62 Reviews
Leave It to Beaver's Horror Legacy
Hitchcoc26 February 2007
Are they going water skiing or are they going horseback riding? Are they going to be zombies or aren't they? I love these movies. The acting is so stiff. The characters deliver lines and then wait a second or two. The dialog is so pointless that it really doesn't matter. There's this huge island in a lake with a hugre research facility on it. But the people in the town don't seem to know it's there. Still a couple of kids can take a little rowboat with a ten horse and make it to the island. The research that is being done concerns a kind of nerve gas that will turn all Americans into blathering idiots (it's probably too late for that anyway). There's a gorilla running around, a couple of boring spies, and a kind of dragon lady scientist who locks the kids up for future research. The kids have the usual silly nicknames. The sheriff is on the take, so he won't help. My favorite scene is the last minute. I won't spoil it, but it's priceless.
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hauntingly bad
funkifunki29 December 2002
i just saw this movie yesterday, and to tell you the truth, I can't stop thinking about it. Every aspect of it was god-awful... the writing was painfully dull, the acting was nonexistent, and the plot was so thin and contrived it was hard to believe it wasn't an hour-long inside joke that I was regretfully unaware of. But strangely enough, it was so bad it was almost good. the man in the cheap gorilla suit? classic! the pseudo-sexual brawl between the voluptuous young teens and the evil scientists and politicians? Strangely arousing. While the corn level was high and the horror level as low as I've ever seen in a wannabe creature feature, there is something oddly appealing, and most definitely unforgettable, about this 1959 piece of crap
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Horrible Fun! It was so awful I loved it!
jbar1925 March 2003
If I were a millionaire, I would pay the staff of MST3K to reunite JUST to rank on this movie. It is perfect! It has everything!

Zombies 1950's teenagers A Gorilla Communist Spies Bad Rock and Roll Corny dialogue

This movie is so BAD it's GOOD. If you like "Plan 9" or "They Saved Hitler's Brain", you'll love this one!
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Not as bad as some of Jerry Warren's movies but still worse than 99.9% of all movies ever made
junk-monkey6 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The story: Four teenagers head out for a day's water skiing. And decide to picnic on a mysterious island. They go exploring and meet a strange woman and a procession of ambling zombie types - they run away and find their boat has vanished. They are all eventually captured by the mysterious woman and her Zombie sidekick Ivan (who looks weirdly like Alfred Molina who has managed to put on an overcoat with removing the coat hanger first) and locked in two cages with bars wide enough to slide a well greased elephant through, let alone a skinny teenager. Back on the mainland two of the missing 'kids' friends go to the Sheriff's office - which appears to consist of a hatch in a wall like a cheap all-night taxi place. "Gee willickers! Mr sheriff, our friends have vanished!" - they don't actually say "Gee willickers!" - but you know they want to.

The Sheriff goes out in a very small boat and looks about a bit and comes back (if internal continuity is to be believed, the next morning) having found nothing. The kids borrow a boat and head off to look too. they arrive on the island. have a conversation with the Mysterious woman and leave. As they cast off two mysterious strangers arrive on another boat. They turn out to be nasty spy types. Unless the mysterious lady doctor completes her formula soon the plans will change and the Russians will nuke America. "The fools!" The mysterious woman doctor flares her nostrils and takes them to her lab where she zombiefies a gorilla she just happens to have hanging about.

Cut to an American Flag outside a building. Cut to a bad actor in a military uniform sat behind a desk. Another bad actor in a military uniform comes in and tells the seated actor about the diabolical gas plot threatening the USA. He has one lead. A photo of the lady doctor. He is going to search the USA state by state starting with California, working up the West coast and then moving east state by state. (I wish I was making this up)

"I would also request, marine and navy helicopters and every reconnaissance plane the Air force has available!" he says, cuing in the audiences mind the tedious prospect of hours of stock footage of planes being used by the end of the flick. "That's a big order, I hope we can fill it." says the seated general. He couldn't, thank god, because not an inch of stock footage made it to the screen.

Back on Spy Island the boys pick the padlock on their cage by reaching through the gaps large enough to get their whole bodies through. they rush to the girl's cage and the boy who picked the lock keeps watch while the boy who didn't futilely rattles the lock on the girl's cage door. At which point the audience decides these kids deserve everything they get. They are too stupid to be allowed to breed. The boys heroically sneak away when it's dark. (It isn't dark. It's supposed to be but the film-makers were too cheap to hire a night for day filter).

The boys start to build a raft then sneak back to their cell.

The "Gee Willakers" boy and girl go the sheriff's house and tell them of their suspicions about the mysterious lady. The continuity has got so out of whack now that it appears they have taken the whole night to get back to the mainland. OK, says the sheriff, I'll take a look - and off they all go again.

The girls are dragged to the Zombification chamber. They boys heroically do nothing till it's too late. The Sheriff arrives and turns out to have been a baddie all along. One of the spies shoots him and while Ivan is disposing of the body the boys make their move. After the the weirdest rolling around on the floor fighting ever filmed without the contestants being naked and covered in mud, the boys get the gun, get the girls out of the Zombifying room, and shove the lady doctor in when she won't de-zombify the girls. They find the antidote and make her drink it. She smashes the flask but there is enough to rescue the girls. Our heroes run around escaping for a bit. The gorilla licks some of the antidote off the floor and goes on the rampage and fights Ivan. The kids escape to the Sheriff's boat and sail away home.

All of which sounds like any other kids thrilling adventure movie except it is so inanely done. Everything shot in long takes with everyone standing in lines. At one point while watching the gorilla being zombiefied the spies watch it happening behind them over their shoulders and when Ivan comes to take it out of the room there is is this amazing nothing ten second shot of three people standing in a line looking over their shoulders at a blank wall. Ten seconds doesn't sound like a long time but believe me; on screen it's an age to be watching bad actors doing nothing - badly.

This one is for serious bad movie fans only. A mix confusion and boredom in exactly equal amounts. Avoid. There are lots of far better (by which I mean enjoyable) bad movies out there.
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Mullet Heads
ferbs5424 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the advent of Elvis Presley and the birth of rock and roll, the mid-1950s still proved to be a tough time for the American teenager...at least, on the big screen. From the juvenile delinquents in 1955's "The Blackboard Jungle" and the angst-ridden James Dean in the same year's "Rebel Without a Cause," to the punks in Roger Corman's "Teenage Doll" (1957) and the dopers in 1958's "High School Confidential!," theater goers in the middle of that decade were treated to a variety of troublesome predicaments befalling the nation's youth. But all those cinematic problems pall when compared to the even more horrible happenings that teens were subjected to in the horror films of the day. In 1957, audiences were treated to a teenage werewolf ("I Was a Teenage Werewolf") and a teenage Frankenstein ("I Was a Teenage Frankenstein"); the following year, they saw a teenage monster ("Teenage Monster") and even, in 1959, troubled teenagers from outer space (you guessed it..."Teenagers From Outer Space"). Perhaps casting about for some new and horrible ordeal to subject a gaggle of American youths to, producer/director Jerry Warren hit upon the idea of teenage zombies, for his truly stupefying shlockfest, uh, "Teenage Zombies." This film, though shot in '57, would have to wait another two years for its big-screen release, and has been leaving viewers slack jawed and giggly ever since.

In the film, two teen couples, Reg (Don Sullivan, who some may recall from 1959's "The Giant Gila Monster") & Julie and Skip & Pam, decide to go water-skiing on a large lake (the locale of the picture is never hinted at) and fetch up on the supposedly deserted Mullet Island. Oh...as a certain Wiki site has astutely pointed out, we never see the teens actually skiing, and come to think of it, we never even see skis; the teens are certainly NOT dressed for water sports. Once on the island, our quartet runs afoul of middle-aged harridan Dr. Myra (Katherine Victor), who is attempting to fabricate 5,000 capsules of a gas (for an unnamed "Eastern power") that will--when put into the nation's water supply--turn our good citizens into mindless automatons! With the aid of the already zombified Ivan--a lumbering, hunchbacked, bearded doofus who is actually more brain wiped than a classic zombie--Myra imprisons the four kids for later use as human guinea pigs. Fortunately for them, their two intrepid pals, Morrie & Dotty, have come looking for them in their own boat, along with the local sheriff....

I'm going to try hard to say something nice about this film, as I always endeavor to do. First, the viewer does not have to wait very long for the film to get going. After just two minutes of getting to know our six teens in the village malt shop, we are setting foot on Myra's island, and observing a group of brain-dead servants in the field. With a running time of just 73 minutes, the film is certainly compact, and does move along at a decent clip. Also...well, I suppose that's about it, for the positives. On the negative side, "Teenage Zombies" features acting, directing and sets that are all rock-bottom deplorable. The film looks as if it cost around $300 to make (but probably cost twice as much!), and the kids are, sadly, a rather undifferentiated bunch. Jerry Warren, who also wrote the screenplay for this epic, besides producing and directing, reveals himself to be a genuine "triple threat" here...a threat to your sanity, that is; he had previously flabbergasted audiences with such outings as "Man Beast" (1955) and "The Incredible Petrified World" (1957). The film also dishes out what might be the phoniest-looking shooting in film history, as the sheriff gets his; the most hilarious fisticuffs melee ever shown, as our teens scuffle around on the floor with Myra and two of her conspirators; AND the unusual concept of a female mad scientist (offhand, I can think of no other film except for 1966's "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter" to feature a distaff crackpot of this order). So yes, despite the general inanity of the proceedings and the ineptitude of the filmmakers, an entertaining time CAN be had here, for those in a silly mood (and for those bolstered with something a little more potent than malted milkshakes!). Still, I am certainly in no rush to seek out Warren's semiremake of this film, 1981's "Frankenstein Island" (also starring Katherine Victor!), which, as word on the street would have it, is even more of a labor to get through than the original!

A final comment as to the DVD that "Teenage Zombies" currently appears on: It is yet another DVD from those perpetual underachievers at Alpha Video. This outfit has a catalog of hundreds of oddball films that have lapsed into the public domain, all of which the company makes available at very reasonable prices but with zero attempt at restoration or pretenses of quality. Thus, this disc features a battered-looking print with lousy sound, but at least a crisp-enough-looking B&W image; I've certainly seen a lot worse from this outfit. And really, if you want to see a zombified gorilla tussle with an Eastern spy, where ELSE are you gonna go?!?!
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The Russian Zombie Plot
bkoganbing16 August 2008
Six all American Eisenhower era kids decide to go water-skiing or at least four of the six do. When the four fail to show up, the other two go looking for their friends.

The two who are searching come across this island in the middle of their lake inhabited by a strange scientist woman, her Igor like companion and a bunch of mindless men walking around in a trance. It's those zombies that no doubt they've seen in several horror flicks when they've gone to drive-ins. And could their friends be becoming Teenage Zombies?

It's a lot worse than that because our lady scientist who's a poor woman's Gale Sondergaard is a Russian agent. She's experimenting with nerve gas and a way to deliver it in quantity so that they can turn New York, Boston, or Chicago, etc. into a city of zombies, though some might argue that's already happened. In fact she's begging her superiors for more time because the Russians are getting ready with an H-Bomb attack, but her method would be so much neater and would leave all those nice cities intact with a population of slaves.

Teenage Zombies has a no name cast most of whom I won't mention because you've never heard of them. I've seen better acting in junior high school productions, especially from the young folks. The sound quality is horrible and the film looks like it was shot from my father's old Bell&Howell.

But Katherine Victor who played the lady Russian scientist was a real hoot. This was her second film, she was in another science fiction travesty, Mesa of Lost Women first. If anything Teenage Zombies was an improvement.

