8 Reviews
Mostly a western.
stevehaynie14 September 2004
Broadway To Cheyenne starts off with a bunch of big city gangsters fighting and killing each other with Detective Breezy Kildare caught in the middle. When Breezy goes out west to the ranch where he grew up he runs into the same bunch of crooks. The gangsters are offering "protection" to the local ranchers. For the rest of the movie it's cowboys and gangsters.

Even though there is a story in Broadway To Cheyenne it just looks odd to see a bunch of New York City gangsters riding around the desert in a car fighting cowboys on horses. A gangster shooting a Tommy gun versus a cowboy with a revolver does not look right either.

As Breezy, Rex Bell seems out of place as a cowboy. It is easier to think of him as the big city cop because of the build-up in the beginning of the movie. He fights the same people he was fighting in New York. The characters are the same, but the setting has changed.

George Hayes does not play a sidekick, just an old cowhand. You can see the seeds of the Windy/Gabby character that he would develop later. He is not cantankerous, just rough and western. During the early 1930's Hayes played a variety of characters, so he could not be expected to be the old codger all the time. His role is minor, but he still has a great presence in Broadway To Cheyenne.

Broadway To Cheyenne definitely has the feel of a 1932 movie. If it were strictly a gangster movie or a western it would be perfect for that time. Instead it was a fun idea that someone decided to work with, but it was not a great western.
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when the East meets the West
kidboots20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This unintentionally funny (in parts) film would be classed as satire today but back in 1932, a scriptwriter thought it was probably a novel idea to combine gangsters and cowboys. Giving the West some topical problems New Yorkers were having.

Rex Bell is the star. He was married to Clara Bow. Even though he loved the West, he wasn't a great actor and soon left films to become a rancher. He had a very likable screen presence and in this film played "Breezy" Kildare, a detective who is shot in a nightclub, in the middle of a gangland shooting. Gwen Lee is his date.

He goes to his father's ranch in Cheyenne to recuperate and gets re-acquainted with Ruth (played by the very lovely Marceline Day), Joe Carter's daughter. At first they are hostile to him as he was instrumental in sending Joe to jail but he also petitioned to have him released (they didn't know about that) - so they soon become friends again. Joe runs the saloon, masquerading as a "soft drinks" counter where only beer and spirits seemed to be served and there is a very visible sign NO MINORS ALLOWED. Joe is in the hands of a bootlegger and fears for his life.

The gangsters have already turned up and have started a cowboy and ranchers protection agency. For all the cattlemen who don't come across, the gangsters go riding around the countryside in a touring car, shooting up cowboys, cattle and anything that gets in their way - with a machine gun. It is hilarious. There is a scene - a hillside shoot out where "Breezy" gets the machine gun away from them and turns it on them. After killing "Breezy's" dad, the ringleader is captured but begs to be given a break. Gabby Hayes replies "you'll get a break - a rope and a tree that have never been used before".

The end scene shows "Breezy" and Ruth planning to leave the West and go back to New York were life was simpler and good. It was a very enjoyable Western that I would watch again.
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Cowboys versus gangsters
bkoganbing23 September 2016
Rex Bell who married Clara Bow and then went on to be Lt.Governor of Nevada after leaving the screen stars in this film with cowboys versus gangsters. This was done for Monogram Pictures with a minuscule budget and a lot of stock footage.

Nevertheless the film has its interesting points concerning the cowboy and gangster culture clashing in the modern west of 1932.

Bell's gone east to be a newspaper reporter and gets himself shot in the middle of a gang shootout. Rest is what the doctor prescribes and Bell goes back to his old ranch a little bit away from Cheyenne.

Where he finds that the local Cattleman's Association is just a dressed up protection racket and run by one of the gangsters he left on Broadway.

All I can say is that the ending clearly marks this as a pre-code picture. And look to the classic story in the many versions of The Virginian to see how things were handled.

Bell's no great actor, but he looks good tall in the saddle. Clara Bow sure thought so. Preston Sturges regular Al Bridge is one of the gangsters and Gabby Hayes has a scraggly beard, but a huge walrus mustache and his character is named just that, Walrus.

B western fans might like this.
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Well, it's not terrible.
planktonrules5 January 2011
This B-western stars Rex Bell--a man who made quite a few Bs and also married silent star, Clara Bow. For a very interesting account of this woman's life and her marriage to Bell, try reading "Clara Bow: Running Wild"--a very interesting biography.

Now to the story. Like so many B-westerns of the era, this one is an odd combination of the old and new. The film is set in the present time and is about gangsters and the like in New York. When the mob tries to kill Breezy Kildaire (Bell), he hightails it back to his family ranch out west. From here on, the film is filled with cowboys and the like--things you'd expect to be seeing around the latter portion of the 19th century. This odd juxtaposition of the old and new is not uncommon in B-westerns. Heck, I remember seeing a Gene Autry film chock full of cowboys chasing pickup trucks on their horses as well as making phone calls! Odd, but not all that uncommon. It is also odd that these cowboys in "Broadway to Cheyenne" drink beer--it IS during prohibition. Talk about anachronistic! Once out west, Breezy learns of a 'protective association'--a group of mobsters selling 'protection'. In other words, if you don't pay them, then you can expect to have a life-threatening accident or have your cattle machine gunned!! This is all very modern and odd in such a western setting--and something you might expect to see in a Jimmy Cagney or Edward G. Robinson flick. I know I sure felt a might confused! So is the film worth seeing? Well, considering Hollywood made 1472950823 B-westerns, I don't think it's particularly good--especially for the casual viewer. Now if you are a huge B-western fan, it is probably worth seeing--even if Bell has a very stiff persona and the film has little to distinguish it from the crowd. Watchable but not particularly inspired or interesting.

