Winter / Summer Bash 2022 just started today, and within the first hour, nearly a million hats have been awarded across the network.

Let's show them off here! As with the 2021 edition, I'll copy the same text from the 2017 edition:

Post hats, hats, and more hats! Those that you're especially proud of, or that you simply look good in - all are welcome ;)

  • 4
    If Community gets the bounty, will it have 301 rep?
    – Redz
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 4:47
  • 1
    I mean can Community get the bounty since its rep is fixed to 1
    – Redz
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 6:01

124 Answers 124


It's cool to wear glasses!

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Do you need a lawyer?

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Let's look at the staff:

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I've got Tourist hat on Travel site:

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Top secret pirate:

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Verified (without paying $8)!



Normal Version:
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Hats Versions:
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A place to keep all my hats: Enter the WinterBash Hat Stand™.

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This hat brings fond memories, since my (then) baby won that Stack Overflow onesie he's wearing after wearing this hat 8 years ago.


Diki Ananta's Winter Bash 2022 picture

Sup, man?


I really like "unflagging", looks festive!

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This one also make it look like my default avatar is a character

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Nom nom nom...

nom nom nom

  • very nice and funny, hahaha
    – Vickel
    Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 0:28

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#show_off 😎

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Keep it as a memory From winter bash 2022

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I'm pretty much bald in real life, so the Albert Einstein hat made me a bit happy:

my albert Einstein hair style

I think it looks pretty good in the mini-size:

my albert Einstein hair style in the profile bar

  • 3
    Side note - that profile picture is over 4 years old. It does not accurately represent my current hair of which is barely any (I shave my head now)
    – Timothy G.
    Commented Dec 15, 2022 at 21:55

This is my friend Snailbert Einstein!

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I guess this one fits perfectly.

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and this one too.

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Apparently, Lord of Dreams is too grumpy to participate in the winter bash so Mathew the Raven doing it on his behalf:

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Many hats, many possibilities! Look forward to this every year :)

So Many Hat Options
Cookie head Cube hat Cube in swaddling clothes Proud parent
Giant cupcake Missing cube Phone play Pancake head
In sunglasses This is Fine Sunglasses cube Sun mask

Not many hats fitting the avatar this year...

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Winter break is here!

I'm a lifesaver!

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I'm too cool for school. (Even though I'm still in school.)

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Saved a penny, now I'm 1¢ richer!

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I voted! (Are cats allowed to vote?)

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Me? pfft, I'm a huge K-pop fan. How do you do, fellow kids?

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"This is fine"

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#CertainlyNotABot #ThisIsNotARobot



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Partial Eclipse

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Do these come with photochromic lenses?

Apparently, these do

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Happy New Year!


New Winter Bash Wear



A Penny Saved..

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Collection Complete

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I Unlocked Albert Einstein. Any one else?

  • Yup, me too. I can't find out how I got this one...
    – RDK
    Commented Dec 17, 2022 at 8:15
  • 2
    it has something to do with reviewing suggested edits. I reviewed 40 of them and then i got this one
    – udi
    Commented Dec 18, 2022 at 5:33

A helpful snowman :)

This is the way

"This is how they wear the hats here, right?"


"...was that yours? I was hungry."


  • 😂😂😂 Your hat fits the picture very well. It's so cute
    – Parisa.H.R
    Commented Dec 18, 2022 at 10:48

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Why get other hats when the easiest one to get is the best looking?

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I'm scared by myself.

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Coward hiding behind their verified status. Just because you are "verified" doesn't mean what you say is true.

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This fits my head shape surprisingly well.

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Does this hat make my ears look big?


I will join you on the stage!

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snail noises...


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Sssshhh! Can't you see I am filming!

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And who said that the sun and moon can't be seen in the sky at the same time?


The pirate life is hard...

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