Liberate Tate Collected Works 2014

Tate 1840s GIF party submissions Liberate Tate was delighted to accept the open invitation from Tate to submit GIFs for its animation collage installation at the 7 February 2014 Late at Tate Britain 1840s GIF party.  Tate promised to display all the submissions it received so we submitted 16 – each evoking how works in Tate are …

Court orders Tate to disclose BP sponsorship figures

“Tate shall disclose within 35 days from the date of this decision the BP sponsorship figures from 1990 to 2006 inclusive.”  Information Rights Decision of the First Tier Tribunal, 22 December 2014 The UK’s Information Tribunal has ordered art museum Tate to disclose the sum of money oil company BP paid as a sponsor over …


We’re going to play a game with Tate. It’s sort of like hide and seek…We want them to reveal the exact amount of money they get from BP – it’s estimated to be less than 0.5% of their annual budget. Do you want to join us? While Tate holds a Malevich Retrospective exhibition, we’re going …

25 art-activists have oil poured over them in National Portrait Gallery in protest over BP Portrait Award

Art Not Oil coalition calls on National Portrait Gallery to break sponsorship ties with oil company responsible for climate change Press Release 21 June 2014 Earlier this afternoon 25 performers scattered throughout the National Portrait Gallery simultaneously had oil poured over their faces in a dramatic protest against the gallery celebrating 25 years of sponsorship …