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Upload Build Assets to S3

bud.js supports uploading build assets to S3, and with a few steps you can configure your Sage theme to upload the assets and serve them from S3.

In this guide, we'll be configuring bud.js to upload the assets to S3 whenever the WP_ENV isn't set to development.

# Requirements

  • S3 bucket
  • AWS access key ID
  • AWS secret access key

# Configure bud.js to upload assets to S3

We are going to introduce two new functions to the bud.js config:

  • uploadConditionsMet — For checking whether or not to upload the assets to S3
  • handleAWSUpload — For handling the upload

We'll also be adding the following environment variables:


Open up bud.config.js and replace the public path with a conditonal that changes the public path for non-development environments:

+  uploadConditionsMet,
+  () => app.setPublicPath('https://path-to-your-s3-bucket/assets/'),
+  () => app.setPublicPath('/app/themes/sage/public/')

Then add a conditional at the end to handle the upload:

    uploadConditionsMet, // ...if function returns true
    handleAWSUpload, // do the upload
    () =>'skipping S3 upload') // else log that we're skipping

Now we'll want to add the new uploadConditionsMet and handleAWSUpload functions:

 * Conditions to be met before uploading to S3
const uploadConditionsMet = ({env}) => {
  return (
    env.get('WP_ENV') !== 'development' &&
    env.isString('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') &&

 * Handle configuring S3 and uploading assets
const handleAWSUpload = ({env, fs, path}) => {
  fs.s3.config.set('credentials', {
    accessKeyId: env.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    secretAccessKey: env.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
  fs.s3.config.set('region', 'us-west-2');
  fs.s3.config.set('bucket', 'your-bucket-name');
    source: path('public'),
    destination: 'assets/',
    keep: 5,

After these changes, your build should be configured to upload assets to the defined S3 bucket in a folder named assets.

Full modified bud.js config
export default async (app) => {
    .entry('app', ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app'])
    .entry('editor', ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'])

    () => app.setPublicPath('https://path-to-your-s3-bucket/assets/'),
    () => app.setPublicPath('/app/themes/sage/public/')

    .watch(['resources/views', 'app']);

    uploadConditionsMet, // ...if function returns true
    handleAWSUpload, // do the upload
    () =>'skipping S3 upload') // else log that we're skipping

  const uploadConditionsMet = ({env}) => {
    return (
      env.get('WP_ENV') !== 'development' &&
      env.isString('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') &&

  const handleAWSUpload = ({env, fs, path}) => {
    fs.s3.config.set('credentials', {
      accessKeyId: env.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
      secretAccessKey: env.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    fs.s3.config.set('region', 'us-west-2');
    fs.s3.config.set('bucket', 'your-bucket-name');
      source: path('public'),
      destination: 'assets/',
      keep: 5,

# Configure Acorn to serve the assets from S3

Acorn's config/assets.php file needs to be modified to tell WordPress to serve the build assets from the S3 bucket.

If your installation doesn't already have this file, you'll need to first run wp acorn vendor:publish --tag=acorn to publish the configs.

    'manifests' => [
        'theme' => [
            'path' => get_theme_file_path('public'),
-            'url' => get_theme_file_uri('public'),
+            'url' => (
+                env('WP_ENV') === 'development'
+                ? get_theme_file_uri('public')
+                : 'https://path-to-your-s3-bucket/assets/'
+            ),
            'assets' => get_theme_file_path('public/manifest.json'),
            'bundles' => get_theme_file_path('public/entrypoints.json'),


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