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Before doing this, I like to look at what might have been lost. The following 133 tags have been created by users with < 1500 reputation at the time of creation during the past 365 days and are currently in-use on at least 2 questions:

Name                     Used User                Created    RepOnCreation 
------------------------ ---- ------------------- ---------- ------------- 
sublime-text-3           90   Kriem               7/22/2013  404           
windows-8.1-upgrade      90   Joey Adams          10/19/2013 658           
sublime-text             42   Lohoris             9/13/2013  701           
chromecast               35   Raj More            10/4/2013  515           
ubuntu-13.10             33   Vladimir Oselsky    1/2/2014   332           
google-chrome-devtools   31   MoonSire            11/12/2013 442           
dos                      23   SofaKng             1/22/2014  327           
fedora-19                20   wullxz              9/11/2013  1217          
smime                    17   DeepSpace101        8/1/2013   538           
fedora-20                16   ChocoDeveloper      3/1/2014   739           
raspbian                 15   Bart van Heukelom   5/8/2014   882           
xfce4                    14   lang2               9/24/2013  436           
microsoft-surface-pro    13   Matt Clark          11/5/2013  304           
libvirt                  12   mavit               9/27/2013  310           
iis-8                    11   Feroc               8/14/2013  345           
xenserver                11   Alex                11/6/2013  339           
unresponsive             11   Mike Pateras        11/3/2013  356           
firefox-developer-tools  10   MoonSire            11/12/2013 444           
mariadb                  10   mickburkejnr        8/3/2013   730           
window-8                 10   curious_kid         12/28/2013 342           
remoteapp                9    damryfbfnetsi       1/14/2014  364           
downloading              9    broiyan             11/7/2013  357           
index                    8    Martin Prikryl      4/7/2014   932           
sfc                      7    galacticninja       12/29/2013 1423          
for-loop                 7    Kirstin             12/5/2013  1018          
cmake                    7    Chen Levy           8/13/2013  645           
font-smoothing           6    Robert Koritnik     9/3/2013   468           
tampermonkey             6    Brock Adams         2/6/2014   672           
pycharm                  6    Anthony Kong        2/26/2014  401           
traktor                  6    Franck Dernoncourt  4/6/2014   513           
search-indexing          6    Flak DiNenno        4/8/2014   594           
reference                5    Ian McClellan       3/12/2014  300           
mapped-drive             5    GSerg               3/27/2014  388           
beaglebone               5    Krumelur            4/1/2014   343           
hiren                    5    rossmcm             9/15/2013  391           
sata-to-usb              5    soul                9/29/2013  1314          
pgadmin3                 5    Eric Leschinski     8/10/2013  499           
whatsapp                 5    Antony Lee          8/4/2013   340           
sccm                     5    Myrddin Emrys       11/26/2013 1006          
internet-explorer-dev    5    MoonSire            11/12/2013 462           
html-mail                5    Camilo Martin       10/22/2013 619           
hangouts                 4    Ash                 10/16/2013 829           
bonding                  4    Nemoden             11/6/2013  356           
quod-libet               4    unor                11/21/2013 578           
windows-features         4    Brian Lacy          12/17/2013 746           
mpeg2                    4    Eli                 7/25/2013  431           
vb6                      4    nate                10/9/2013  492           
gridengine               4    gojira              10/10/2013 592           
windirstat               4    Josh R              9/10/2013  737           
fontforge                4    Eliptical View      1/20/2014  333           
cmder                    4    Zsolt Botykai       1/16/2014  399           
omnibox                  4    D.Iankov            4/16/2014  1471          
elementaryos             4    Deniz Zoeteman      4/28/2014  397           
oracle-linux             4    Simkill             5/8/2014   1224          
autologon                3    Colyn1337           4/28/2014  622           
parted                   3    wiak                5/2/2014   375           
superputty               3    Franck Dernoncourt  6/15/2014  691           
atlassian                3    Unnikrishnan        4/17/2014  601           
lftp                     3    wiak                4/16/2014  365           
displayfusion            3    Franck Dernoncourt  3/21/2014  493           
offlineimap              3    winchendonsprings   1/8/2014   457           
evil                     3    progo               1/16/2014  379           
opensuse-13.1            3    djechelon           2/7/2014   1275          
ffserver                 3    Yasser Zamani       2/9/2014   583           
lighttable               3    erikvold            2/26/2014  793           
zorin                    3    Zonder              3/6/2014   535           
freeradius               3    Augustus Francis    3/13/2014  370           
dax                      3    Andi Mohr           9/27/2013  342           
sparsefile               3    Michael Yasumoto    10/12/2013 385           
difftool                 3    Tiago Veloso        8/1/2013   897           
remmina                  3    Eric Leschinski     8/6/2013   474           
icedove                  3    l1zard              8/9/2013   508           
adobe-audition           3    Lynda               8/14/2013  1218          
shebang                  3    Ole Tange           8/21/2013  595           
clojure                  3    golimar             8/28/2013  515           
feature-regression       3    naxa                11/21/2013 1204          
adobe-creative-cloud     3    damryfbfnetsi       1/7/2014   302           
slate                    3    Duijf               12/1/2013  559           
config-files             3    thejh               12/4/2013  405           
apt-cache                3    Peter Westlake      10/30/2013 526           
badbios                  3    Ash                 11/4/2013  965           
radvd                    3    Dolda2000           10/20/2013 355           
mogrify                  2    wim                 10/23/2013 522           
mime-headers             2    Frank               10/28/2013 454           
rj-11                    2    Ash                 11/15/2013 1056          
elevated                 2    Langhard            12/5/2013  410           
jmeter                   2    TusharG             11/25/2013 695           
lotus                    2    Antony Lee          11/27/2013 540           
stylish                  2    Rookie              11/28/2013 363           
pkcs                     2    XXL                 11/28/2013 738           
lsusb                    2    Jonathon Reinhart   1/7/2014   478           
libusb                   2    Jonathon Reinhart   1/7/2014   478           
statsvn                  2    smokris             12/6/2013  434           
eraser                   2    oscilatingcretin    12/8/2013  876           
clearos                  2    NitroxDM            8/28/2013  341           
msklc                    2    Lohoris             8/20/2013  738           
iftop                    2    Eric Leschinski     8/11/2013  499           
elpa                     2    Chen Levy           8/13/2013  645           
awstats                  2    JoshRibs            10/13/2013 443           
psi                      2    unor                10/2/2013  559           
pipelining               2    Maxim V. Pavlov     10/4/2013  319           
tcpreplay                2    vpram86             9/26/2013  1105          
tarsnap                  2    Avery Chan          3/21/2014  753           
smb2                     2    Alexander Gladysh   3/12/2014  311           
ipkg                     2    Alexander Gladysh   3/12/2014  311           
udisks                   2    Envite              4/3/2014   350           
eap-mschapv2             2    Adambean            3/31/2014  496           
network-policy-server    2    Adambean            3/31/2014  496           
keyremap4macbook         2    Peeja               3/10/2014  346           
octopress                2    Anthony Kong        3/2/2014   406           
moinmoin                 2    lorenzog            2/26/2014  1106          
logcheck                 2    Eddie Parker        2/12/2014  331           
surface-2                2    Ben Johnson mk2     1/24/2014  640           
office-on-demand         2    damryfbfnetsi       1/28/2014  390           
sata-cable               2    Sickest             2/4/2014   742           
braces                   2 1/16/2014  435           
icicles                  2    Drew                1/16/2014  623           
terminal-multiplexer     2    shinokada           12/31/2013 307           
ssis                     2    Andi Mohr           1/15/2014  551           
sqoop                    2    P.Brian.Mackey      4/7/2014   679           
nconvert                 2    wiak                4/17/2014  365           
memory-speed             2    yosh m              4/9/2014   1133          
p2v                      2    user1301428         4/17/2014  1413          
answerfile               2    Colyn1337           4/28/2014  622           
noip                     2    einpoklum           5/9/2014   318           
msiexec                  2    Stefano Borini      6/6/2014   582           
system-notification-area 2    Edward Brey         6/7/2014   445           
texmaker                 2    Franck Dernoncourt  6/15/2014  703           
usbip                    2    davidbaumann        6/17/2014  873           
smart-tv                 2    PHPst               6/30/2014  554           
append                   2    nmuntz              7/2/2014   497           
centos-7                 2    Rob                 7/10/2014  373           
google-chrome-canary     2    Shimmy              5/6/2014   433           

