12 Reviews
Some great entertainers...and take the time to read about the history of these Hollywood all-black movie
Terrell-42 February 2008
Killer Diller is one of the hundreds of films Hollywood churned out in the Thirties and Forties with minimal budgets, usually limited skills with the behind-the-camera personnel and with all-black casts. As soon as the pictures were in the can they were sent out to play in the movie equivalent of the old vaudeville chitlin' circuit...movie theaters in the South that played to segregated black audiences and movie theaters in the north that played to almost exclusively black audiences. The movies might have been second rate but the artists seldom were. Hollywood might now be incessantly patting its back about how liberal and open- minded it is toward black actors (we won't get into the situation with Latinos), but a generation ago just about the only opportunity for talented and skilled black entertainers were in these unofficially segregated movies. If we want a better understanding of Hollywood movie-making, we need to see some of these films. For many of the entertainers featured, these films are the only record we have of what they could do. On the one hand, these movies make a sad and discouraging story. On the other, what wonders these artists could perform.

Killer Diller has the slightest of story lines, something about Mortimer Dumdone (George Wiltshire), the impresario of a theater who is presenting a variety show, somehow seeing his fiancé, Lola (Nellie Hill) disappear in a magic trick with a string of expensive pearls around her neck. A fake magician (Dusty "Open the Door, Richard" Fletcher), pretending to be Voodoo Man, is responsible. Dumdone's secretary, Butterfly McQueen, calls in the cops, who turn out to be a quartet of bumbling, falling, sprawling incompetents. Now forget all that. The point of the movie is the variety show, and it's a lot of fun. Basically, the director set up his camera facing the stage and then took a long lunch break. Let's see...there's Andy Kirk and His Orchestra doing some great, driving swing numbers featuring jazz saxophones...vocalist Beverley White, a cross between Pearl Bailey and Ethel Waters, singing...

"I don't want to get married / for when you're single you have so much fun.

I don't want to get married / 'cause two don't live as happily as one.

Now I might want to stay out late some times all the way next day

And I don't want to be worried about what my husband's going' to say."

There's Patterson and Jackson, two large and very round singers, one a first-rate tap dancer, who manage among their other bits to do a wonderful impression of the four Ink Spots...Moms Mabley, that rough-voiced, dry-witted comedienne, serves up laughs and a song...The Clark Brothers, two young men who are all fast taps and smooth moves, never let up in a long tap routine...The King Cole Trio performs three numbers. Nat Cole already is as stylish and distinctive a vocalist as he was a great jazz pianist. There's also a dancing chorus and a blow-'em-away finale that brings the Trio and the Andy Kirk Orchestra together in a big, flashy swing number.

Every now and then we check back to see how the plot line is going.

Dusty Fletcher, the fake magician, is a comic actor with great timing. He also, like so many black comedians way back when, uses all the black exaggerations in the book to get laughs, just as so many Jewish comedians have used all the stereotyped "Jewish" characteristics. It seems that when an ethnic comedian uses stereotypes to get laughs from his or her own ethnic group, it's accepted, even if uneasily at least by those not of the group. But a comedian not of the ethnic group using those same comedy lines and voice inflections just seems odious. It's an uncomfortable and understandable situation. We might make a joke about our Aunt Bertha, but we don't want to hear a joke about her coming from the neighbor down the block. Yet I still felt awkward seeing Fletcher saying and doing the kind of eye- rolling exaggerations that made Amos and Andy popular back then and which seem extraordinarily condescending now. The saving grace, I suppose, is that Fletcher may be playing an unschooled charlatan, but the man's as sly as a fox, as shrewd as a Washington lawyer and a heck of a lot funnier than either Amos or Andy.
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Jazz/Dance Highlights, Comedy Pyrite
MonkPlaya27 December 2004
The plot doesn't matter much, although it is fairly important to understanding the ending (which I failed to pay attention to.) But it isn't necessary in order to enjoy the classic performances from some of the 1940s biggest acts, my favorite being Nat King Cole's silky melodies with his early King Cole Trio. But the Clark Brothers are showstoppers, and their tap routine here is no less entertaining than the Nicholas Brothers in Stormy Weather, another personal favorite. Some of the comedy material may be extremely dated, but I couldn't help but think if "Moms" Mabley's set was performed by my Grandmother...now THAT is what killed me. What surprised me most amidst all the notable performances was that any of the humor survived these 57 years, making it a barely hour-long curiosity for the brave jazz, dance, or history buff.
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Nice Musical Variety Show from Harlem Circa 1947
jayraskin27 January 2011
There are about ten acts from the 1940's that are well filmed. It was a pleasure seeing Nat King Cole and Moms Mabley so young. The rotund Patterson and Jackson steal the show with their crooning, dancing and imitation of the Four Inkspots. The Clark Brothers, a terrific tap dancing team, also bring the applause meter to a ten. The other acts aren't great, but the music is pleasant and nicely represents the Swing sound in the late 1940's. The beat occasionally sounds like early rock and roll. The line of dancing girls at the end is amusing to watch.

About ten minutes of the hour is taken up with a poorly photographed story of a magician chased by the police for making a girl disappear. Butterfly McQueen appears in this This is on a 20 pack of musicals from Mill Creek which I picked up for $2.50. So far I've watched three: "Killer Diller," "All American Coed" and "Hi Diddle Diddle" and each is worth the price of admission.
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Inch-high on plot, The Jolly Green Giant on Talent!
mark.waltz15 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of the Fats Waller musical tribute "Ain't Misbehavin'" will adore this all-black film set in a Harlem nightclub., featuring some of the best black entertainers of the 1940's. It's all about putting on a black musical revue, with a bit of a jewel heist caper thrown in for good measure. Everyone from Moms (Jackie) Mabley, Butterfly McQueen (being very much like Gracie Allen) to Nat King Cole and wonderful imitators of the Ink Spots get to perform. Mobley is funny in a sequence where, like the Keystone Cops ballet in "High Button Shoes", thinks the audience is laughing at her while a variety of cops appear behind her, coming out of a magic booth involved in humorous hijinks. The musical highlight is a performance of "Tain't Nobody's Business If I Do" and the unforgettable voice of Nat King Cole, here not singly billed, but appearing as part of the King Cole trio. The film's print is rather poor but the sound quality is satisfactory, making this a great record of what black audiences and the many other fans of that style of entertainment were enjoying "way uptown" in the golden age of Harlem entertainment.
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Music and comedy come together in whats little more than a filmed stage show, however its still a great deal of fun
dbborroughs18 August 2007
This is another of the filmed vaudeville shows that played to black theaters in the 40's and 50's. These films have just enough plot to string together some musical and comedy acts with varied amount of success. I've seen several of these films now thanks to bargain DVD companies and this is one of the best.

The nominal plot has a theater owner needing a magician to replace one thats disappeared. A booking agent send over a beaten ratty looking gentlemen who makes mischief between the owner and his girlfriend. The owner wants to see the magic act and the magician obliges by making the girlfriend disappear not to mention the police who come to investigate. A chase begins, which gets paused as some one remembers that the show must go on, so the doors are opened and the audience enters. What follows are some dynamite musical and comedy acts including Nat King Cole and Moms Mabley (who appeared in other films like this to better effect, but I'm quibbling). Its a great deal of fun and unlike most other films of this type there really isn't a bad act in the bunch. The film ends with the magician doing his thing...but to say any more would be telling.

Definitely a film worth searching out. No only one of the best films of this type, its also just a very good filmed piece of entertainment. Certainly the sort of thing that will bear repeated viewings, which is probably the best thing I can say about any film.
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Good movie, great entertainers, no budget
yonhope31 December 2006
Hi, Everyone, The best part of this is the dance routine, make that two dance routines by The Clark Brothers. They are gorgeous to watch and they move like boneless puppets on rubber strings. How can they keep smiling when they have to be pooped? Nat Cole is the biggest name here. This was about two years before he became a huge name in the world of show business when he recorded "Mona Lisa." He had a lot of fame already when he appeared here from earlier, but lesser hits like "Sweet Lorraine" and more notably, "The Christmas Song," which eventually would become his biggest seller. He was only 17 years from the end of his career. He would die in 1965.

The songs he sings here are good from a musicianship standpoint, but they suck for the listener. If he had done "Nature Boy" or "Ramblin' Rose" or "Pretend" this movie would have been a real winner. I guess they weren't written yet.

Some of the other musical numbers and comedy entries are just barely acceptable, including "Moms" Mabley, who would become a wonderful comedy actress and act in her later years. It is hard to believe she was past 50 when this was made. Her style was taking shape, but her writing was not there yet.

The twosome that does an impression of The Ink Spots is enjoyable and I would like to have seen them with some great material. Perhaps a script would have helped.

The basic story is OK and it keeps one amused with a Keystone Kops type troupe, but the sets are not quite as grandiose as one might see in Ben Hur or Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

There is a lot to like here. It is wonderful some early footage like this exists to show what vaudeville was and where some of the big names came from.

Nat was more enjoyable in Cat Ballou. I once had the pleasure of watching him perform in person at NBC TV in Hollywood for his TV show. He was great with a live audience. He stayed for about an hour after the show was over to perform for the audience in the theater.

Tom Willett
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Variety revue Killer Diller worth seeing for many black entertainers both legendary and obscure
tavm11 February 2011
Continuing to review movies featuring African-Americans in chronological order for Black History Month, we're now at 1948 with a revue presented on film by the All-American News company. What plot there is concerns Dusty "Open the Door, Richard" Fletcher being chased by some bumbling cops because of some ridiculous situation I don't feel like discussing here. The only funny parts of these segments were when one of those policemen said he knows where Dusty went because "I saw this picture before!" not to mention when another of them said "Let's do that again", the film went backward before the same running action ran as before. There was an amusing appearance by Jackie "Moms" Mabley on stage when discussing Old Mother Hubbard's gin or scatting to the song "Don't Sit on My Bed". Otherwise, it was mostly great musical acts like the Big Band-flavored Andy Kirk and His Orchestra, vocalist Beverly White, and The King Cole Trio with Nat himself playing great piano while singing "Ooh, Kickeroonie" and "Now He Tells Me" and then member Johnny Miller doing great bass on the instrumental "Breezy and the Bass". Also, Patterson and Jackson entertainingly impersonate The Ink Spots on "If I Didn't Care" before one of them does a tap dancing routine. Another duo of that sort are The Clark Brothers doing the kind of stuff The Nicholas Brothers had already done in several major shorts and features. And then there's the jitterbugging Four Congaroos which feature a couple of male-female pairs energetically doing what was the dance style of the day. Many of these acts, other than The King Cole Trio, aren't very well known today and appeared in few other films. The same could be said of many of the supporting actors though an exception would be Ken Renard, who plays the The Great Voodoo here, who subsequently appeared in many features and TV shows. In fact, I just watched him in the 1969 True Grit in which he was Yarnell Pointdexter, Mattie Ross's guardian during the hanging sequence when she was played by Kim Darby. Oh, and one more player here who had done many major features but would soon quit since she didn't like the stereotyping she endured was Butterfly McQueen who wasn't funny here. She would appear in Ms. Mabley's last film appearance of Amazing Grace in 1974. Okay, so on that note, I highly recommend Killer Diller if you're a curious enough film buff. P.S. Another player, Augustus Smith, was a native of Jacksonville, FL, which was where I once lived at from 1987-2003.
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Not as good as it sounds
fubared128 December 2006
Don't be fooled by the other reviewers. Although this film contains an impressive array of talent, the material they present leaves a great deal to be desired. Nat King Cole's 3 numbers are pretty lame and not even close to his later efforts, though he does impress with his piano playing. 'Moms' Mabley is not a bit funny, though I remember her as a very entertaining talk show guest from my youth. Actually, the best performances are from a couple of fat guys who impress with a lively tap dance and a Four Tops takeoff, and the jazz band itself, especially in the number featuring the bass player. The print itself is pretty poor quality, and the wonderful Butterfly McQueen is totally wasted in the wraparound plot.
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"See, that's the kind of jive I'm talking about"
hwg1957-102-2657048 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from a wafer thin plot about a missing magician and rather unfunny comedy this is filled with great music and dancing. It's ostensibly set in a theatre but the occasional shots of the crowd don't convince one that it is. It's simply filmed to allow the performers to do their thing, and what talented things they do; Andy Kirk and his orchestra bringing clouds of joy, the Nat 'King' Cole trio confirming Mr. Cole's deft piano playing, Patterson and Jackson singing, dancing AND doing impressions, Beverlee White singing saucy songs, The Clark Brothers tapping away tight and fast and the Four Congaroos whirling and writhing wildly. That's entertainment!
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Curio from the All Black Closet
artpf27 September 2013
Very interesting movie made when there were all black films made exclusively for all black theatres in the 40s. The films featured popular black acts of the day.

