
Note added 4/21/20 by Marc Levoy: Except for links to People > Faculty, this web site has become outdated. Most links to Research projects, Courses in graphics, Technical publications, Slides from talks, Software packages, Data archives, and Cool Demos still function and might be useful. However, links to people other than faculty, infrastructure, and opportunities for students are likely broken or irrelevant.

Available information:


In addition to the links above, each faculty member's home page summarizes their own research projects, and some include links to invited talks. Click here to learn how the banner image at the top of this page was created. If the images on this server look dark to you, see our note about gamma correction. Press here for copyright protection information, which also restricts use of the three-dimensional Stanford "S" in our lab logo.

Other Stanford Pages:

© 1994-2023 Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory
Last update: December 31, 2022 10:56:24 PM