It says here that the film was released in 1959, but when I saw the film the credits clearly said 1957. The fact that it took two years before the producers inflicted it on the movie-going public should say volumes.
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Auteur Warren strikes again!
alansmithee042 January 2005
With this, his third foray into the much maligned horror genre, Jerry Warren solidified his reputation as *the* avaunt-guarde director of the 1950s. Here Warren straddles the line between "auteur" and "metteur", masterfully reconceptualizing the themes of Don Siegel's "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (released the previous year) through a pair of interlocking mise-en-scenes.

As usual, Warren's startlingly surrealist imagery leaves many questions unanswered. What are we to make of the cop in the picture frame? What are we to make of the struggle between the post-feminist Dr. Myra and the pre-feminist Pam? Is the role of the kids a metaphorical subversion of the prevalent Cold War attitudes of the time? Well, no.

This is just another ultra-cheapo Jerry Warren special. Bad acting, bad direction, bad cinematography, bad dialogue - in other words, the usual. For bad movie fans and manic depressives only.
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It 'll take more then one monkey to stop this show
sol12188 December 2004
Outrageous teen/horror movie about a bunch of young people kidnapped by this gang of spies led by a Dr. Myra and her obedient zombie slave Ivan on an island off the US coast.

Dr. Myra is working on this serum together with her two hoods Wrof & Brandt to put into the US water system and make everyone in America become a mindless zombie. This will make it possible for the country that she's working for an unnamed Eastern European power, the Soviet Union?, to take over the USA without firing a shot.These four teenagers who end up on the island Reg Skip Pam & Julie and are quickly captured by Ivan and put in a cage to be experimented on by Dr. Myra.

The teenagers friends Morrie and Dotty go to the island looking for them but are told by Dr. Myra that there's no one there but later go to the local sheriff for help. The sheriff turns out to be working with Dr. Myra and her gang but when he and Morrie & Dotty arrive at the island he has a change of heart.

The sheriff supplied Dr. Myra with drunks and criminals from his jail house and felt that innocent teenagers being used in Dr. Myra's insane ventures are a little too much and refuses to work with her and her hoods thus getting a bullet in his chest from Wrof killing him. Meanwhile the two girls Pam & Julie are exposed to the serum/gas and lose their brain-power and become zombies.

Rag and Skip together with Morrie and Dotty break into Dr. Myra's lab and force her to gave the girls and antidote to give them back their minds after having Dr. Myra lose her with the same gas she used on the girls. It's then that a fight breaks out between the teenagers and Dr. Myra and her two hoods Worf & Brandt as well as Ivan with the monkey/gorilla, one of Dr. Myra's failed experiments, breaking out of the cage killing Brandt as everyone runs for their lives to the boat by the beach to escape.

Having it out on the boat the teenagers overpower Dr. Myra and Worf and take them prisoner to the police and US military authorities on shore thus saving the USA from a covert takeover by a hostile power; as for Ivan he completely disappeared right off the radar screen.
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A none event
Ged-1214 September 2000
Jerry Warren strikes again, here is a plot so stupid (an island 30 miles from the mainland that everybody has forgotten!) acting is non existent, not as if the actors(?) are requested to act anyway. But stick it through just to see the climatic fist fight in the mad scientist's lab.
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Cheap and badly made, even by low-budget film standards
a_chinn12 March 2018
Uber cheap teen horror film makes a Samuel Z. Arkoff production look like something by Samuel Goldwyn. And oddly enough, there are no teenage zombies. The story is instead about a group of teenagers being captured after snooping around an evil scientist's private island, who are then experimented on by the scientists. Pretty bad Z-grade stuff.
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One of the better gorilla/malt shop movies
yonhope12 April 2009
A fine film meant for conness sewers of island mad scientist atomic zombie stinko schmaltz. A very good looking cast of actual teens competing for good hair, bad acting moments. The one dark haired boy who looks youngest is probably the best of the lot. The gorilla suit probably cost as much as the script. Nothing. So you have some poison gas that isn't the kind of poison that kills you. A deputy who peeks out of a window. The sheriff has a hat. Nobody has a dog. There is no music on the jukebox. There's an island and some boats and a guy with glasses. I hope I'm not giving away too much. Oh wait. I almost forgot. There is a 1954 Ford. Really. An Army or Air Force guys says something to someone. He has a 1957 Ford. You are gonna love it. I don't know how Kevin Costner missed being cast in this one. The house has a kitchen with a big cooler and no bathroom. The working title was "Teen Agers with Bad Agents." Guns and stuff too. Rumor is it was directed by someone and released.
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One of the better Jerry Warren films
dbborroughs29 October 2006
The film is the work of Jerry Warren a schlock king who churned out a bunch of low budget films over the years aimed at capitalizing on the hot horror market. Most of Warren's films are really bad, but they made money thanks to cheapness of cost, and clever titles (Teenage Zombies, Attack of the Mayan Mummy, Wild World of the Bat Woman) that often promised more than they delivered. Occasionally Warren would take an foreign feature, cut the heart of it out and replace it with long static scenes. Amazingly this is one of the few wholly original films that Warren unleashed and it it is almost unlike most of his other snoozers in that its actually watchable.

