Tuesday 22 March 2016

Fightin' Iris colouring

New story, new characters. Drawn by the tremendous Trevor Von Eedon. Coloured & lettered by the resonant Russel Payne. Part of a planned multi-feature issue, "Anthological".

Posted by Mighty Good Friends on Saturday, 22 August 2015

Tuesday 23 February 2016

London Super Comic Con LSCC 2016 - review

london super comic convention pass 2016

February 20 & 21, 2016

Excel, London

Back from this year's London Super Comic Convention – LSCC 2016.

LSCC is one of the good ones. One of the few remaining comiccons that isn't dominated by film and TV stars. It's about comics and comic creators, and it's run by people who know comics and love comics, so the guest list always has a good selection of UK and International artists and writers. Its in it's fifth year now so maintaining the wow factor is a challenge, but with such headline guests as Brian Bolland, Frank Cho, Marv Wolfman, Mike Zeck and internationally acclaimed poet, writer and artist Russell Payne, they didn't do so bad. It's also about cosplay, so you have to be able to cope with standing in-between a gun toting psychopath and a zombie in the Gents, but you get that sometimes in London anyway.

Scarlet Witch and Magneto at LSCC 2016

balloon batman lscc 2016

I had a carefully orchestrated multi-stage plan for the weekend, but as usual it all went wrong before the con even started. Unusually though, none of it was my doing, all fails were perpetrated by Marvel and DC cover artist and professional non-driver John Watson. I generally give John a lift to LSCC, but this year he was getting the train down from a family holiday on Scotland on the Friday, I was going down on the Saturday morning and taking some of his stuff, and I was bringing him home on the Sunday. John realised on Friday that half the stuff he needed to take was still locked in his studio, so he had to get a train from northern Scotland to York, then to Poulton on Friday night, to pick up his forgotten folders and then we both set off super early (I got up at 2:45am, which is more of a bed-time than a get-up-time) Saturday morning to still get to LSCC before it started.

I was happy to bail John out though and I'm sure his blog will be full of praise and thanks for my kindness, interspersed with nice comments about how talented I am. The drive down was a useful opportunity to chat about the book we are writing together, it's John's first novel so I'm showing him the ropes, trying to teach him essential writing skills such as procrastination and work avoidance, but he's a slow learner and keeps writing stuff down and producing chapters.

Astonishing, we got there in plenty of time, managed to park for free on set up the table before even earlybird ticket holders got in. The table was between JK Woodward (really nice guy, with some great Trek/Dr Who art, especially an image of Spock and Tom Baker dreaming of Jelly babies - check out his blog) and Chicago based artist Jill Thompson, who was lovely and has done all sorts including drawing Sandman and creating Scary Godmother and who had her young niece sat next to her painting. LSCC often arrange the Artist Alley in alphabetical order, there's a theory that this is to prevent Ian Churchill from borrowing John Watson's clothes.

Russell Payne, John Watson and JK Woodward at LSCC 2016 comic artists

Stage 2 of the plan was to meet up and share a table with Barry Kitson. This also failed. Barry didn't manage to get to the con until 3pm, so I spent most of the day explaining to people that I wasn't Barry and that Barry wasn't there yet. Barry has a lot of fans and we heard the words “Where's Barry?” so many times we considered doing a series of books on it. When he did arrive, the helper who met Barry at the door didn't recognise him. Not recognising Barry Kitson at a comiccon is a bit like not recognising Mary Berry at a Cake Convention, but it got cleared up and he got straight into painting some gorgeous watercolours. I've been a fan of Barry's work since I was a teenager, a few hours of Barry Kitson is still better than 3 full days of most other artists, so I'm not complaining.

Even better, after the arrival of Barry, my daughter Chloe also arrived. She lives in London, so I was staying at hers that evening and it was a lovely opportunity to spend a bit of dad/daughter time wandering round the con. I haven't quite adjusted to her being an adult and kept trying to buy her Disney Princess merchandise, but she eventually convinced me that she no longer has any need for Lego Ariel earrings or a Tinkerbell Pop Funko and we went out for an evening meal at Canary Wharf instead. I stayed over at Chloe's flat in Northwest London and had an emotional reunion with her chinchilla Coco.

