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Offer long links to answers, in addition to just short

Let's say you are looking at some question and you see a good answer, and you want to share it with your friends. Well, each answer only has short links available. If you want a long link that looks ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How to set the specific part links in questions or answers to jump to them with Markdown Editing? [duplicate]

As shown below, I'm trying to set the specific part links in an answer to jump to them with Markdown editing on Stack Overflow: <p id="part-link1">Part Link 1</p> <p id=&...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Enable clicking on [Share] to automatically copy link to clipboard

When the user clicks on the [Share] link under the post (either a question or an answer), a popup window appears with the link automatically highlighted. I propose that the link should be ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
13 votes
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Old links to answer sort orders became broken after the change to answer sort tabs

I previously posted this as an answer (10k-only) to the announcement Revisiting changes to answer sorting menu: better use of space, moving menu into a dropdown, ascending/descending sort options, ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
-15 votes
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How can I answer questions with affiliate links? [duplicate]

I am new here. As an affiliate marketer, what can I do to be able to post affiliate links to answers questions about new technology, health and design on
Michael's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Answer links from search pages do not load the page at the linked answer

This appears to have started breaking in the last four hours or so. To reproduce: Do a search for answers on a Stack Exchange site. For the sake of a demonstration I'll use is:a on Meta Stack ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
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Timeline page should make it easy to go to specific answer [duplicate]

I was looking at the timeline of What can we do to encourage downvoting? on Meta.SO. This is a big question with lots of answers. In the timeline I saw an answer that I was interested in reading ...
Marijn's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to copy my own answer? [duplicate]

Is it generally accepted to copy my own answers across questions / exchange sites? (assuming the questions are not duplicates and the answer solves both questions) Should I link back to the original?
loopbackbee's user avatar
4 votes
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Showing Links to Answers

Is there a trick to showing links to answers? I notice that they all have a distinct id, so it’s 90% in place already. Sometimes it would be helpful link to an answer rather than a question. I have a ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Clicking on answer item from the achivements dialog doesn't close the dialog

Achivements dialog can contains items linked to the answers (e.g. when your answers got votes or you accept an answer for your question). In that case if you already had opened a page via that link, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is it ok to answer a contest post with a list of links to others' content?

I am not sure if my potential post passes muster. I have a fun answer to Time for some more swag! I would like to post the Top 10 Songs of All Time list. This is a top 10 list, so the songs ...
Super Jade's user avatar
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Anchor links for sharing specific answers [duplicate]

I want to be able to share answers using anchor links, such that when the link is visited, the page scrolls to the particular answer instead of showing the top of the page. A good example is seen ...
Elisha Senoo's user avatar
36 votes
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Why did the format of full-form URLs to answers change?

As I pointed out in this answer, the URL scheme for full-form links to answers has changed from: https://site/questions/question-id/question-title/answer-id#answer-id to: https://site/questions/...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
11 votes
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Linking to /?lastactivity breaks when that activity is on second or greater page [duplicate]

When viewing posts by recently active, the last action can generally be linked to directly by clicking the "answered/modified" link. For example, the "answered 5 hours ago" text circled here: ...
Catija's user avatar
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Is there a new "Read-More-auto-insert" feature active on the sites?

I started writing a new answer just now on Chem.SE, and all of a sudden I realized some text had appeared that I (am pretty sure I) hadn't typed: Is this some sort of new automagic thingummy? Is ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
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Correct course of action when an answer is nearly word-for-word copied without attribution? [duplicate]

I was searching "C++ returning array from function" on Google when I noticed that the top two results - Stack Overflow and Tutorialspoint - had exactly the same short description beneath the ...
dcmorse's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Use for links in answers?

I recently had the problem that a specific page was down from which I needed a script. So I used my standard way to obtain this file and searched for this page on and found the page and ...
SEJPM's user avatar
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Dealing with malicious links internally/externally

Occasionally I'll notice a link within a question/answer/comment that might have been legitimately mistyped, however, I'm thinking this might not always be the case. If not paying careful attention ...
l'L'l's user avatar
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How to copy links of answers and comments?

I've seen on SE sites where people post a link to some answer or comment, so that when you click on it, you're taken directly to that post and even highlights for a split second. I would like to know ...
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
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Can Stack Exchange sites generate pages that link directly to a specific answer?

I would like to be able to provide a link directly to an answer within a page without having to tell someone how to scroll down to the answer of interest. Is this possible or do the StackExchange ...
gonzobrains's user avatar
1 vote
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Why can't I add an example http url in an answer? [duplicate]

I tried to answer someone's question about a URL format with an example: I got an error saying I can't save an answer with http in it. How can I get ...
steve cook's user avatar
0 votes
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Could we add the ability to link to a specific answer to a question? [duplicate]

Elsewhere in meta I was in a discussion where an answer to a related question was very relevant. But I currently can't point to that answer, other than to say "the answer by author <here - link ...
GreenAsJade's user avatar
-12 votes
3 answers

This Question has Answers Pluralization Bug

I found in interesting bug today, I tried to delete one of my questions and it said 'sorry, this question has answers and cannot be deleted'. But, in fact, it only had one answer...
Cilan's user avatar
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Clicking on a link to a comment/answer should reposition the page more intuitively

I would like to suggest improved behavior for hard-linking comments and answers, in order to improve the flow of UX. The intent of the suggestion is to make the linked content visible while avoiding ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Possible illegal content linked on answer?