The plot has US agents searching for a gang of foreign agents are conducting mind control experiments on a small island. As the agents stumble around unable to find them, the bad guys end up battling a group of teens who stumble upon them and their lair.

Far from a great film this is a goofy little flick that was designed for the teenage drive in audiences. Its a low budget treat that has a sense of how ridiculous it all is. It doesn't take it self seriously, which helps a great deal. (Of course I could be wrong and be over praising it since its probably the one Warren film that doesn't stink completely.) Recommended if you're doing a multiple feature horror night at the movies of drive-in style fare.
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To the Victor the Spoils
richardchatten25 February 2023
Producer-director Jerry Warren is notorious for cannibalising old foreign movies; this is all his own work so he takes all the blame.

What saves the film from total boredom is foxy Katherine Victor as the mad doctor Dr Zyra dabbling in nerve gas. A bunch of kinds arrive on her island declaring it "a crazy spot for beach parties", but encounter her imperiously presiding over her army of zombies, her raven hair thrown back, her arms folded across her chest.

Like every well-equipped mad doctor she owns her own pet gorilla along with the most gormless-looking hunchbacked assistant you've ever seen, bearing the suspiciously Russian-sounding name 'Ivan'.
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Perfect, except for the lack of water skiing scenes
cutterccbaxter9 January 2007
Director Jerry Warren chooses to tell his story "Teenage Zombies" via the master shot. There are about two close ups in the entire film. This allows Warren to fully exploit and reveal the mise- en-scene of every scene. This technique also allows the actors to roam the frame and use their body language to develop their multi-dimensional characters. In particular, Chuck Niles is able to portray a fully fleshed out Ivan because of Warren's deployment of the master shot. It's a brilliant performance that overshadows all the other actors in the movie. Mitch Evans also gives us a subtle and nuanced performance as the gorilla. My one complaint about the film is that we don't see any water skiing. I like films with water skiing in them and I suspect Warren could have cut together an intriguing water skiing montage if he had been so inclined.
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Z-grade garbage
Leofwine_draca12 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TEENAGE ZOMBIES is a Z-grade B-movie from the notorious Jerry Warren. The "plot", loosely described as such, features some typically annoying and overaged teenagers who end up on a remote island resort run by a female mad scientist who has a passion for turning ordinary people into mindless zombies. There's just one sad-looking zombie hanging around for much of the running time and the bulk of the action exists in a mere five minute window. Elsewhere, there's a lot of 'groovy' dialogue and an equally sad-looking gorilla lurking about the scenery. This is bargain basement stuff, which looks and feels entirely low budget, silly, and unworthy of a viewer's attention - that is, unless you're a seasoned purveyor of cinematic badness.
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The Island of Doctor Myra
wes-connors26 February 2009
Soda shop teenagers Don Sullivan (as Reg), Jay Hawk (as Morrie), and Mitzie Albertson (as Julie) discuss waterskiing and horseback riding. Hay-brained Mr. Hawk decides to go riding with girlfriend Nan Green (as Dotty) while the others join Paul Pepper (as Skip) and Brianne Murphy (as Pam) for water sports. The four boaters wind up stranded on a mysterious island. There, the waterskiing couples lose their boat, and are held captive by glamour-gowned doctor Katherine Victor (as Myra) - she wants to turn the teenagers into zombies!

