Help support IP Cam Viewer!

December 12th, 2017

Wow. Can’t believe I’ve been building and supporting IP Cam Viewer for over 11 years. If you have used it for many years, please consider becoming a patron to help keep IP Cam Viewer going. Thank you for your support!

Please become a patron.

Alternately, you can make one time donations using any Lightning compatible wallet by scanning a QR code.

$5 (12000sat) Donation

$10 (24000sat) Donation

$20 (48000sat) Donation

Updated Guide: How to view your cameras from outside.

July 29th, 2021

Let’s assume you’ve already setup IP Cam Viewer so your cameras are visible from inside your home (LAN). Now, you want to view them from outside your home.

The following guide covers the traditional method (port forwarding plus DDNS) and a newer TOR method. The tradition method requires a little more setup but is more flexible. The newer TOR method is easier to setup but has some limitations.

Traditional Methods:

1. The tradition way is to setup port forwarding and get a DDNS hostname.

To increase security, you could use stunnel to add SSL for all ports exposed to the outside by hiding cameras behind stunnel.

This is still the best method because connections are fast and you preserve the most functionality. With this setup, you just change the IP/Port(s) in Edit Camera to the WAN values.

2. A less frequently used method is to use VPN to access your home network from outside.

In this case, the settings for IP Cam Viewer stay the same, as if you where at home.

TOR Network, a Simpler way:

In some cases, your ISP may have your home router behind a double NAT where you can not setup port forwarding on the outermost router.

If you just can’t use port forwarding and DDNS, then you can use TOR to get a simple view of all your cameras from outside.

Basically, I run IP Cam Viewer in Record Mode 24×7 and hang it on a wall in matrix view. In this mode, the app has a built-in Web Server which allows simple views using a Web Browser.

We’ll take advantage of this Web Server by making it accessible from outside using the TOR network. On the road, you can use the TOR Browser to access this Web Server to view your home cameras.

In addition to the browser view, you can also use IP Cam Viewer on your mobile phone to view/control the feeds coming from your Web Server over TOR. Note that this new TOR method requires IP Cam Viewer v7.3.5 or newer on Android.

Finally, here are the steps.

Setup IP Cam Viewer Web Server:
1. Use an Android phone/tablet to run IP Cam Viewer v3.7.5+ in Record Mode.
2. In IP Cam Viewer’s App Settings, under Embedded Web Server, disable the Server to change settings
3. Change HTTP port to 8080, change the viewer+admin user passwords, and then Enable Server.
4. Verify web server is working by using browser on same device to visit “”. You should get a welcome page.

Setup Orbot for the Web Server:
1. On the same device running IP Cam Viewer with Web Server, install “Orbot” from Play Store.
2. In Orbot apps’s main screen, turn OFF “VPN Mode” (we don’t need it since we’re just using Orbot to to access our web server).
3. Click the Menu button (…) in the upper right hand corner and select “Onion Services”, then select “Hosted v3 Onion Services”.
4. Select “User Services” and click the Add (+) button in the lower right hand corner.
5. Enter “IPC” for name, “8080” for local port, “8080” for Onion port, and Click Save.
6. Under the “IPC” name, you’ll see a long hostname ending in “.onion”. Click on the link and select “Copy address to clipboard”.
7. Return to Orbot’s main screen and press “Start”. That’s it.

You can now use the “TOR Browser” from anywhere to access your web server. The URL will look like “http://sdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfg.onion:8080”.
Note: don’t turn on SSL for IP Cam Viewer’s Embedded Web Server because TOR will use encryption already.

Setup IP Cam Viewer on your mobile phone to view/control these cameras (via your web server over TOR):
1. on your mobile phone, download “Orbot” from Play Store.
2. In Orbot apps’s main screen, turn OFF “VPN Mode” (we don’t need it since we’re just using Orbot to to access our web server).
3. Press “Start” from Orbot’s main screen. It should start a HTTP Proxy at port 8118.
4. on your mobile phone, run IP Cam Viewer v7.3.5+ for Android
5. click Add Camera in Manage Cameras
6. select “IP Cam Viewer Server (Orbot)” from camera type. This driver will automatically use the HTTP Proxy at port 8118.
7. Enter the onion address (ends in .onion) into the Host/IP field.
8. Enter 8080 for the Service/Onion port.
9. Enter user/password from your web server setup. Viewer user allows viewing only. Admin user allows control such as PTZ.
10. Click Save.

That’s it. You can now view from anywhere. Just make sure Orbot is running/started first.

Secure your P2P camera, NVR, or DVR.

November 16th, 2017

Most new IP cameras are using P2P by default. These cameras will send data to a central server either for IP lookup, recording or for relaying data (if direct connection by client to camera fails).

Worse, some cameras still report information even if P2P is turned “off”. These cameras often have a generic API which allows the server to issue any linux type commands or network calls so they can be a backdoor into your network. Even features like alarm notifications are sent to servers like “”.

Just how long do you think each vendor is going to keep paying for cloud services after they sell out? I tell owners that email me about failed p2p cameras to simply connect directly to them (see below).

Yes, they are easier to use – just plug in – but I’d rather connect app DIRECTLY to the camera. Use the steps below to better secure these cameras, dvrs, nvrs:

1. Most P2P cameras have a hidden web interface or offer RTSP/ONVIF support, so find those ports either in the admin screens or via port scanning.

2. Use the Scan Camera functionality in my app, with camera’s LAN IP/Port, to automatically find compatible drivers.

3. Turn off P2P feature in camera and use the traditional DDNS/DNS and port forwarding setup for outside access (WAN), or better yet, see step 5 on using stunnel to expose devices for outside access.
– see

4. Disable camera’s ability to reach out.
– set it’s internal IP address statically so you can alter the Gateway, DNS, and other values.
– set it’s Gateway IP address to a non-existant address (so it can’t find it’s way to internet servers)
– set it’s DNS server IP to a non-existant address (so it can’t lookup address of internet servers).

5. Use stunnel to protect your cameras and to provide access from outside (instead of camera’s ports being accessible from outside, only stunnel ports are accessible from outside):
– run stunnel on an old android, pc or raspberry pi.
– for example, goes to stunnel at port 8001 which then converts back to non-ssl forwarding to camera’s internal port 80.
– this way, you only need to open the stunnel machine to the outside and secure it. This way, all cameras/devices are only accessible from the outside through stunnel via SSL.
– most cameras have multiple ports, so remember to setup stunnel/port forwarding for required ports (often HTTP and RTSP ports).

6. Finally, turn OFF UPNP support in your router to prevent internal devices from automatically opening tunnels from the outside to the inside without you knowing it.

HD Quality Portable Spotter Cam for Target Practice

April 9th, 2017

Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a 640×480 resolution spotter cam system when you can make a more flexible HD quality setup for half the price.


1) Camera: Many choices but the Amcrest IP2M-841 is 1080P resolution for $81 on Amazon (sometimes on sale for less).

2) Battery: Can’t beat a walmart battery for $48.88.

3) Power Inverter: Any car power inverter will work, this 300W unit for $16.99 comes with aligator clips and USB ports as an extra bonus!

4) Wifi Hotspot: You could use your phone, but it’s simpler to just use a cheap wifi router.

5) Holding it together: A simple toolbox from homedepot to stuff everything inside.

6) Charger: To re-charge the battery, you can use your car jumper cables or this simple wall charger (also great for maintaining car batteries when on vacation).

That’s it for hardware. Now let’s configure all the pieces to work together.

A) Power up wifi router at home and connect your phone/tablet/computer to it. Verify you can change router’s admin settings with it’s web interface. Setup user accounts, etc.

B) Plug camera into wifi router using eithernet port. Verify you can access camera’s web interface from your phone/tablet/computer which is still connected same wifi. Setup user accounts, etc.

C) Now change camera settings to using the router’s WIFI settings, disconnect ethernet cable and reboot camera. Camera should be on wifi now. Verify you can still see camera using phoen/tablet/computer.

D) Finally, run HandiSpotter on your phone/tablet to view camera.

That’s it. Stuff everything into the toolbox and bring it to a field for some target practice.


March 30th, 2017

A new app for you sharp shooters. Capture targets from afar. Marker up and export your results. Works with most IP cameras using your phone/tablet wifi hotspot.

Play Store Link
Video 1 Video 2

For target practice at long distances, use this app with almost any WIFI camera and your phone/tablet to capture, record and export your results.

• Click on a previous shot capture to see where it landed.
• Add marker to highlight each shot.
• Export and share results as a video file, animated GIF or a simple frame image.
• Works with over 1600+ cheap IP Cameras

No more walking back and forth very couple of shots.

Use your phone/tablet’s WIFI hotspot to connect camera at ranges of 100-300ft (dedicated hotspot devices have longer range).
If you need power down range, many cameras use 12v so take a car battery (use voltage regulator if needed).

Great tool for archery, air and pb competition preparation and sight in.

IP Cam Viewer tips for CCTV installers

October 15th, 2015

If you’re a CCTV installer and your clients are running IP Cam Viewer, then see this post on how to send cameras and update cameras for your customers.

Run IP Cam Viewer on Mac, Windows, Linux, Chromebook using Chrome and Arc Welder

April 8th, 2015

You can run IP Cam Viewer on Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebook via the Chrome browser! Until IP Cam Viewer is published in the Chrome App Store, use the following steps to run IP Cam Viewer via the Arc Welder Chrome App.

1. Install the Arc Welder app in Chrome.
2. Download the IP Cam Viewer Lite APK file.
3. Run Arc Welder, click “Add your APK”, select the APK file.
4. On the configuration screen, use all defaults, except enter the following into the “Additional Metadata” field (last field on the bottom):
5. Click the “Launch App” button

When app is run for the first time, Chrome will ask you to select a folder (or create a new folder) on your computer. This folder is where IP Cam Viewer files will be stored. Anytime the app uses “/sdcard/…” or any other path, the files will be located under this folder.


CEL-iN1 Door Mount GSM Intercom

February 2nd, 2015

Want to know who’s ringing your doorbell? Want to let someone inside while away from home?

The Celius CEL-iN1 multifunction door bell will call you, let you open/close doors, and let you interact with visitors via cameras using IP Cam Viewer. Watch video.

Integrating IP Cam Viewer with third party apps and products is possible with the app’s embedded web server API, Android intents and launch URLs. Device integration include Android Wear watches, Amazon Fire TV/Stick, Chromecast, HDMI sticks, Google TV, Android TV and SmartThings home automation hub.

IP Cam Viewer is available for Apple, Android and Blackberry devices. Windows Phone 8.1 release is targeted for summer 2015!

Android Wear support in v5.7

December 2nd, 2014

The android version of IP Cam Viewer now supports Android Wear devices (see link).

In Gallery View, select More Actions then “Push Android Wear App”. Once the wear app is deployed on the watch, you can launch the wear app on the watch and view your enabled cameras (including some basic functions like relay on/off and quick preset recall).

Moto 360 with IP Cam Viewer

So now, IP Cam Viewer in one form or another supports Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick, Android TV, Chromecast, Android Wear and stills works from Android 1.6-5.0!

Can’t believe I got the Fire TV Stick for $19 bucks! Did you know it actually runs Android apps so it’s basically the cheapest hdmi stick (unlike the dumb chromecast stream player).

More Integration: SmartThings Hub

August 22nd, 2014

Good news! If you use IP Cam Viewer to record your cameras 24×7 and have a SmartThings hub, then you can automate motion notifications globally and vary camera groups based on the Away / Home modes in SmartThings.

Add presense detection in SmartThings to switch modes and you won’t even have to push a button.

Finally, you can integrate any camera supported by IP Cam Viewer into SmartThings by using the app’s embedded web server.

Automate Away Mode

Frame Capture

Read rest of the article here…