermes about a parcel they spectacularly failed to deliver safely to my daughter in Wimbledon. If you enjoy reading about frustration and terrible customer service, then it's all here. If you came to this Blog post searching for a number to contact Hermes on, then it took me a lot of effort to find that you can ring the Hermes UK Escalations Department on 03445 227 209. Say Hi to them from me.

The book cover I did for "Ramifications of Felix", a collection of poetry from the world's greatest living poet Jim Templeton, has been changed, new version looks like this. It's better. It's not great, but it's better.

I was away in sunny Hull at the start of April, I had some fun with my father-in-law John playing with a glass ball, the humber bridge and photoshop. I'll be back in Hull in July, I'm a guest at Hull comiccon on July 21st, and I'm waiting to see if I've got a table at LFCC the weekend after that. More imminently, I'll have a table at 'Scribblecon' in Todmorden on Saturday 25th May.

SCRIBBLECON looks like a whole lot of fun, and the event is free so if you're anywhere nearby, and you love comics/art/zines or the prospect of people in a pub with pencils, then why wouldn't you? The event is also raising fund for the Forget Me Not Children's Hospice, a charity from my hometown of Huddersfield. I'll be selling prints and sketching all day. If that's not enough and for some strange reason you have not already decided to come, then find out more here.

See you there!

Friday 22 March 2019

Time Marches on.....

Considering I write for a living, I really need to post to my blog more. Apologies to both my readers. From now on I'm going to make an effort to post at least once a month, which is exactly the sort of thing people always say on blogs and is generally followed by another 6 months of silence. Let's see how it goes. So here's what I've been up to lately that I can talk about.....

I'm currently in the middle of a colouring job for a 32 page comic, literally in the middle, I'm on page 16. I'll post some pages from that when it's published. I set up a page with a few samples of my colouring work here. I'm still, several years in, helping out on Aidan Lacy's Infinite Timelines project, reimagining (literally) hundreds of comic book covers as Legion of Superheroes covers. You can see those here.

The world's greatest living poet, Jim Templeton has a book of Poetry out next month that I edited. It's a collection covering the last 40 years of Jims work."The Ramifications of Felix". Here's the cover-

I'd talk about the book I'm working on with John Watson, but it's become such a complicated tale. It started as a DC project, then an indie comic, then a novel, then a series of novels. Now we're writing a book about writing the book, as well as writing separate books. If any of these ever get finished, they will be great.

I got a kitten, who is ace, everyone should have a cat. Cat's are great. Here she is....

I'm also very excited that I'm due to become a Grandfather for the first time this year, hard to believe I know, but despite my appearance, I'm not actually in my early twenties. 

I spent a few days at Elstree Studios recently, waiting to appear on a Gameshow, but it was a rollover type show so I ended up enjoying a nice hotel and Green Room snacks for 3 days and then got the train home without actually being filmed, so complete waste of time, but I did meet some nice people.

The new Danny Boyle/Richard Curtis movie "Yesterday" is out in a couple of months. I spent a day on set pretending to be Russian, so look forward to finding out I've been cut out of any scenes I'm in. 

I'm doing a week as an "artist in residence" next month, so that should be interesting, I'll let you know how that goes. I will be a guest at a couple of comic conventions and one literary convention in the next few months, I'll post a list soon. If you would like me as a guest/speaker at your event, drop me a line using the form on the right. Or visit my lit fest profile page for more info.

Thanks for reading. See you next month....probably.

Saturday 3 November 2018