Jerry Warren's "Teenage Zombies" is a very poorly produced, sometimes fun film. The storyline is silly, but easy to understand. Communists want to turn the United States into a bunch of zombies. They might have considered letting nature take its course (but, then, there wouldn't be a movie). An ensemble cast, led by Sullivan, plays the material very well, considering the script's obvious idiocy. Hawk does a surprisingly good job as "Morrie". And, Ms. Victor is a hilariously hospitable hostess, offering soda pop to her potential zombies.

*** Teenage Zombies (1959) Jerry Warren ~ Don Sullivan, Katherine Victor, Jay Hawk
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It can never be unseen...
sdfvnfjsnksjf19 January 2013
Earlier today I accidentally viewed on the internet a man being decapitated via chainsaw. After viewing Teenage Zombies hours later I have come to the conclusion I would very much like to be that man in the video.

I figured to myself- "Well hey, here's a 1950's film entitled 'Teenage Zombies'. Perhaps it will subtly play on American angst towards youth and family values, maybe even a little nod towards gender issues in post war America, hell this film could be Rebel without a Cause but with Zombies!"... How wrong I was.

What we actually have in this film is acting filled with more wood than a pornstar's pants, a plot so obviously about American fears of the soviets it loses all effect and one zombie, who is called Ivan, a middle aged brainless slave, dumb but strong, perving on the American female who yes, they called Ivan, subtly done Jerry. DOWN WITH COMMUNISM!

All in all, I could say so much about this film, I actually find it a little sad that the kids in this movie probably considered it their big break, when in reality most of them never acted again. I'll close by saying this; if you're drunk, drugged off your tits, or maybe even if you hate yourself and can't find a razor blade, watch this film. If you're none of these things, please, just don't.
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Nothing to Recommend
arfdawg-129 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
By any measurement, this is a horrible film.

The plot is silly.

The acting is non-existent.

The directions is worse than amateurish.

There really is nothing to recommend unless you want to see what the

The Plot.

Teenagers Reg, Skip, Julie and Pam go out for an afternoon of water skiing on a nice day.

They come ashore on an island that is being used as a testing center for a scientist and agents from "an eastern power."

They seek to turn the people of the United States into easily controlled zombie like creatures.

The agents steal Reg's boat, stranding the teens on the island. The four friends are then held captive in cages able only to speculate on their fate.

Though they have already been testing the formula on convicts and drunks, the enemy scientist and agents plan to conduct final tests on the teens before they use it on the rest of America.

Meanwhile, two of their friends, whom the captives had planned to meet later, search for their missing friends. After a series of suspicious encounters, they urge the corrupt sheriff to search the island where their friends are trapped.
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Famous 5 meets horror
nightroses23 April 2022
Well not Famous Five but Famous 4 and later the Famous 6. It's very cheesy and silly but has a lot of 1950's charm that makes me feel a pine to go back there in time and live during that decade. It was a nice film, a mystery and adventure more than science fiction. The scary was some of the zombies including Reg the servant, and also the mad scientist woman who looked very stunning.
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My dog could make a better movie than this one!!
planktonrules20 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout this movie, I kept thinking that TEENAGE ZOMBIES deserved a score of 2. Then, as the film neared the end, it crossed over the border to the land of truly dreadful films--making it to the hallowed pantheon of truly horrible films, such as PLAN 9 or THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN. Yes, folks...it's THAT bad!