Meanwhile......John went back with Barry to his house in Norwich.

Norwich is 120 miles away. I expected John and Barry might get chatting about art and be a bit late the next day so stage 3 of the plan was to get to the con early on Sunday to man the table for them for a couple of hours while they drove down form Norwich. This also failed. Barry had deadlines to meet and wasn't coming, so John got dropped at Cambridge to catch a train to LSCC. Turns out that trains from Cambridge to London are only very slightly quicker than walking.

So Sunday was a lot more people asking “Where's Barry?” followed by “Where's John?” and "Then who are you?". When John finally got to a part of the country that had a mobile phone mast, I was able to keep his legions of fans updated with helpful text messages like-

“Sat on a train, It isn't moving.”
“Sell everything.”

and my favourite text, that I read out to an eager crowd of people waiting for news-

“Should be there at 12.”

Useful considering I received the text at 1:30pm.

text messages ldcc

Had a great time sketching for people though, which is much easier when John isn't there because he tends to hide my pens to stop me showing him up with my superior art. I did a little sign offering to “draw anything” which was possibly a mistake as people began to take it too literally, the high point being a request to draw Nicholas Parsons attacking Jim Bowen with a dart. I rose to the challenge. It may actually have been my best work to date. (Thanks to Mick for sending the photos!)

Comic Artist Russell Payne sketching at LSCC 2016

Russell Payne LSCC2016

Jim Bowen vs Nicholas Parsons

I also did Rapunzel, Han Solo vs Starlord, Deadpool fighting Wolverine, Bane, Penguin and a lot of Batgirls for some reason.

A man came by a couple of times to invite me to the Barbados comic convention, this seemed a little too good to be true. I eagerly await his email. I possibly should have mentioned that I don't have a passport. I sold prints, did sketches and I got some work too, so a worthwhile trip. I was also offered some comic cover work by a publshing company, but I have a strong suspicion this is because they thought I was Barry Kitson,

Other honourable mentions to -

Gary Frank, who I had a chat with about Jack Kirby and must pressgang into a Kirby panel in the future.

TomTricks who could create just about anything people asked for out of a few stretchy balloons. Available now for children's paties.

George Gechev of GGComics who managed to enthusiastically tell me about his new comic despite my best efforts to escape. George uses dark red writing on a black business card and a font so tiny that his website address can only be read with an electron microscope. One out of ten for the card, ten out of ten for enthusiasm though, hope he does well.


..and that elusive enigma Barry Kitson whose latest volume of Empire can be read online at Thrillbent.

barry kitson mark said empire lscc

Many thanks to the organisers George, John and Imran for doing such a great job once again. If you want to read an even more wildly inaccurate review filled with such gems as -

An hour to Cambridge, an hour to London, I'd be back at midday.”
Russ has also apologised for being an egotistical nightmare “
Yet, this time, I knew, I was the idiot. It wasn't Russ, it was me.”

Then don't miss John Watson's account on his blog here!

Saturday 28 November 2015

Convention appearances 2016 & cushions.

Star Wars Card Russell Payne

Hoping to have a new novel finished & published next year, so will be doing more literary conventions to promote that, but for now here some I'll be a guest at this year--

February 20th & 21st
LSCC - London Super Comic Con 

March 8th
Huddersfield Literature Festival

May 14th
Hollywood Comes to Blackpool

June 4th & 5th 2016
Swindon Comic Con

June 18th 2016
Hull Comic Con
I will be giving a talk on Jack Kirby in Hull.

August 7th
Blackpool Poetry People

If you would like me as a guest at your literary or comic convention, use the contact form on the right  >>>

In other news, the nice people at Zippi have approved some of my designs for merchandise, you can see my portfolio here. They have cushions......

