Welcome to Immunologic

ImmunoLogic is a science and health communication organization founded by Dr. Andrea Love.

In the world of wellness pseudoscience, there is a need for fact-based science and health information.

Services include: written newsletters and publications, scientific consulting, content creation, fact-checking, speaking engagements, and media appearances available to members of the public, healthcare professionals, media, and professional organizations globally.

I offer my free newsletter, ImmunoLogic, as another conduit for credible fact-based information on topics related to immunology, microbiology, scientific principles, and the wellness industry. While I will always be a biomedical scientist, I have a passion for helping the public understand complex science topics in order to navigate the world better.

My goal is for people to realize that science is something to marvel at and embrace, not use as a tool to scare people or coerce them to buy unproven products. I want to alleviate unfounded fears and anxiety from predatory fear-based messaging (yes, we will talk a lot about chemophobia), so that you have a better understanding of what’s fact and what’s fiction as it relates to your bodies, your health, and consumer products.

Subscribe to my free newsletter here

Upcoming events:

  • Frontline Immunity: Allergy Alert

    Thursday June 27, 2024 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM

    Dr. Andrea Love will be teaching a one-hour CME course for the New York State Department of Health Vital Signs EMS Academy. The course is designed to provide first responders with a comprehensive understanding of immunological principles relevant to common conditions encountered in emergency situations, including allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, asthma attacks, and urticaria. Participants will gain insights into the underlying immunological mechanisms of allergy-related reactions, clinical manifestations, and appropriate management strategies as a first responder.

  • Frontline Immunity: Contagion Control

    Tuesday July 9, 2024 | 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET

    Dr. Andrea Love will be teaching a one-hour CME course for the New York State Department of Health Vital Signs EMS Academy. This course is designed to enhance first responders’ understanding of immunology principles relevant to communicable illnesses of both known and unknown types. Participants will gain insights into the immune response to infectious agents, different types of pathogenic microorganisms, transmission dynamics, infection control measures, and strategies for managing communicable diseases during emergency medical response.

  • Frontline Immunity: Biodefense Basics

    Tuesday July 16, 2024 | 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET

    Dr. Andrea Love will be teaching a one-hour CME course for the New York State Department of Health Vital Signs EMS Academy. This one-hour course is specifically tailored for first responders in New York State, focusing on immunology principles relevant to potential bioweapons and biological attacks. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the immune response to bioweapons, recognition of potential threats, and strategies for responding to biological emergencies safely and effectively.

  • Guest Lecture: University of Florida

    Monday July 29, 2024

    Dr. Andrea Love will be a guest lecturer for Critical Thinking in Agriculture and Medical Technology course.

    She will cover:

    1) Chemophobia and the Dirty Dozen

    2) How the perception of risk is exploited to manipulate public opinion.

    3) How to appropriately critically analyze the body of scientific literature on a given topic.

    4) How to assess claims that may circulate online as they relate to something being toxic.

  • DE&I in Clinical Trials & Health Equity SUMMIT 2024

    Monday September 23, 2024

    Dr. Andrea Love will present a Keynote Address at the 2024 DE&I Equity in Clinical Trials Summit.

    Her talk, “DE&I in Clinical Trials & Health Equity: A Public Health Perspective” will focus on the importance of equity and representation in clinical research. She will present data from case studies to illustrate the importance of proportional demographics in clinical research and the potential risks of data quality without diversity. In addition, she will discuss barriers to access and participation among minority populations and themes that have historically impacted clinical research participation.

  • Truth in Beauty E-Summit

    Sunday September 29, 2024 | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm ET.

    A free full day conference designed to put a magnifying glass on misinformation in the cosmetics sector, its impacts and strategies to overcome it.

    What is fact and what is fiction?

    Dr. Andrea Love will present on the impact of misinformation in the cosmetic space during this all-day event.

  • CSICon 2024

    Saturday October 26, 2024 | 2:30 - 3:30 pm

    Dr. Andrea Love | Echo Chambers versus Evidence: Ideological Conflicts in Science Acceptance

    In a world increasingly polarized by differing ideologies, acceptance of scientific evidence becomes a battleground shaped not only by facts but also by the echo chambers of social and political beliefs. These insular groups and resultant identity communities cultivate selective trust in science, which substantially influence public and individual perceptions of scientific facts.

    Drawing from case studies in contentious fields such as vaccines, food ingredients, and genetic technologies, this presentation explores and illustrates how ideological biases lead to the selective rejection of evidence. This rejection is further exacerbated by psychological phenomena such as confirmation bias and belief perseverance.

    By shedding light on the challenges of effectively communicating science in a polarized society, this talk aims to propose strategies for bridging the ideological divide. It emphasizes the importance of fostering productive discussions on topics frequently targeted by misinformation campaigns in order to minimize far-reaching and pervasive harms to public health and science literacy.

Get in touch:

Services Offered:

  • Scientific Consulting

    Consultation services are available for all industries to aid in study design, analysis, and interpretation of emerging data and publications to inform science communication for the general public.

  • Sci Comm Training

    Critical analysis of scientific data and effective methods of communication. Training is tailored to the group: from the general public to scientific professionals.

  • Health Education

    Scientific webinars, seminars, and creation of lesson plans to equip public health leaders, healthcare professionals, local communities, and the public.

  • Speaking Engagements

    Speaking engagements including keynote speakership events, expert interviews, seminars, advisory boards, and more.