This question's only answer suggested illegally downloading a book - I flagged it with other and this stipulation but it's been up for almost 24 hours. What else can I / should I do here?
jdphenix's user avatar
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Can't use ideone to demonstrate that code from question actually compiles [duplicate]

In some cases, the code I'm placing on ideone is from the question itself. But SO won't let me post a link without adding code to my answer. Clearly the "code required in answer" decision neglected ...
Ben Voigt's user avatar
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Direct link to specific answers [duplicate]

Would it be a good idea to have the capability to directly link to a specific answer? Sometimes when answering questions, I would like to link to another questions's answer, but it isn't always the ...
dtryon's user avatar
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Answer own question with a link to solution at another SE site?

I recently asked a question on Stack Overflow but didn't receive any answers so I posted the same question in (which I didn't know existed before). Now that I got an answer ...
Anila's user avatar
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Answer with outdated links

I have a question regarding outdated links in answers. While browsing through Stack Overflow, I stumbled upon this post that was finally answered by giving the right hyperlink. Unfortunately, this ...
Trinimon's user avatar
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Links to answers in a comment on the same page should resolve to anchor links

When there is a comment to a question, you can easily get a link to it from its timestamp, and when pressed, it will make the page go to its anchor and highlight it without reloading the page. But a ...
user1306322's user avatar
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Is there a way to link to a section header in an answer?

Is there a way to link to part of an answer, e.g. a section header within the answer? For example, I wanted to add a link in my profile to a section header in one of my answers that prefaces general ...
Ricardo Altamirano's user avatar
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Rep Awarded for Referrals from a Different Question

Hi All I am rather new here, wondering about this Scenario: Jim asks Q1. Kyle posts accepted answer A1. Mary posts answer B1 that was not accepted. later... A new question Q2 is asked, seemingly ...
andy holaday's user avatar
9 votes
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Google Plus unable to read short links to Stack Exchange answers

Here's an interesting question on WebApps.SE: Google Plus links to Stack Exchange questions and answers It's described as a Google Plus problem, but it may be a server config issue on the SE side. ...
Ciaran's user avatar
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This user seems primarily to be promoting their own blog; What should I do?

I'm speaking of this user. Many of their posts are merely links to a couple blogs, and I have flagged them as "not an answer" and left hopefully helpful comments for the user. But while looking at ...
Andrew Barber's user avatar
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How do I link to an Answer, rather than the Question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I link to a specific answer? I was trying to include in one of my responses a link to a prior SO answer to give the right credit. However I couldn't find any ...
Philip Oakley's user avatar
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Shorter answer links [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Show a short link for Answers too… not just Questions. On a question, the link button gives me this URL: On the same question,...
Svish's user avatar
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"Shared a link" to an answer [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are there any ways to share links to answers, the homepage, or tags page that is tracked? On [], post 8472 is a question, and 8473 is one of its answers. I ...
msh210's user avatar
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Should we flag answers that only contain a link to another Stack Overflow answer? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do we do with answers that are just links to other Stack Overflow answers? There are many, many answers that simply contain a link to another Stack Overflow answer, ...
Rob Hruska's user avatar
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How do I get the hyperlink of an answer?

Is there an easy way to get the hyperlink of an answer? The only ways I know are: Click an edited link, if the question has more than one revision, and copy the hyperlink of Return to ...
Joey Adams's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I get the URL of an answer among the long list of answers of a question?

I need to refer to a specific answer but I don't know how to or whether it is available. Please help!
Nam G VU's user avatar
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"Proxy" Answers, good or bad?

Sometimes on SO, some people ask questions that could be simply answered by doing a quick google search and finding a blog entry for example. What your opinion on answering such questions by posting ...
redben's user avatar
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Permalink to answer not working (possibly because the answer is not on the first page)

This URL (obtained by right-clicking "link" below the answer and selecting "copy link location"): Designing function f(f(n)) == -n leads to a blank page. I assume it is designed to go to whatever ...
user avatar
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Statistics: Current Ratio of "Link-And-Run" on the Stack Exchange Network

I am personally starting to be a bit fed up with the prevalence of what I call "linking hit-and-runs" answers (Example). The major problems with these types of answer are that: They require the ...
-8 votes
5 answers

Reduce posting of "linking hit-and-runs" answers

For a background of the problem, see this other question. Feature Proposal This feature proposal is reduce posting of "linking hit-and-runs" answers. An answer is a "linking hit-and-run" if links ...
6 votes
2 answers

Small but annoying problem: References to other answers are lost after name changes

There are answers or comments which refer to answers by another user's username without providing a link to them, if the user's name has changed there is no way to know which answer is being referred. ...
Vinko Vrsalovic's user avatar
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Directly linking to an answer when the question has many pages of answers

I think directly linking to an answer, where the question of that answer has multiple pages of answers doesn't work - or at least doesn't work well. For example, this link What's your most ...
flybywire's user avatar
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How can you get the permalink for an answer to a question?

I wanted to link to an answer to a Stack Overflow question, but couldn't find a way to do it. I couldn't get the ID of the answer in order to create the link. How can you get the permalink for an ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar
4 votes
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Link or copy paste code

Recently when I was checking one question at SO I found that one user has answered the question with a link to an article which presents an answer to this question. After some minutes another user ...
MRG's user avatar
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7 answers

How can I link to a specific answer?

Is there a permalink I can use for answers/comments?