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29 votes
1 answer

I log in and I find out I am another user. What are the privacy implications?

I just logged in after being off for a week and I found out I was in the profile of another user. I understood what happened because some notifications pointed me to this and this question. I ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Exactly which users PII do moderators have access to? [duplicate]

This recent question here on meta has brought to my attention something I never realized before - non-employee moderators have access to some tools that can disclose an user EMail address. Since I ...
SPArcheon - on strike's user avatar
2 votes
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Area 51 login apparently requires the HTTP referer to be on

I have a Mac on Mojave 10.14.6 (10.15 is newest) with Firefox 69.0.1 (according to Mozilla's website, the current release is 69.0.3). I just tried to log in to Area 51, and got stuck on the page ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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How to change my login and login provider [duplicate]

I have been using an authentication through my Gmail account because many years ago I thought it was a good method from a security standpoint, (even if the fact to use an E-mail as an account is a ...
dan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can someone find my Stack Exchange account seeing my Google account?

Because I don't want people in my Google+ circles to find about I have a stack exchange account (which I login with Google). I'm in many Q&A communities of Stack Exchange, since as Math SE, Super ...
Santropedro's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why is SE consolidating my accounts against my will? [duplicate]

I am a longtime SO user, but recently I created a new account for Parenting SE. (As in, new username associated with a different email address.) I do this because I use SO and similar sites (Server ...
matthew phillips's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to have different profiles/usernames across community sites?

I have a couple of sites that I have been using for a while and use in a professional context. However, there are other community sites I would like to be more active on with asking for help from ...
Bendy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Same e-mail after account deletion

If I delete my account, in order to anonimize my content, and then I'd like to register a new user, what's the policy and pitfalls when using the same e-mail account for it? At first, is it allowed, ...
Cjxcz Odjcayrwl's user avatar
9 votes
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Solution for semi-anonymous posts / accounts

I'd like to discuss private / anonymous posts or accounts. I know, these posts are public, and linked to you in some way or another. Ok, "semi-anonymous", are you happy now? No, this simply ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Staying anonymous with connected accounts

Say I want to join and discuss sensitive topics on e.g and still stay completely anonymous. Wouldn't this be impossible if anyone could see my other accounts on other SE ...
Niklas's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Account creation question regarding personal and job use

Will StackOverflow discourage creation of two accounts with one used for personal use and another for job use? Also, what if my co-workers 'mess' with me on stackoverflow?
KJYe.Name's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Automate account removal and provide full info

To make Stack Overflow great it should not only be very easy to sign up, but it should also be very easy to delete an account. I have browsed my profile and could not find out how to delete my account....
user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How do I logout from a non-registered account?

I have a registered StackOverflow account which I normally log into using OpenID. Recently I logged out in order to post a question anonymously (supplying a fake name and of my secondary email ...
pauldoo's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How is the Birthday field kept private?

How is the Birthday field kept private from other users? When is the display field Age changed? Is it changed just on the first of each month or randomly within an random range of Birthday? Original ...
CW Holeman II's user avatar