The director of this movie also directed a number of all black movies including Hi De Ho, which is a classic.

The story is thin, but the action keeps moving forward at a good pace. Most notable is a young Mom Mabley (actually in her 50s with teeth!) and Nat King Cole, as well as Butterfly McQueen.

Parenthetically, the Wiki listing of Mom's Mabley is very confusing. It says she came out as a lesbian in 1921 at aged 27, which is not only hard to believe, but also doesn't explain how she had a bunch of kids and grand kids.

It's not a great movie, but is worth watching as a way to remember how things were in the past during segregation when producers found a profitable market with all black audiences. Interestingly, some of the action might be considered racist or stereotyped today, but one must remember that these acts played this way for black audiences and these movies were not even seen by whites until recent years when the movies were release on DVD!
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ptb-89 February 2006
Even a z grade DVD from a battered 16mm print full of joins can NOT dampen my enthusiasm for this jaw dropping roster of vaudeville talent captured on film from the front row of The Lincoln Theatre Somewheres-ville 1947. Like Boardinghouse Blues the previous year, this film is basically a camera in the front row capturing an all black talent show...but God Almighty! what astonishing talent! The swing music and the orchestrations will keep this on play for days only to pause and gawp at The Clark Bros..two handsome slick young tappers who almost out-tap the Nicholas Bros in two high speed routines I needed to watch 77 times just to stop applauding in the privacy of my own lounge room. See 25 year old Nat King Cole and his trio and a hilarious Flip Wilson style deadpan comedian called Moms Maberly as a dry witted housewife, droll in the extreme (I almost expected her to exclaim "The Devil made Me Do It!") delivering a hilarious and well timed song called "Don't Sit On My Bed". More talent on show than any MGM musical costing a zillion dollars more, KILLER DILLER lives right up to it's name. There is a story there somewhere about a rascally invisible comedian or is that a magician who keeps disappearing with someone's girlfriend....almost like THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S but gloriously all Negro and wall to wall talent! a real wow!
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I Believe!
helenem-636383 June 2019
The chubby bros sing the song "I Believe" - which i believe ive never heard before, except for my dad singing it around the house. Its just amazing for me when i hear some random bits of music that my dad essentially employed as memes when he spoke, which he did a lot. Use verbal memes, i mean.

Also worth watching to see Moms Mabley as a young woman, altho no too different from her as an older woman. And my own personal new theme song is "Aint nobodys business but my own."
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