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Sex & Nudity

  • Warning: Though it is not the intention of this user, content descriptions may contain unavoidable spoilers

Violence & Gore

  • List of instances:
  • A car crash and explosion is seen. A dead body is shown being pulled out of a body of water onto a boat. There are dialog references to a man being shot dead and another eaten by cannibals. An aftermath of a body being burnt in a furnace is shown and a pile of ash is seen. A character is attacked in his sleep and nearly strangled. A body is blown up with dynamite though the act is only heard and not seen. Characters are nearly killed via a falling boulder pushed off a cliff by an unseen assailant. Aftermaths of characters whove been beaten over the head for the purpose of incapacitation. A dialog reference to a corpse being dismembered by having his head and limbs amputated. There is another dialog reference to a character being shot. A character is shot in the hand.
  • Overview:
  • No graphic violence is seen and most of the murders are referenced to in dialogue or briefly viewed from afar (if at all) in aftermath scenes.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Characters are frequently seen drinking socially and smoking tobacco. A character is seen drinking alcohol from shot glasses and has slurred dialog indicating that he is drunk. Strong tobacco is used by a character as a stimulant to keep awake and alert for a long vigil ahead A character is seen drinking more and more, presumably to calm his nerves.
  • No illicit drug use is seen or referenced to though there is frequent use of alcohol and tobacco including a couple scenes of alcohol abuse.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The tone and setting of this murder mystery is grim, dark and melancholy. Both protagonists and supporting characters are in frequent-constant peril.

See also

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