Living Large in Small Spaces!

I'm Sharon Lowenheim, a.k.a. the Organizing Goddess®.  I'm an Ivy League-educated, native New Yorker, and I have devoted a lifetime to living large in small spaces.  I can find you space you didn’t know you had and make your day more productive than you ever imagined.  Towers of paper, overflowing e-mail inboxes, jam-packed closets, misplaced items, and out-of-control task lists - I have helped hundreds of New Yorkers to conquer these challenges, and I can do the same for you.

I am the only Certified Professional Organizer® in NYC who specializes in solutions for small spaces.


How would you like to:

  • Come home every day to a relaxing sanctuary, and have more time to spend with your family and friends, doing the things you love?
  • Find anything you own in less than one minute, know where every single piece of paper is, and have an empty e-mail in-box?
  • Be completely in control of your to-do list?

I would like to become your most trusted adviser.  If you are sick and tired of living in clutter, and you are ready for permanent change, then you are my ideal client.

E-mail today to schedule a free 30-minute consultation!

Contact Me