The film begins with four teenagers going to an island that they just noticed was off the coast. Yes, apparently although they lived there in town their whole lives, they never knew that it was right off the coast. Well, when they arrive, they find the place is infested with zombies (though because the budget was so low, you only see one--late in the film they inform you that the place is infested with them). In addition, there's an evil scientist who is apparently responsible for turning people into zombies as some sort of Commie plot. This portion, by the way, is the BEST part of the film! When the four don't return, their two friends who didn't come along go to the police for help. However, the sheriff who is assisting the two is actually one of the mob and brings the two irksome teens to the hideout. There the six teens are about to become zombies until they have the world's lamest fight scenes in history. They grapple on the floor with the baddies like a group of toddlers fighting over a toy--it's that bad. And, when the teens actually take away the baddies' guns, they DON'T shoot them--even when the crooks once again attack them. At this point, despite having guns, the teens roll around on the floor again with the crooks for a while. Perhaps the boys just liked the "funny feeling" they felt when they wrestled with men....who knows.

By the end, the evil sheriff and one of the baddies is dead AND a guy in a gorilla suit runs amok on the island as the teens take the two remaining baddies back to the cops. The film ends with the kids all having a good wholesome American laugh.

Overall, the acting is as bad as it gets, the nighttime scenes were shot in broad daylight, the fight scenes were just dreadful and, incidentally, there really were no teenage zombies. Well, to be precise, they did turn two teen girls into zombies and turned them back to normal about 30 seconds later. And, as I said above, they could only spring for one zombie and guy in a $9 gorilla suit. It's sad,...very, very sad.

If you are a fan of bad films, then it's well worth seeing. Otherwise, it's all very painful and dreary.
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Teenage Zombies
a_baron29 May 2015
What can be said of this black and white film? Well, the title is misleading because we don't actually see any zombies to speak of. It was clearly made on a shoestring, but today there are kids making better films on YouTube with smaller budgets or no budgets at all.

The formula is not exactly new and wasn't then, a group of teens stumble onto a plot by an evil scientist, in this case a lady scientist who is clearly in the pay of some unspecified foreign power, they are captured, or some of them are, but at the end of the day good triumphs over evil, and youth over experience, they save the world, or at least America, and...

All very predictable, but nothing too offensive, and bad as it may be, next to anything directed by Snoopy Green, "Teenage Zombies" is far from totally unwatchable.
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An enjoyably tacky 50's low-budget horror camp artifact
Woodyanders9 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Notorious Grade Z hackmeister supreme Jerry Warren doesn't do it again with this stunningly stinky schlocker about a bunch of dippy teenagers (the chronically colorless Don Sullivan of "The Giant Gila Monster" fame among 'em) who discover evil lady mad scientist Dr. Myra (the delightfully vampy Katherine Victor) and her lumbering zombie assistant Ivan (legendary jazz radio disc jockey Chuck Niles sporting dark raccoon-like circles around his eyes) on a remote small island. The dastardly Dr. Myra is turning hapless folks into mindless easily controlled automatons in a harebrained scheme to conquer America. It's up to the kids to foil her before it's too late. Boy, does this so-awful-it's-oddly-entertaining atrocity possess all the so-utterly-wrong-that-they're-paradoxically-right peculiarly appealing shoddy bad film stuff: pitifully limp'n'lifeless direction, a generic shuddery'n'ominous film library score, crude, static, scratchy photography (there's an appalling surplus of hideously flat and ugly master shots featured throughout), hopelessly stiff acting, infrequent outbursts of poorly staged (non)action, plodding pacing, choice clunky dialogue ("They look doped. Or dead. Or something"), and even some guy in a laughably obvious and unconvincing moth-eaten gorilla suit. An endearingly inept ramshackle mess of a low-budget camp howler.
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Mr. Warren...you have done it again!
rosscinema14 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, it's so bad it's good and this little gem has so many moments in it for viewers to throw in their own jokes that it ultimately becomes one's own Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's so easy to say that this is one of the worst films ever made but the truth is that it's not the worst and also the low budget cheesiness just makes this a lot of fun to watch. I personally enjoy these types of films and I never get tired of viewing them so unless your taste is confined to just a small spectrum of high brow cinema this ultra cheap film can absolutely be fun for the viewer. Story is about 4 teenagers who go out boating one afternoon and head to what they thought was a deserted island but once they arrive they discover that someone actually lives there.

