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Vim Trick FTW!

by Emily Dunham on Wed, Jun 11 2014

Recently, I learned a useful Vim trick. One of our hosted clients has a Dokuwiki instance that we help manage, and they were having problems with a lot of spam user accounts being created. We added a CAPCHA to the wiki to make it less convenient for new spammers to join, but there were a lot of bad accounts already existing. By "a lot," I mean there were 112,808 accounts listed in users.auth.php, and only about a dozen real project personnel using the wiki on a regular basis.

To clean it out, we decided the best course of action would be deleting every account except those with admin privileges, because most of the real humans were in the admin group and those who weren't could get the project leader to re-add their accounts. The benefit of clearing out a hundred thousand spammers would, in this case, outweigh the inconvenience of manually recreating a couple of real accounts.

It turns out that DokuWiki's interface isn't set up to bulk delete users based on group membership -- one really shouldn't get that many spammers in to begin with, so this is an unusual case. However, I'm not forced to use only the graphical interface. DokuWiki's configurations are stored in .php files in /var/www/wikiname/conf. Each line in users.auth.php represents one user account, and is of the form user:MD5password:Real Name:email:groups,comma,separated.

I was familiar with the Vim command :d/pattern/g to delete all lines containing a pattern, but this time I needed to delete all lines that didn't have 'admin' in them. A little research revealed the command :v/pattern/d, which deletes all lines except those which match the pattern. Since many of the spammers (73 out of our 112,808, but still too many to hand-delete each) were using admin@ email addresses, simply deleting all the lines without 'admin' in them wasn't good enough. Instead, since I know all the users in the admin group have their group permissions in the form "admin,user," the command that removed everyone except the admin users was :v/admin,user/d.

If you're newer to the Bash shell, you may be wondering how I got the specific numbers of spammers. I made a backup of the users.auth.php file before deleting users, just in case the client changed their mind. Since DokuWiki had automatically created a users.auth.php.bak, I created my own backup of the users.auth with cp users.auth.php users.auth.php.bak2. Now I can look back at the user list full of spammers and say wc -l users.auth.php.bak2 to count the lines in it (since there's one account per line) and grep admin@ users.auth.php.bak2 | wc -l to count how many of the former users had admin@ email addresses.