For contrast, users with >= 1500 reputation created the following 93 tags (again, only those in use on at least 2 questions):

Name                      Used User             Created    RepOnCreation 
------------------------- ---- ---------------- ---------- ------------- 
cmd.exe                   264  slhck            8/28/2013  62885         
onedrive                  199  tombull89        1/27/2014  4827          
windows-server-2012-r2    67   soandos          8/7/2013   14810         
hp-elitebook              65   DragonLord       7/27/2013  8319          
visual-studio-2013        57   Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007        9/20/2013  37956         
kali-linux                55   tapped-out       8/4/2013   2537          
ubuntu-14.04              51   Devid            3/31/2014  1906          
heartbleed                23   DragonLord       4/8/2014   10340         
email-filter              21   Breakthrough     7/1/2014   24324               18   slhck            8/24/2013  62426         
microsoft-powerpoint-2013 18   Paul             9/23/2013  22054         
textmate-2                16   slhck            8/28/2013  62909         
windows-8-refresh         16   Oliver Salzburg  3/19/2014  36867         
weechat                   14   tapped-out       9/2/2013   2709          
cutepdf                   14   wonea            9/24/2013  1579          
file-filter               14   Breakthrough     7/2/2014   24324         
windows-libraries         12   Darth Android    7/18/2013  19649         
lpt                       11   sammyg           8/4/2013   1690          
resharper                 11   wonea            9/25/2013  1585          
powershell-ise            10   Iszi             8/12/2013  3167          
citrix-receiver           10   wonea            9/7/2013   1528          
docker                    10   Oliver Salzburg  3/31/2014  37486         
gitlab                    10   Sathya           3/4/2014   35232         
bittorrent-sync           9    Ilari Kajaste    11/22/2013 1853          
footers                   9    WilliamKF        9/17/2013  1692          
bufferbloat               8    Kevin Panko      10/16/2013 2762          
miracast                  7    tombull89        9/27/2013  4630          
av-receiver               7    wonea            9/7/2013   1528          
powershell-4.0            7    Louis            11/23/2013 5583          
icalendar                 7    tapped-out       10/6/2013  2889          
intellisense              7    AthomSfere       10/10/2013 4782          
iperf                     7    sammyg           11/1/2013  2273          
windows-2012              7    PeanutsMonkey    3/11/2014  2034          
zabbix                    7    ekaj             1/8/2014   2151          
tuleap                    7    Sathya           5/28/2014  36008         
4k-resolution             6    WilliamKF        6/4/2014   2034          
tails                     6    Daniel Beck      5/1/2014   58204         
exchange-2013             6    ppumkin          4/3/2014   2341          
serial-number             6    netvope          1/5/2014   1501          
microsoft-access-2013     6    soandos          1/10/2014  15553         
tiles                     6    MatthewThepc     11/23/2013 2154          
static                    6    Ben Richards     12/6/2013  6504          
widi                      5    Pops             11/9/2013  3062          
rdiff-backup              5    davidgo          12/28/2013 7297          
mega                      5    wonea            9/15/2013  1552          
external-dvd              5    davidgo          8/17/2013  4678          
sequel-pro                5    slhck            10/3/2013  65843         
chocolatey                5    Julian Knight    5/29/2014  6010          
osx-yosemite              4    slhck            6/4/2014   78824         
tsv                       4    Indrek           4/15/2014  12291         
windows-embedded-8        4    Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007        9/30/2013  38495         
microsoft-excel-2000      4    wonea            9/26/2013  1585          
dia                       4    wonea            9/5/2013   1518          
steam-os                  4    Oliver Salzburg  12/14/2013 34329         
guid                      4    Synetech         12/20/2013 33862         
roles                     4    Keltari          12/2/2013  18089         
multiarch                 4    Vi.              12/5/2013  3842          
clink                     3    Charles Roper    12/5/2013  3844          
qmail                     3    Michael Kjörling 1/3/2014   6510          
melt                      3    slhck            1/10/2014  71506         
brackets                  3    Oliver Salzburg  3/19/2014  36867         
worm-media                3    Kevin Panko      2/20/2014  3405          
edible-ink-printing       3    rob              3/3/2014   8302          
digikam                   3    wonea            9/4/2013   1512          
adobe-bridge              3    tapped-out       8/31/2013  2682          
placeholder               3    Hennes           8/26/2013  24432         
carddav                   3    ridogi           8/27/2013  2185          
metasploit                3    wonea            9/24/2013  1579          
openscad                  3    Kevin Panko      10/24/2013 2784          
rsnapshot                 3    lajuette         10/28/2013 3274          
802.11ac                  3    Evan Carroll     5/24/2014  1523          
dm-crypt                  3    Gilles           6/13/2014  29685         
fusion-drive              3    slhck            6/25/2014  80066         
google-compute-engine     2    slhck            6/25/2014  80102         
zenoss                    2    Oliver Salzburg  6/19/2014  39519         
plex                      2    BigHomie         5/26/2014  2800          
can-bus                   2    evan.bovie       5/3/2014   2157          
magento                   2    Brian Knoblauch  5/6/2014   2877          
gdisk                     2    Mikhail          4/21/2014  2126          
rogue                     2    Keltari          4/2/2014   20865         
thrashing                 2    endolith         11/1/2013  1640          
windows-ics               2    tapped-out       10/6/2013  2889          
karma                     2    wonea            9/18/2013  1552          
pcoip                     2    Brian Knoblauch  8/15/2013  2702          
megui                     2    wonea            9/14/2013  1546          
personal-block-list       2    Al E.            2/8/2014   2454          
nexus-5                   2    Nathan Long      1/4/2014   3256          
block-device              2    davidgo          12/31/2013 7327          
multics                   2    Kevin Panko      12/4/2013  3028          
robots.txt                2    Nicu Zecheru     12/10/2013 2872          
hexchat                   2    Chipperyman      11/21/2013 1533          
faketime                  2    terdon           10/14/2013 18370         
ask-toolbar               2    ChrisF           11/24/2013 32141         

During this same time period, 479 tags were destroyed, either because they were merged into another tag, weren't used on any questions, or because after 6 months they were only used on 1 question and had no tag wiki describing their intended use. It's not possible for me to determine who created them.

###My recommendation:

Implementing this would be unwise at this time. Super User covers a large number of systems and products, many of which don't have tags. If we're going to further restrict the ability of folks to create new tags, those with the privilege need to be stepping up to create them when needed. Right now, that doesn't appear to be happening consistently: the majority of tags that end up being used more than once is done by users who would no longer be able to if we raised the privilege level.

Note that we recently implemented warnings for new tag creation - whether this will serve to slow the creation of unneeded tags remains to be seen.

###Appendix: tags removed during the past 365 days

Here is a full list of tags removed during the last 365 days, for any reason. There are a total of 703 of these tags, which reflects both a different time period from that above (I'm adding this information a month or so later) and an improved method of scraping the log files for this data (don't use SQL when you need a regex):

offline untagged vcf 1password canadian-luke excel-2010-mac microsoft-outlook-2000 idle uhd 4k warning subject case-sensitive pattern insertion-fault file-dialog poster-printing freebsd-install open-file-dialog quicksearch printer-sharing cfosspeed uniform-server spec pdf-xchange-viewer micro-receiver intel-mic xmlsec zeitgeist bing-bot unicorn vswitch smartart gns3 parentheses symbop transformer pty fuser device-id disposal kids education f-lock invisible icall tesseract billing tiling r61 jdownloader sync-center core-pattern minitool simple-mapi rcirc google-app-launcher screenpresso ctrlp-plugin p910nd opensearch teradata sqla libopus conve appcmd physicalpath zarafa human-insensitive windows-8.1.1 instruction-register memory-buffer-register memory-data-register protel unlink data-formatting email-formats formatted comfort books emoji loop program-counter-register memory-address-register future technology executable output net disable quit program micosoft-word-2010 h265 vp9 cleanup jetty oncenote exchangeonline system system-hang hdf system-load omr untagged refresh hack support microsoft-office-365 virtual untagged windows-2008-r2 cost-efficiency div google-webmaster-tools devices activation pinterest pelican sql-anywhere windows-service-packs hotplugging pinterest microsoft-word-mac2011 ayiya freetype google-reader maildrop spin-down chrome-url centreon emp modi sourcetree ld-preload diehard boolean-operators caja autopager facetime imessage amd-raidxpert git-tfs self-healing transplant amule xnest index idea brew verizon-wireless skydrive sqltools virutalbox fat surface-pro-2 google-hangout groupware business-catalyst call-forwarding rich-snippet lines paintbrush printer-drivers windows-virtual-pc windwos tesla dvd-flick untagged close-application command operations developer-tools application-switching app-switching gigabit batch-processing das t pbs video-drivers illustrator word-2011 hyphenation flyout sd airprint mdsn excel-2000 customization business-model tamil pdc ntds communication targetprocess plot tkinter rpm-spec tracking-protection-list tiemu windows-phone-emulator outlook-data carp hsqldb porting legalnoticetext initcwnd power-saving-mode bitlord idl megui git-daemon ddl metro-twit belvedere daylight-savings-time find-and-run-robot minimize client .pst .ost magic microsoft-exchange access reliance economics capacity timeclock 2003 lockup stop utility leak different date-range reddit word-2013 surface failure iphone-5 grainy vigor2920vn vigor named-formula fusion access-denied details zombie scientific-linux-6 untagged vintage mapping server foxit minimal-install computer-forensics old-hardware opengrok snagit nucleus-rtos x2go apache-openoffice airprint spdy reformat watts filesystem-limits fireworks programming cell-phone minimize wp-mobile padding rawtherapee network-design refresh access data-destruction on-board-raid indirect-reference full-hd untagged loop redhat-6.2 stmp proxycap d android-recovery signature-verification liveticker marquee videowall chrome-canary game-server can errors adb default-browser default microsoft-office-xp magento eucalyptus exe menubar ultimate-edition open-with 4g lte external-antenna downtime beep untagged hide google-ultron france start dictconv configure middle-mouse-button x1 auto-hide active-window hide-window system-defaults requests network-policy-serverb blackscreen laptop-displayblackscreen pi endianess raspian home development-environment sublime multiarch timesheets ghostview numactl ach-linux yammer umsdos paperport feedgnuplot tos mkfs.vfat mtools archivemail intensifypro nut cronolog photoshop-cc chiliproject zend-framework install4j drobo-5n ssdt neorouter hwnd microsost-word-2011 window-8 disk win-key keys matching html-editor reload intermittent blocked surface malicious sound server-side awesome rssi microsoft-kb areca ieee1284 braille fsnotify stereo-mix pelican retext wodim yahoo-search couchbase rednotebook x-raid2 dicom shopping autodesk-sketchbookpro akmod actor actors tracert edible-printing idm arrow lang rfid pendactyl micro-sd secure php-fpm hack product-number forward-seek audio-port smbios offline single-bit-error whmcs operator frustration desperation oracle-11g debian-7 digital-frame prices internet-explorer-desktop expand collapse thinkapd disk-erasure full-path dschychronize virus-scanning hash-value verify sdd inst link2sd dect bah e-bay help-vampire chiliproject haiku-os-pm help-vampire chiliproject nvida microsof-access objectdock fignore outlook-mac mktemp freeswan altgr shim mac-hg term aalib archey yakuake cloudflare bomgar elluminate group-polcy js dragon-dictate tf team-explorer document-library sato-printer ccsvchst.exe mru remi-repository scilab simulink xcos invalid-ip microsoft-photo-editor chksk span horizontal hack dualboot vertical visudo untagged ifttt dos ipmi skype-manager excle oraclelinux google-wallet preload dotnetnuke external-card mtputty editpad defender gphoto where dmake autodesk-animator vgaswitcheroo respawn dynamo cpumon cstates network-block-device nbd povray pci-dss intel-vt telepathy lycom tonido umdh extension-cable total-copy security-camera kget pydev dsquery adfind hpf370 duplicate-files developer metro powerpint sche osc ns3 accent blurred start-button dual-boot sql-azure re-encapsulation chrome-app-shortcut configuration headless-ubuntu ginn distcc microsoft-outlook-forms aero-shake colorfultabs sar goldwave sbcl nofiles resin activebatch apk kmscon lilypond xpages cwd snapper userchrome.css pny rst insensitive nsswitch smartos access-denied sharing shares mac-filter stability excel-for-mac electricity untagged foot-bullet epic stata flickering calc qubes winclone middle-mouse-button tagging nuevi netiquette focuswriter conversation elementaryos hidden openfine name untagged zotac plc electricity catalina fontforge ufd aafp plotting server simultaneous powerline intel-xeon link-shell-extention soft-link windowsspeechrecognition full-computer-name licencing detect receiver entertainment state desktop-window-manager window-management maximize v2p snapping edge photography current portfolio parentheses prototype brands online school dust mockup apache-2.4.6 request-tracker font-color textmate2 gpo custom guide conflicts guidelines locked drbd disqus category sublime plugings core-dump reading-pane recurring polish topology information override starter reader break deleting online-resources logo ldme product-comparison auditing haiku-os 1.2.5 ise packa gauthenticator untagged hipchat missing-dll menus ost2pst whited00r scattergraph sar insertion-loss primary-zone delegation virustotal non-printable apache-solr texworks xfsm currency-conversion dxtory desktop-mode bottom-posting cacti hash-table backup-sqldatabase smtp-client window-maker lucidchart ttcp lucene gitstack appledouble piping total-eclipse troff cde safari-6 safari-webinspector photostream psreadline compi archicad lmde apu psb libtermcap disconnected

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