By the way, you may or may not recognize Gabby Hays in this film. In the early portion of the 1930s, he still hadn't perfected his old coot sidekick persona--and here he looks a bit like this guy but not quite as he's sporting a mustache instead of his usual beard. In fact, Hays played many different types of roles during this time in westerns--erudite gentlemen, crazy old coots, villains or whatever else was needed in the movies. Regardless, he's the best thing about this film--and is quite good in his small role.
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"Sure we'll give you a break, we'll give you a rope and a tree that ain't ever been used before!"
classicsoncall4 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was my first look at Rex Bell, and I wish I could say it was a more auspicious introduction. His character Breezy Kildare is a New York City cop working out of the DA's office, who winds up getting shot when Butch Owen's (Robert Ellis) gang opens up on Louie Walsh at the Back Door Night Club. When it's all over, Breezy decides it's the right time to head out West to his Dad's ranch for a while for a little R and R.

It's always amazing to me how the law of averages is constantly challenged in these old films of the Thirties and Forties. Wouldn't you know it, but when Breezy arrives in town, he finds the Independent Cattle Breeders Protective and Benevolent Association headed up by who else - Butch Owen! Clear across the country and they both wind up in the same place. This happened all the time in these era flicks, but I guess film goers of the time were still too fascinated with talking pictures to worry much about things like plot and story line.

Still, this picture has some fairly novel elements, chief among them the pairing of two different film genres - gangsters and Westerns. There was also the presence of the modern world encroaching on the Old West, with the bad guys tooling around in a motor car for their choice of transportation. In terms of movie trivia, I'd have to say that this is probably the only movie you'll ever see where a henchman uses a machine gun to mow down the cattle of a rancher who refused their so called 'protection'. Not to worry, the cattle were off screen and there were no bodies, but just the idea of it was kind of eerie.

In keeping with the machine gun theme, Rex Bell had a novel idea when he climbed up a boulder and used a lasso to rope one out of the hands of the shooter when the eventual showdown occurred between the good guys and the bad guys. This could never happen for real, but I refer you to my earlier comment.

George Hayes appears in this one in pre-Gabby mode, and it was unusual to see him with a handlebar moustache instead of his more familiar whiskers. His role isn't much, but he does have a stand-out moment when he shoots the hats off of four henchmen at Joe Carter's Soft Drink Emporium and Pool Hall.

Probably the oddest thing to occur in the picture (besides the early scene where the local ranchers stripped Breezy out of his back East duds and threw some cowboy gear on him), was the way villain Owen closed out the picture. Taken into custody following the shoot-out and hustled off by the cowboys, Owen kills himself with his own pistol! Chalk up another unusual event in a Western I've never seen before.
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Cowboy Detective
StrictlyConfidential6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Broadway To Cheyenne" was originally released back in 1932.

Anyway - As the story goes - Detective Breezy Kildare is gunned down by the Owens gang during a shoot-out in a New York night club. After Breezy recovers, he heads to his father's Wyoming ranch to rest and recuperate. There, he encounters Owens once more, and this time the villain is running a protection racket preying on the helpless locals. Breezy is incensed and sets out to stop Owens, who in turn plans to kill our fearless hero.
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Suicide and maybe some early near nudity but still fun
yonhope1 August 2009
This movie has cars and horses and nightclubs and pool table saloons. Machine guns and cows and big city mobsters who have a beef with the beef ranchers. High steaks, but the only T bone you will see is a trombone just before the lights go out. Really you have to see it. This movie has phone booth violence and wide open spaces chases and gunfights in the Rockies. It actually has a drive by shooting. I won't give away any of the plot but I will tell you Clara Bow had excellent taste. Young Rex Bell here, still in his twenties, does a strip scene which probably got everyone in the theater to buy another ticket to watch again to see if what they saw was for real. At about 17 minutes into the movie watch for Rex to be stripped by a bunch of cowboys. All in good fun, of course. These are manly men who just want to take the young guy's clothes off. Then go watch some football. Not only do they strip him down to his white boxers, but apparently this was before they had learned how to sew the opening of those boxers ( or maybe loose briefs ) closed. No tape was used to conceal anything. Nothing major is showing except maybe that opening might be more clear in the first editions of this movie. I watched a fuzzy image... fuzzy might be the key word. This movie is actually good enough for most people who are able to accept black and white. I think Rex Bell could be a star today if he looked like this and acted like this. He is very charming. When I first moved to Nevada in the early 1960s Rex was the Leutenant Governor and he was very much liked by Nevadans. I recommend this and be sure to watch any Clara Bow movie to see Rex's wife Clara. Look up their story. They had amazing careers plus wild private lives. There is one suicide in this movie and it was realistic for its time.
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New York Visits Wyoming
FightingWesterner17 March 2010
Detective Rex Bell is shot by gangsters in a New York nightclub. Coming home to his father's Wyoming ranch in order to recuperate, he trades his city-slicker outfit for a cowboy hat and jeans. Rex soon finds the gang that shot him, trying to muscle there way into new territory by selling "protection" to the local cattlemen.

A fun little cowboys-versus-gangsters picture, this combines two of the nineteen-thirties most endearing B-movie genres into a neat little package. One scene has vengeful gangsters mowing down cattle with a Tommy-gun!

The following year, Monogram Pictures and producer Paul Malvern launched a new line of B-westerns under the Lone Star moniker, featuring their new contract star John Wayne. Much in the same vein as the Wayne vehicles, Broadway To Cheyenne has some decent action scenes and appearances by western stars George "Gabby" Hayes and Earl Dwire.
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