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Archived – July 2017 | Generic Top Level Domains

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The new gTLD program, from the 2012 Application Round, was approved by the GNSO Council on 6 September 2007 and approved for accepting applications by the ICANN Board at the Singapore meeting June 2011. Prior to June 2011, the program migrated from policy development within the community to the ICANN staff for implementation. The information provide below lists some of the key developments within the GNSO where the policy development process took place and led to the eventual implementation of the 2012 new gTLD Program. For current status information regarding the new gTLD program, please visit the ICANN New gTLD dedicated site.

ICANN Board Resolution Text Approving the new gTLD Program:

Adopted on: 20 June 2011

Summary: Resolved (2011.06.20.01), the Board authorizes the President and CEO to implement the new gTLD program which includes the following elements [see link for details]

ICANN Board Resolution Approving the GNSO Consensus Policy on New gTLDs:

Adopted on: 26 June 2008

Summary: Resolved (2008.06.26.02), based on both the support of the community for New gTLDs and the advice of staff that the introduction of new gTLDs is capable of implementation, the Board adopts the GNSO policy recommendations for the introduction of new gTLDs [see link for details]

GNSO Council Resolution Approving the Introduction of New gTLDs:

Adopted on: 6 September 2007

The GNSO Council supports the 20 recommendations, as a whole, as set out in the Final Report of the ICANN Generic Names Supporting Organization on the Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains ( going forward to the ICANN Board.

GNSO Working Group List of Efforts Related to gTLDs:

Application Lists from Previous Rounds:

Other Material: