
About Me

Hi there! I am Varun Patil, Computer Science Ph.D. Candidate at UCLA. I'm currently working at the Internet Research Laboratory advised by Prof. Lixia Zhang.

My research interests lie mostly within the networking domain, with content delivery, distributed storage, and Named Data Networking taking center stage.

I have been engineering software using cutting edge technology for over 10 years; and have written code in almost every mainstream programming language out there. Every project I have worked on has been completed, including big security-driven systems, some of which have tens of thousands of users today. For several of these, I worked the whole stack from conceptualization and policy-making to deployment and enforcement. You might want to check my resume if that sounds interesting. My journal enlists my current and past activities in more detail.

I'm a learning machine. It is one of the few things I really believe I'm good at. For every situation that presents itself to me, I try to analyze and find out how I could have handled it better, once it gets fixed.

Change is my all-time favorite. As the phrase goes, it is truly the only constant in this world. Even the value of π, as we know it, keeps getting more accurate!

I gym, I write and (though people keep doubting that) I'm crazy about food. And I simply love music!

Let's have a chat!


Get in touch

You can reach me at

Varun Patil
Engineering VI, Room 396
404 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

I'm not active on most social networks you know.
If you need to contact me electronically, drop an email at varunpatil [at] ucla [dot] edu

Please DO NOT email me about issues with any open source project I maintain. File an issue at the relevant bug tracker instead.

profile for PulseJet on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites



I have / work on a bunch of open source projects, some of my favorites below.

Memories NDN SVS NDN Play InstiApp API GeoIPNS Cerium

Github Stats

Varun Patil
Varun Patil
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science, UCLA
M.S. Computer Science, UCLA
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay