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The 2024 PSF Board Election is Open: If you are a voting member of the PSF that affirmed your intention to participate in this year’s election, we need your vote!   More Info

Become a Member of the PSF

By becoming a member, you tell us and the world that you are a part of the PSF and support our work, and as one of the classes of voting members, you add your voice to the future direction of the Foundation. We're so happy to have you!

Voting Memberships

As core stakeholders of the Python Software Foundation community, Supporting Members, Managing & Contributing Members, and PSF Fellows are all eligible to vote in PSF Board Elections.

1. Sign up as a Supporting Member here!

Supporting Members donate an annual membership fee of $99 to the PSF to sustain the Foundation and support the Python community. We have also introduced a sliding scale rate for Supporting Membership, which you can sign up for here. Your support is crucial to the PSF's ability to do our work making Python available and supporting our community.

More details are available on our Supporting Membership page.

2. Self-Certify as a Managing or Contributing Member here!

Managing & Contributing Members qualify because of their work for the Python community and ecosystem. Fill out the short form linked above to sign up!

You qualify as a Managing Member if you dedicate at least five hours per month working to support the Python Software Foundation or the Python community--organizing Python events, working on PSF projects, participating in one of the PSF's working groups, etc.

You qualify as a Contributing Member if you dedicate at least five hours per month working on projects which advance the mission of the PSF by creating or maintaining open source software available to the public at no charge.

3. Fellows

Fellows are members who have been nominated for their extraordinary efforts and impact upon Python, the community, and the broader Python ecosystem. Visit this page to nominate a Fellow or learn more about the process.

Basic Membership

Sign up as a Basic Member here!

Signing up as a Basic Member is free, and simply declares that you are part of the Python language community and agree to the community Code of Conduct. Thank you for being with us!


Check out our Membership FAQ page.