Messages & Speeches


Return to On-Site Work

Beginning this fall semester, the University will require almost all staff members to work on site full time. This will be a significant change for some members of our community, so it is important to take a step back and explain why requiring in-person work best supports our culture and reinforces the teaching and research mission of our University.

KEEP READING: Return to On-Site Work

A Message About Commencement

The week of graduation is one of my favorite times of the year. And it is perhaps even more special for the Class of 2024.

KEEP READING: A Message About Commencement

Our Shared Responsibility at UT Austin

Published in the Houston Chronicle May 2, 2024

There is a long, proud history of protest at The University of Texas at Austin. I am grateful to work at a university where students, faculty and staff care deeply enough about community, national and world events to rally around those causes.

KEEP READING: Our Shared Responsibility at UT Austin

Balancing Speech, Safety and Our Mission

Yesterday was clearly a rough, divisive day for our campus. As the push to disrupt top universities spreads across the country, many campuses such as ours are facing similarly difficult challenges.

KEEP READING: Balancing Speech, Safety and Our Mission

Today's Events

This has been a challenging day for many. We have witnessed much activity we normally do not experience on our campus, and there is understandably a lot of emotion surrounding these events.

KEEP READING: Today's Events

Organizational Changes

Soon after the passage last year of Senate Bill 17 — which prohibits many activities around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) — the University embarked on a multiphase process to review campus portfolios and end or redesign the policies, programs, trainings, and roles affected by the new law.

KEEP READING: Organizational Changes

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