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Swindon Comicon 2016

Here is our very 1st Comic artist signing yay!!!!Swindon Comic Con are proud to announce that Russell Payne be...
Posted by Swindon-comic-con 2016 on Thursday, 6 August 2015

Monday 20 July 2015

LFCC London Film and Comic Convention 2015

LFCC cosplay 2015

Just back from LFCC2015, one of the biggest UK comiccons, with some absolutely amazing guests like Michael J. Fox, Sigourney Weaver, Christopher Lloyd, Jonathan Pryce and me. I spent nearly the entire time behind a table though, so didn't meet any of the Back to the Future cast or other celebs, except for a very quick chat with Sean Gunn (Gilmore Girls, Guardians of the Galaxy), who was astonishingly courteous to me considering I hadn't really slept for a couple of days and was beginning to look and smell like I'd died.

Sean Gunn and Russell Payne

I drove down with Marvel/DC cover artist John Watson and my daughter Chloe. John will no doubt write an LFCC blog post full of blatant untruths about me walking like a giant old man and being unable to draw, you can read it here. The bit about my shoes falling about is true though, I bought them for £5, they lasted about 8 minutes.

We stayed in a hotel a few stations east of the Kensington Olympia, a lovely family run place within walking distance of Stamford Brook tube – The Brook Hotel,  highly recommended for the weary traveller, much better than many larger hotels I've stayed in recently, on the last day when we didn't have time for breakfast, they gave us a carrier bag with fruit, water and juice cartons to take with us. You don't get that with Ramada.

LFCC was three full days, the Friday might not have started until 1pm but it went on until 8pm, even Sunday started at the obscenely early hour of 9am. It was absolutely packed every single day, although we were on the second floor which was quieter than the main bottom floor, sharing the level with YALC (Young Authors Literary Convention) and a Video Gaming area. A few metres from my table they were giving away free cans of Monster, so I imbibed a year's supply of caffeine and taurine in 3 short days and probably won't be able to sleep until next Wednesday.

I didn't do any panels or talks, but had a great time chatting to people, promoting membership of the Jack Kirby Museum, doing quick sketches and selling copies of my books and prints. Having made the mistake of offering to draw anything, one group of six girls asked for a sketch of all six of them, which is a challenge in a few minutes even for someone of my massive artistic ability, but they seemed pleased with the result, if you try hard you can even tell who is supposed to be who.

LFCC con sketch 2015

I had a couple of posters up advertising the Kirby Museum and explaining about membership and how to donate, so had some great chats about Jack Kirby with people. Mauricet came over wearing a Jack Kirby Museum T-shirt and showed me some lovely prints he's done for Kirby characters Kamandi, Etrigan and New Gods.


More frustratingly, a lot of people I talked to had never heard of Jack Kirby, but that's one reason I was there, so I enjoyed explaining to people who had spent the last year making a Captain America costume that it wasn't Stan Lee who created it. If you want to know more about Jack Kirby, visit the Jack KirbyMuseum website, but only after you finish reading this blog post.

I didn't get much chance to shop for anything, but the man behind Rocket Chips came over to talk to me and I bought a bag of Sweet Chilli chips from him, they are pretty amazing.

I also bought a Star Labs mug from the Flash TV show and a couple of t-shirts for my kids after we'd packed up and were walking out of the venue. I didn't see a single comic up close, although they were there in the distance, I do wonder sometimes why it's called a comic convention.

As usual Cosplay was a big part of the event, with some great costumes passing my table. One final, logical highlight as we walked out was meeting Spock Vegas, a Leonard Nimoy impersonator who looked amazing, partly because he was about eight feet tall, but mainly because he remained in character at all times. It was almost like meeting Leonard Nimoy, fantastic. He is much better in person than in any photo.

Thanks to the organisers for all the support, food and organisering and to everyone who came and talked to me, bought things and asked for sketches.

My next con is the excellent NICE Comic Convention 19th & 20th September 2015 at Bedford Corn Exchange - Tickets on sale now. Start sending your pre-con sketch requests now.

Russell Payne sketching at LFCC2015

Monday 13 July 2015

Richard Ansdell Composite Portrait

I was a guest at the Lytham Arts Festival last week, a brilliant local festival organised with real enthusiasm for the arts. Part of my contribution was creating a composite portrait of Richard Ansdell.

