Utrecht Summer School: Applying Ethics to Digital Innovation

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From 8 to 12 July 2024, the HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, Netherldans, is organising an international summer school that every year brings together students from all over the world. The summer school, entitled "Applying Ethics in Digital Innovation", will address the topic of how to apply ethics in digital innovation. As the consequences of digitalisation are becoming more and more visible, the aim of the summer school is to teach students to use the opportunities offered by digitalisation responsibly, to respect personal and public values and to consider safety when students come into contact with digital solutions.

During the summer school, students are also introduced to various tools, solutions and techniques to address moral issues and dilemmas related to digitalisation.

Each student receives 2 ECTS points for participating in the summer school.

For more information on the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Summer School and to register, please visit this website: https://utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/engineering-technology/applying-ethics-in-digital-innovation.

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