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2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
1980's: 1989

This is the comprehensive listing of all of the hacks in the IHTFP Hack Gallery, presented in reverse chronological order.



































Hacks during 2023

Prev (2022)

Duke banner in the facade of Building 7; a welcome sign in Lobby 7

Prev (2022)

Hacks during 2022

Prev (2021) / Next (2023)

Study desk placed in roof space
A giant Duck (stollen from Harvard) showed up in a 26-100 lecture
Banners saying "Wakanda Forever" decorated the facade of Building 7
There was a replica of the Eye of Sauron on top of Small Dome
A black stripe covered the word Openness in a Lobby 7 banner
Door stoppers around campus protest MIT closedness stance.
Wordle in the windows of building 8
Giant two's went on top of Small Dome and Alchemist

Prev (2021) / Next (2023)

Hacks during 2021

Next (2022)

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of a hack featuring barber poles, hackers covered MIT campus in 70 barber poles, and invited the MIT community to participate in a scavenger hunt to find them all.
Apple Picking at Lobby 7

Next (2022)

Hacks during 2019

Prev (2018)

MIT hackers topped the Great Dome with Captain America's shield in honor of the premier of Avengers: Endgame.

Prev (2018)

Hacks during 2018

Prev (2017) / Next (2019)

Hackers honor their professor's imperative to always be prepared for chemistry
Hackers fly a periodic table -- and then later a candy cane -- above Killian Court
An office chair and cone appeared on the Lobby 7 dome
A banner from Harvard appeared on 77 Mass Ave.
A disco ball was suspended above Lobby 7.

Prev (2017) / Next (2019)

Hacks during 2017

Prev (2016) / Next (2018)

Hackers greeted finals-takers with a banner bearing the text "Nothing's Impossible" and chocolates.
2017 CSAIL Sail
Large sail with the letter "C" on the Stata CSAIL building.
A foam dinosaur was placed on top of Kresge Auditorium a few days before Halloween.
On the 10th anniversary of the release of the video game Portal, GLaDOS appeared, descending in Lobby 7.
Students both mourn the loss of and show solidarity for Senior House
2017 Earth Day
Hackers transform both the top and underside of the dome into a globe for Earth Day.
2017 21 in 7
Playing cards bearing the incoming freshman class number
Statues around campus wear pussy hats in celebration of International Women's Day
Hackers display the purple ribbon for all of Boston to see
Hackers honor the opening of the revival of Hack, Punt, Tool by paying tribute to a hack from the past
Hackers make the Stata Center buttons more expressive

Prev (2016) / Next (2018)

Hacks during 2016

Prev (2015) / Next (2017)

Hackers deploy a rover to Kresge Oval
Hackers celebrated the final day of 3.091 lecture
2016 MacGhosts
Ghosts haunt MacGregor's windows for Halloween
"Great fortune will fill your halls from an unknown source"
Hackers welcome the class of 2020 with a banner over 77 Mass Ave.
Hackers celebrate the 25 year mark from when Torvalds announced Linux
Hackers point out Richard Cockburn Maclaurin's true "energy vision" by posting a painting of him using his super powered laser vision.
Four planes strung between Stata and Building 68
Hackers celebrate the release of Captain America: Civil War.
An interactive origami beaver suspended above Lobby 10
Hackers deployed banners welcoming the prospective class of 2020
2016 ExSPONGEd
A banner and a duck appear in front of Maseeh Hall
Drones invade MIT on MIT Admissions Day
Decorations for Random Hall's 12th birthday filled Lobby 7
2016 SpaceX
Hackers anticipate SpaceX's Falcon 9 launch.
Hackers honor recently deceased actor, Alan Rickman
Commemorating the passing of singer-songwriter David Bowie, hackers strung a banner in front of Lobby 7 and added an auditory and visual tribute to Bowie's style and music inside.

Prev (2015) / Next (2017)

Hacks during 2015

Prev (2014) / Next (2016)

Piñatas fill Lobby 7
Hackers celebrate 20 years of Pixar
A projected French flag on the Great Dome, showing support for the people of Paris after the recent attack
2015 Fallout 4
Hackers celebrate the release of Fallout 4
A scene from the second Harry Potter book
Hackers greet MIT parents with a fleet of MIT animals!
Great Scott! In honor of Back to the Future Day, Lobby 7 was decorated with various BTTF paraphernalia, while a time-traveling DeLorean was found crashed outside.
2015 New Bexley
A smaller version of Bexley Hall found its way to the top of the Little Dome, across the street from where the now-demolished dorm originally stood.
Hackers hang their own digital clock in Lobby 7, in support of a Muslim high school freshman who was arrested after his clock project was labelled as a bomb.
2015 Hackapult
While trying to figure out how to get hacks onto the dome, hackers used a catapult to launch old hacks back towards the dome with varying degrees of success.
Tau on the cow in Stata
2015 MIT Pride
Hackers illuminated the Great Dome in rainbow lights in honor of the Supreme Court ruling earlier that day legalizing same-sex marriage.
Hackers don the new Media Lab building with a logo that can be seen only from above
Hackers decorate Lobby 7 for the new Jurassic Park film
Pi, pies, and Ozoks in the Lobby 7 skylight
Pirate Bay flag in Lobby 7.
2015 Snowhenge
Stonehenge on Kresge Oval.

Prev (2014) / Next (2016)

Hacks during 2014

Prev (2013) / Next (2015)

The famous fairy tale beanstalk and castle on the 66/68 Skybridge.
In honor of Phoebe Wang.
2014 Rainbow 77
77 Mass Ave decked out for Boston's Pride Parade.
In honor of Officer Sean Collier.
A giant MIT admissions tube on Caltech campus.
Hackers deployed an extra "Thank You" banner during MIT's 2014 Excellence Awards ceremony.
Olymic Rings Su