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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Endeavour.

The USS Endeavour (NCC-71805) was a Federation starship, a Nebula-class explorer in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. Its commanding officers have included Joseph Amasov and Nikolas Kyprios. This starship had an illustrious service career. (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)

Service history and disposition[]

In 2367, Amasov commanded the Endeavour in the Battle of Wolf 359. In what he perceived to be his final moments, Amasov transmitted his analysis of the Borg: "In all my years I could never imagine terror such as this. Cold. Calculating... Murderous. It is just a matter of pure luck that any of us are alive right now. The Borg are as close to pure evil as any race we've ever encountered." (VOY episode: "Scorpion")

Miraculously the Endeavour survived the battle, one of the only ships to do so, and at the cost of half her crew. Amasov stayed in a hospital on Earth for some time following the battle. While still hospitalised, Starfleet held a hearing to discuss whether or not Jean-Luc Picard should be allowed to return to command of the USS Enterprise-D following his role in the Borg attack. Amasov's log was played in the hearing as evidence against the Borg and, by extension, Picard. (TNG comic: "Loyalty")

In 2368 the Endeavour was assigned to the Starfleet blockade force at the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II")

Later that year, the ship was assigned to a patrol circuit in the Cleon system. (TNG episode: "The Game")

In 2372, the Endeavour brought Aidan Thorn, Esteban Lopez and its counselor, Constance Barnes, to Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Saratoga)

In 2373, the Endeavour faced the Borg at the Battle of Sector 001. (TNG movie: First Contact)



Ships named Endeavour
United States of America Endeavour (OV-105, space shuttle) Flag of the United States. United Earth, Earth Starfleet Endeavour (NX-06) Seal of United Earth. Seal of the Earth Starfleet.
Federation, Starfleet USS Endeavour (NCC-06, Columbia-class) • USS Endeavour (Icarus-class) • USS Endeavor (NCC-1001, Constitution-class) • USS Endeavour (NCC-1895, Constitution-class) • USS Endeavour (NCC-25330) • USS Endeavour (NCC-71805, Nebula-class) • USS Endeavor (Norway-class) • USS Endeavor (Akira-class) • USS Endeavor (Galaxy-class) Seal of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Federation (Kelvin timeline) USS Endeavour (alternate reality) Seal of the United Federation of Planets. Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Endeavour Seal of the Terran Empire.
Nebula-class starships
Federation Starfleet Standard configuration Aldebaran • Alnwick • Aristotle • Barclay • Bell • Bellerophon • Berkeley • Boadicea • Bonchune • Bonhomme Richard • Bostwick • Bougainville • Boyle • Caddebostan • Chang Teh • Chatelain • Chesapeake • Chin • Columbia-B • Conklin • Courageous • Cousteau • Crick • Curie • Darwin • Descartes • Discovery • Douglass • Edison • Einstein • Endeavour • Euclid • Faraday • Farragut • Fermi • Foucault • Galileo • Gallant • Garuda • Gates • Godel • Hawking • Hegel • Heisenberg • Hera • Himori • Honshu • Hsien Ning • Hubble • Jacobus • Jah'tor • Jasmine • Kelvin • Kerra'don • Khitomer • Knuth • Koerner • Lancaster • Leeds • Leopard • Lexington • Mei Yuan • Melbourne • Merrimack • Ming Chuen • Monitor • Nebula • Newell • New York • Newton • Nightingale • Nobel • O'Neil • Oakham • Ockham • Oppenheimer • Oxford • Pascal • Pasteur • Pavlov • Phoenix • Prometheus • Proxima • Pythagoras • Ranger • Saladin • Salk • Reston • Schrödinger • Schweitzer • Scott • Stafford • Sutherland • T'Kumbra • Temeraire • Tesla • Tintagel • Tomaselli • Tonawanda • Ulysses • Whitney • Zee-Magnees • Zimmerman • unnamed Nebula-class starships UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
variant configurations Magellan-subclass: Magellan

Sutherland-subclass: Sutherland • Huygens • Almagest • Ibn al-Haytham

Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Berkeley • Nebula Seal of the Terran Empire. Borg Collective Douglass • O'Neil • Tonawanda • unnamed Nebula-class starships Emblem of the Borg Collective.


The Star Trek Encyclopedia and the Decipher RPG module: Starships initially speculated that the engagement referred to in VOY episode: "Scorpion, Part I" was the Battle of Wolf 359, and that the Endeavour was the sole ship to survive the assault intact. However, there was no direct evidence for this, aside from the fact that Janeway had to have been referring to an encounter that took place before Voyager was transported to the Delta Quadrant. In fact, it was never specified if Endeavour was part of the battle, since she was simply quoting Amasov's words, and did not note in what position or where he was when he faced the Borg, until the comic Loyalty resolved the issue.
Named for HMS EndeavourWP, specifically, HM Bark EndeavourWP commanded by Lieutenant James Cook in his voyage of exploration in the Pacific from 1768–1771, for which the later NASA space shuttle EndeavourWP is also named--hence the British spelling.

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