A portrait of the painter Richard Ansdell (1815-1885) by Russell Payne composed entirely of sections of his own paintings.
A portrait of the painter Richard Ansdell (1815-1885) by Russell Payne
composed entirely of sections of his own paintings. 

Animal painter Richard Ansdell trained with portraitist W.C. Smith & at Liverpool Academy from 1835. Ansdell made his name with portraits of sitters with horses and cattle; then in Scotland with stags and sheep. Retaining a deep love of Scotland, he also visited Spain in 1856 and 1857, resulting in scenes of Spanish subjects, including mules and a richer tone of colouring. He was elected Associate of the Royal Academy in 1861 and Royal Academician in 1870. 

During part of his career he kept a "summer house" at Lytham St Annes where a district, Ansdell, is named after him. He is the only English artist to have been honoured in this way.

A commercial piece I did for a French company a few years ago introduced me to computer mapped composite images. A program breaks down libraries of images into a simple grids of colour then matches those simplified grids to small sections of one larger image, giving a picture mosaic made from hundreds or even thousands of different smaller images. I’d also used it last year in an Andy Kaufman portrait for a London exhibition, taking screen grabs of videos Andy appeared in and mapping them all together into a portrait.

Talking to the organisers of Lytham Arts Festival about the collection of Ansdell works in Lytham, I wanted to show the scope of Ansdell's work, while also creating a personal piece that showed something of the man himself. Using the composite technique, but this time using a library of images the subject themselves had painted was a natural progression and the coming together of the old and the new seemed such a natural pairing. Each smaller image is a section from Ansdells body of work. In a sense this is an Ansdell self-portrait, every brush stroke you see is by Ansdell, they are re-arranged digitally in a way he would never have imagined.

Richard Ansdell
Original Richard Ansdell Photo
digitally coloured Richard Ansdell photo
Digitally coloured Richard Ansdell photo

I digitally coloured and tidied up a photo of the artist as an older man and used this as the template for mapping together the composite. Then I manually went through an archive of his works, including some high resolution scans provided by the Lytham Arts Society and many more downloaded from Auction houses and galleries who have scanned his work over the years. Then manually cropped out identically sized sections of these paintings, sometimes small details, sometimes nearly the whole painting, to create the nearly 5000 tiles that make up the image.

Richard Ansdell
Close up details of tiles

The final piece is printed 6 feet tall, a strictly limited print run of two only, signed and framed, you really have to step back to see the composite image appear, close up you can appreciate the variety Ansdell put into his work. It shows what a prolific career as an artist he enjoyed, maintaining a constant output for decades and leaving behind a magnificent body of work. It's still on display in Stringers shop window in Lytham, but I'll be removing it this week.

Richard Ansdell

The 6 feet tall framed portrait was on display in Lytham, then listed on eBay  and I really wanted it to stay in the area and not be shipped down to a London gallery. In the end the auction was won by a London buyer, but he was born and bred in Lytham, so thats close enough.

If you are interested in commissioning a composite portrait on this scale, I do a limited number of commissions each year. I have done some recently where I take every digital photo a family has and create one very large composite portrait of the family using these images, it makes a striking talking point for any house. Prices start at £250. Get in touch using the contact form on the right and I'll let you know if I have any available commission slots.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Klaus Kinski as Galactus

When Klaus Kinski died in 1991 I remember my first thought was - "He'll never play Galactus now". Kinski already looks like Kirby has drawn him and he just seemed so perfect to be the onscreen Galactus, his features, his intensity. I just always look at Klaus Kinski and think Galactus. Maybe it's just me.

As it turned out, the first time we got a Galactus story in the 2007 movie Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer, too late for Klaus, so he was portrayed as a bit of cloud and a shadow. Great. Today I decided to redress the balance and took the Kirby pencils from this classic Jack Kirby splash page -

Fantastic Four #75 page 4
Found a nice image of Klaus in his prime-

Klaus Kinski
I added Klaus' face to the Kirby pencils in photoshop, then digitally inked and coloured the whole thing to make a poster-

So finally Klaus gets to play Galactus, sort of.....