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PDP Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy-C Working Group

Last Updated:

Please note that the documents linked below related to the PDP are provided for informational purposes. Some documents are produced by the GNSO and others are not. To learn about the materials on the Active Project pages, please see this overview.


The Inter‐Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is a consensus policy adopted in 2004 to provide a straightforward procedure for domain name holders to transfer domain names between registrars. An overall review of this policy identified areas that require clarification or improvement. At its meeting of 22 September 2011, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council passed a resolution chartering a Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (WG) to address the topic of Inter-Registrar Transfer Policies (IRTP) Part C. Because the initial review identified a wide range of issues related to transferring domain names, the issues have been categorized into subsets. This Working Group will tackle the issues referred to as "Part C".

The Working Group shall consider the following questions as outlined in the Final Issue Report and make recommendations to the GNSO Council:

  1. "Change of Control" function, including an investigation of how this function is currently achieved, if there are any applicable models in the country-code name space that can be used as a best practice for the gTLD space, and any associated security concerns. It should also include a review of locking procedures, as described in Reasons for Denial #8 and #9, with an aim to balance legitimate transfer activity and security.
  2. Whether provisions on time-limiting Form Of Authorization (FOA)s should be implemented to avoid fraudulent transfers out. For example, if a Gaining Registrar sends and receives an FOA back from a transfer contact, but the name is locked, the registrar may hold the FOA pending adjustment to the domain name status, during which time the registrant or other registration information may have changed.
  3. Whether the process could be streamlined by a requirement that registries use IANA IDs for registrars rather than proprietary IDs.


Implementation Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • Marika Konings

Policy Issues Arising from Transfer Review:

Submitted on: 23 August 2007

PDP Grouping Report:

Submitted on: 19 March 2008

Preliminary Issue Report:

Submitted on: 25 July 2011

Issue Report:

Submitted on: 29 August 2011

GNSO Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 22 September 2011

Whereas the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is an existing consensus policy under review by the GNSO;

Whereas the GNSO Transfers Working Group identified a number of issues in its review of the current Policy and those issues have been grouped into suggested PDPs, set A-E, as per the Council's resolution of 8 May 2008;

Whereas the GNSO Council requested an Issue Report on IRTP Part C at its meeting on 22 June 2011 (see;

Whereas a Preliminary Issue Report on IRTP Part C was published on 25 July 2011 for public comment (see;

Whereas a Final Issue Report on IRTP Part C was published on 29 August 2011 (see;

Whereas, the Final Issue Report recommends that the GNSO Council proceed with a Policy Development Process limited to consideration of the issues discussed in this report, and the General Counsel of ICANN has indicated the topic is properly within the scope of the ICANN policy process and within the scope of the GNSO


The GNSO will initiate a PDP on the issues defined in the Final Issue Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C (

A Working Group will be created for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the PDP.

Working Group Charter:

Adopted on: 22 September 2011

Working Group Public Comment and Input from Supporting Organizations/Advisory Committees and GNSO Stakeholder Groups/Constituencies:

Submitted on: 21 November 2011

Working Group Initial Report:

Submitted on: 4 June 2012

Working Group Final Report:

Submitted on: 9 October 2012

GNSO Adoption of the Final Report:

Adopted on: 17 October 2012

GNSO Council Report to the ICANN Board:

Finalized on: 15 November 2012

Public Comment Prior to ICANN Board Consideration:

Opened on: 22 October 2012

Notification by the ICANN Board to the GAC to Request Input on Whether Policy Recommendations Raise Public Policy Issues:

Submitted on: 15 November 2012

Board Paper:

Submitted on: 20 December 2012

ICANN Board Resolution Text:

Adopted on: 20 December 2012

Notice of Policy Actions:

Adopted on: 20 December 2012

Implementation Details:

Additional Information:

  • None