*****SPOILER ALERT***** The 4 teens are Reg (Don Sullivan AKA Scotty Beckett), Skip (Paul Pepper), Julie (Mitzie Albertson), and Pam (Brianne Murphy) and they end up being captured by a female mad scientist named Dr. Myra (Katherine Victor) and her deformed man slave Ivan (Chuck Niles) and thrown into some cages in the basement. Dr. Myra is in cahoots with some foreign agents to make a nerve gas that causes people to become zombie-like but before she tests it on the kids she uses a gorilla(!) first and discovers that her research has worked. Meanwhile, Morrie (Jay Hawk) and Dotty (Nan Green) are worried about their missing pals and go to the local sheriff's office but when they all go to the island it turns out that the Sheriff (Mike Concannon) is in business with Dr. Myra!

This is directed by the infamous Jerry Warren who along with Ed Wood was one of those filmmakers whom you could count on for low budget silliness and let's face it...this has plenty! First off, when actress Victor makes her appearance she looks like a cross between Lily Munster and Vampira (and Elvira!) and she wears these fancy evening gowns even though she's supposed to be alone on an island and even keeps them on under her lab coat. I had to scratch my head when she conveniently had cold soda pop in her cupboard for the teens and unless she and Ivan like to sit around and have a cold one you have to wonder why someone so diabolical would have soda pop. And speaking of Ivan, with that long sleeve coat he wears he looks like a combination of Quasimodo and some gangland vato but I especially couldn't help but notice that when he brought some food for the two hot looking chicks he took an extra long time leering at them. Some of the other innocuous things that made an impression on me are things like the sheriff's office which actually looks like a diner or a roadside gift shop. The raft that Reg and Skip put together has got to be the worse thing I ever saw and did they really think that a few pieces of lumber would keep the four of them afloat? Gilligan could have done a better job! Did I hear right when Morrie said that the island was 30 or 40 miles away by boat? It would take forever for anyone to get to that island and speaking of Morrie he seems like an Anthony Perkins type of person who's always rubbing his clammy little hands together and when he's talking at the sheriff's office he has this nervous look on his face like he's ready to empty his bowels. The fight that takes place in the lab towards the end of the film has got to be the worst choreographed thing I ever saw and they all look like drunks at an Easter egg hunt but I was really surprised that some dumb teenager could beat a (supposed) highly trained foreign agent in a fight. For anyone interested in some trivia you might want to know that actress Murphy who plays Pam was actually Warrens wife and she would go on to an incredibly successful career behind the scenes in both television and film. The actor who plays the vato...er...Ivan was Los Angeles disc jockey Chuck Niles and he was very popular for a number of years and even has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. If your into low budget horror films or a connoisseur of bad cinema in general than this is definitely for you but to be honest I just have a soft spot for small films and an effort like this is quite simply a lot of fun to view.
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Really bad but I enjoyed it
Stevieboy66628 February 2023
"Teenagers" sail to a supposedly uninhabited island but come up against a mad female scientist called Dr Myra, her zombie servant Ivan and a couple of foreign agents who are inventing some gas that will enslave the USA by turning people into mindless "zombies"! I believe this to be my first Jerry Warren film and wow, he could give the legendary Ed Wood jr a run for his money in the bad movies stakes! So what's bad about it? Well for a start the "teens" were played by actors pushing 30 and the acting is atrocious, especially one of the kids called Morrie (Jay Hawk). This is not really a zombie movie, no reanimated dead here but instead people who have been brainwashed into a mindless and obedient state. The sets were filmed in a house, this is very obvious and thrown into the mix is a gorilla, or should I say man in a gorilla suit. The plot is utterly bonkers and the fact that it is played straight makes it hilariously bad. Thankfully Dr Myra is played by the very attractive Katherine Victor, she gets my vote for sexiest mad female scientist in a z-movie ever. Seriously, she is hot! If you enjoy Ed Wood's trashy movies then check this one out, yes it is terrible yet at the same time it's one of those so bad that it's fun to watch flicks.
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